< Yeremia 49 >

1 Kuhusu Waamoni: Hili ndilo asemalo Bwana: “Je, Israeli hana wana? Je, hana warithi? Kwa nini basi Moleki amechukua milki ya Gadi? Kwa nini watu wake wanaishi katika miji yake?
Of the children of Ammon. The LORD says: “Has Israel no sons? Has he no heir? Why then does Malcam possess Gad, and his people dwell in its cities?
2 Lakini siku zinakuja,” asema Bwana, “nitakapopiga kelele ya vita dhidi ya Raba mji wa Waamoni; utakuwa kilima cha magofu, navyo vijiji vinavyouzunguka vitateketezwa kwa moto. Kisha Israeli atawafukuza wale waliomfukuza,” asema Bwana.
Therefore behold, the days come,” says the LORD, “that I will cause an alarm of war to be heard against Rabbah of the children of Ammon, and it will become a desolate heap, and her daughters will be burned with fire; then Israel will possess those who possessed him,” says the LORD.
3 “Lia kwa huzuni, ee Heshboni, kwa kuwa Ai umeangamizwa! Pigeni kelele, enyi wakazi wa Raba! Vaeni nguo za gunia na kuomboleza, kimbieni hapa na pale ndani ya kuta, kwa kuwa Moleki atakwenda uhamishoni, yeye pamoja na makuhani na maafisa wake.
“Wail, Heshbon, for Ai is laid waste! Cry, you daughters of Rabbah! Clothe yourself in sackcloth. Lament, and run back and forth among the fences; for Malcam will go into captivity, his priests and his princes together.
4 Kwa nini unajivunia mabonde yako, kujivunia mabonde yako yaliyozaa sana? Ee binti usiye mwaminifu, unayeutumainia utajiri wako na kusema, ‘Ni nani atakayenishambulia?’
Why do you boast in the valleys, your flowing valley, backsliding daughter? You trusted in her treasures, saying, ‘Who will come to me?’
5 Nitaleta hofu kuu juu yako kutoka kwa wale wote wanaokuzunguka,” asema Bwana, Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote. “Kila mmoja wenu ataondolewa, wala hakuna hata mmoja atakayekusanya wakimbizi.
Behold, I will bring a terror on you,” says the Lord, GOD of Armies, “from all who are around you. All of you will be driven completely out, and there will be no one to gather together the fugitives.
6 “Lakini hatimaye, nitarudisha mateka wa Waamoni,” asema Bwana.
“But afterward I will reverse the captivity of the children of Ammon,” says the LORD.
7 Kuhusu Edomu: Hili ndilo asemalo Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote: “Je, hakuna tena hekima katika Temani? Je, shauri limewapotea wenye busara? Je, hekima yao imechakaa?
Of Edom, the LORD of Armies says: “Is wisdom no more in Teman? Has counsel perished from the prudent? Has their wisdom vanished?
8 Geuka na ukimbie, jifiche katika mapango marefu kabisa, wewe uishiye Dedani, kwa kuwa nitaleta maafa juu ya Esau wakati nitakapomwadhibu.
Flee! Turn back! Dwell in the depths, inhabitants of Dedan; for I will bring the calamity of Esau on him when I visit him.
9 Je, kama wachuma zabibu wangekuja kwako, wasingebakiza zabibu chache? Kama wezi wangekujia usiku, je, si wangeiba tu kiasi ambacho wangehitaji?
If grape gatherers came to you, would they not leave some gleaning grapes? If thieves came by night, would not they steal until they had enough?
10 Lakini nitamvua Esau nguo abaki uchi, nitayafunua maficho yake, ili asiweze kujificha. Watoto wake, jamaa na majirani wataangamia, naye hatakuwepo tena.
But I have made Esau bare, I have uncovered his secret places, and he will not be able to hide himself. His offspring is destroyed, with his brothers and his neighbors; and he is no more.
11 Waache yatima wako; nitayalinda maisha yao. Wajane wako pia wanaweza kunitumaini mimi.”
Leave your fatherless children. I will preserve them alive. Let your widows trust in me.”
12 Hili ndilo asemalo Bwana: “Kama wale wasiostahili kukinywea kikombe ni lazima wakinywe, kwa nini wewe usiadhibiwe? Hutakwepa kuadhibiwa, ni lazima ukinywe.
For the LORD says: “Behold, they to whom it did not pertain to drink of the cup will certainly drink; and are you he who will altogether go unpunished? You will not go unpunished, but you will surely drink.
13 Ninaapa kwa nafsi yangu,” asema Bwana, “kwamba Bosra utakuwa magofu na kitu cha kutisha, cha aibu na cha kulaania; miji yake yote itakuwa magofu milele.”
For I have sworn by myself,” says the LORD, “that Bozrah will become an astonishment, a reproach, a waste, and a curse. All its cities will be perpetual wastes.”
14 Nimesikia ujumbe kutoka kwa Bwana: Mjumbe alitumwa kwa mataifa kusema, “Jikusanyeni ili kuushambulia! Inukeni kwa ajili ya vita!”
I have heard news from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the nations, saying, “Gather yourselves together! Come against her! Rise up to the battle!”
15 “Sasa nitakufanya uwe mdogo miongoni mwa mataifa, aliyedharauliwa miongoni mwa watu.
“For, behold, I have made you small among the nations, and despised among men.
16 Vitisho vyako na kiburi cha moyo wako vimekudanganya, wewe unayeishi katika majabali ya miamba, wewe unayedumu katika miinuko ya kilima. Ujapojenga kiota chako juu sana kama cha tai, nitakushusha chini kutoka huko,” asema Bwana.
As for your terror, the pride of your heart has deceived you, O you who dwell in the clefts of the rock, who hold the height of the hill, though you should make your nest as high as the eagle, I will bring you down from there,” says the LORD.
17 “Edomu atakuwa kitu cha kuogofya; wote wapitao karibu watashangaa na kuzomea kwa sababu ya majeraha yake yote.
“Edom will become an astonishment. Everyone who passes by it will be astonished, and will hiss at all its plagues.
18 Kama vile Sodoma na Gomora zilivyoangamizwa, pamoja na miji iliyokuwa jirani nayo,” asema Bwana, “vivyo hivyo hakuna mtu yeyote atakayeishi humo. Naam, hakuna mtu yeyote atakayekaa humo.
As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and its neighbor cities,” says the LORD, “no man will dwell there, neither will any son of man live therein.
19 “Kama simba anayepanda kutoka vichaka vya Yordani kuja kwenye nchi ya malisho mengi, ndivyo nitamfukuza Edomu kutoka nchi yake ghafula. Ni nani aliye mteule nitakayemweka kwa ajili ya jambo hili? Ni nani aliye kama mimi, na ni nani awezaye kunipinga? Tena ni mchungaji yupi awezaye kusimama kinyume nami?”
“Behold, he will come up like a lion from the pride of the Jordan against the strong habitation; for I will suddenly make them run away from it, and whoever is chosen, I will appoint him over it. For who is like me? Who will appoint me a time? Who is the shepherd who will stand before me?”
20 Kwa hiyo, sikia kile Bwana alichokipanga dhidi ya Edomu, kile alichokusudia dhidi ya wale waishio Temani: Aliye mchanga katika kundi ataburutwa mbali; yeye ataharibu kabisa malisho yao kwa sababu yao.
Therefore hear the counsel of the LORD, that he has taken against Edom, and his purposes that he has purposed against the inhabitants of Teman: Surely they will drag them away, the little ones of the flock. Surely he will make their habitation desolate over them.
21 Kwa sauti ya anguko lao, dunia itatetemeka. Kilio chao kitasikika hadi Bahari ya Shamu.
The earth trembles at the noise of their fall; there is a cry, the noise which is heard in the Red Sea.
22 Tazama! Tai atapaa juu angani na kuruka chini kwa ghafula, akitandaza mabawa yake juu ya Bosra. Katika siku hiyo, mioyo ya mashujaa wa Edomu itakuwa kama moyo wa mwanamke katika utungu wa kuzaa.
Behold, he will come up and fly as the eagle, and spread out his wings against Bozrah. The heart of the mighty men of Edom at that day will be as the heart of a woman in her pangs.
23 Kuhusu Dameski: “Hamathi na Arpadi imetahayarika, kwa kuwa wamesikia habari mbaya. Wamevunjika moyo na wametaabika kama bahari iliyochafuka.
Of Damascus: “Hamath and Arpad are confounded, for they have heard evil news. They have melted away. There is sorrow on the sea. It cannot be quiet.
24 Dameski amedhoofika, amegeuka na kukimbia, hofu ya ghafula imemkamata sana; amepatwa na uchungu na maumivu, maumivu kama ya mwanamke katika utungu wa kuzaa.
Damascus has grown feeble, she turns herself to flee, and trembling has seized her. Anguish and sorrows have taken hold of her, as of a woman in travail.
25 Kwa nini mji ambao unajulikana haujaachwa, mji ambao ninaupenda?
How is the city of praise not forsaken, the city of my joy?
26 Hakika, vijana wake wanaume wataanguka barabarani; askari wake wote watanyamazishwa siku hiyo,” asema Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote.
Therefore her young men will fall in her streets, and all the men of war will be brought to silence in that day,” says the LORD of Armies.
27 “Nitatia moto kuta za Dameski; utaangamiza ngome za Ben-Hadadi.”
“I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus, and it will devour the palaces of Ben Hadad.”
28 Kuhusu Kedari na falme za Hazori, ambazo Nebukadneza mfalme wa Babeli alizishambulia: Hili ndilo asemalo Bwana: “Inuka, ushambulie Kedari na kuwaangamiza watu wa mashariki.
Of Kedar, and of the kingdoms of Hazor, which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon struck, The LORD says: “Arise, go up to Kedar, and destroy the children of the east.
29 Hema zao na makundi yao ya kondoo yatachukuliwa; vibanda vyao vitatwaliwa pamoja na mali zao zote na ngamia zao. Watu watawapigia kelele, ‘Hofu kuu iko kila upande!’
They will take their tents and their flocks. they will carry away for themselves their curtains, all their vessels, and their camels; and they will cry to them, ‘Terror on every side!’
30 “Kimbieni haraka! Kaeni kwenye mapango marefu sana, ninyi mkaao Hazori,” asema Bwana. “Nebukadneza, mfalme wa Babeli amepanga shauri baya dhidi yenu; amebuni hila dhidi yenu.
Flee! Wander far off! Dwell in the depths, you inhabitants of Hazor,” says the LORD; “for Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has taken counsel against you, and has conceived a purpose against you.
31 “Inuka na ulishambulie taifa lililo starehe, linaloishi kwa kujiamini,” asema Bwana, “taifa lisilo na malango wala makomeo; watu wake huishi peke yao.
Arise! Go up to a nation that is at ease, that dwells without care,” says the LORD; “that has neither gates nor bars, that dwells alone.
32 Ngamia wao watakuwa nyara, nayo makundi yao makubwa ya ngʼombe yatatekwa. Wale walio maeneo ya mbali nitawatawanya pande zote, nami nitaleta maafa juu yao kutoka kila upande,” asema Bwana.
Their camels will be a booty, and the multitude of their livestock a plunder. I will scatter to all winds those who have the corners of their beards cut off; and I will bring their calamity from every side of them,” says the LORD.
33 “Hazori itakuwa makao ya mbweha, mahali pa ukiwa milele. Hakuna yeyote atakayeishi humo; hakuna mtu atakayekaa ndani yake.”
Hazor will be a dwelling place of jackals, a desolation forever. No man will dwell there, neither will any son of man live therein.”
34 Hili ndilo neno la Bwana lililomjia nabii Yeremia kuhusu Elamu, mapema katika utawala wa Sedekia mfalme wa Yuda:
The LORD’s word that came to Jeremiah the prophet concerning Elam, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, saying,
35 Hili ndilo Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote asemalo: “Tazama, nitavunja upinde wa Elamu, ulio tegemeo la nguvu zao.
“The LORD of Armies says: ‘Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the chief of their might.
36 Nitaleta pepo nne dhidi ya Elamu toka pande nne za mbingu, nitawatawanya katika hizo pande nne, wala hapatakuwa na taifa ambalo watu wa Elamu waliofukuzwa hawatakwenda.
I will bring on Elam the four winds from the four quarters of the sky, and will scatter them toward all those winds. There will be no nation where the outcasts of Elam will not come.
37 Nitamfadhaisha Elamu mbele ya adui zao, mbele yao wale wanaotafuta uhai wao; nitaleta maafa juu yao, naam, hasira yangu kali,” asema Bwana. “Nitawafuatia kwa upanga mpaka nitakapowamaliza.
I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies, and before those who seek their life. I will bring evil on them, even my fierce anger,’ says the LORD; ‘and I will send the sword after them, until I have consumed them.
38 Nitaweka kiti changu cha enzi huko Elamu na kumwangamiza mfalme wake na maafisa wake,” asema Bwana.
I will set my throne in Elam, and will destroy from there king and princes,’ says the LORD.
39 “Lakini nitarudisha mateka wa Elamu katika siku zijazo,” asema Bwana.
‘But it will happen in the latter days that I will reverse the captivity of Elam,’ says the LORD.”

< Yeremia 49 >