< Isaya 16 >

1 Pelekeni wana-kondoo kama ushuru kwa mtawala wa nchi, Kutoka Sela, kupitia jangwani, hadi mlima wa Binti Sayuni.
Send yee a lambe to the ruler of the worlde from the rocke of the wildernesse, vnto the mountaine of the daughter Zion.
2 Kama ndege wanaopapatika waliofukuzwa kutoka kwenye kiota, ndivyo walivyo wanawake wa Moabu kwenye vivuko vya Arnoni.
For it shall be as a birde that flieth, and a nest forsaken: the daughters of Moab shall be at the foordes of Arnon.
3 “Tupeni shauri, toeni uamuzi. Wakati wa adhuhuri, fanyeni kivuli chenu kama usiku. Waficheni watoro, msisaliti wakimbizi.
Gather a cousel, execute iudgement: make thy shadowe as the night in the midday: hide them that are chased out: bewray not him that is fled.
4 Waacheni watoro wa Moabu wakae pamoja nanyi; kuweni mahali pao pa salama ili kuepuka mharabu.” Mtesi atafikia mwisho na maangamizi yatakoma, aletaye vita atatoweka kutoka nchi.
Let my banished dwell with thee: Moab be thou their couert from the face of the destroyer: for the extortioner shall ende: the destroyer shalbe consumed, and the oppressour shall cease out of the land.
5 Kwa upendo kiti cha enzi kitaimarishwa, kwa uaminifu mtu ataketi juu yake, yeye atokaye nyumba ya Daudi: yeye ambaye katika kuhukumu hutafuta haki, na huhimiza njia ya haki.
And in mercy shall the throne be prepared, and hee shall sit vpon it in stedfastnesse, in the tabernacle of Dauid, iudging, and seeking iudgement, and hasting iustice.
6 Tumesikia juu ya kiburi cha Moabu: kiburi chake cha kujivuna na udanganyifu, kiburi chake na ufidhuli wake, lakini majivuno yake si kitu.
We haue heard of the pride of Moab, (he is very proud) euen his pride, and his arrogancie, and his indignation, but his lies shall not be so.
7 Kwa hiyo Wamoabu wanaomboleza, wanaiombolezea Moabu kwa pamoja. Wanaomboleza na kuhuzunika kwa ajili ya watu wa Kir-Haresethi.
Therefore shall Moab howle vnto Moab: euery one shall howle: for the foundations of Kirhareseth shall ye mourne, yet they shalbe striken.
8 Mashamba ya Heshboni yananyauka, pia na mizabibu ya Sibma. Watawala wa mataifa wamekanyaga mizabibu iliyo mizuri sana, ambayo ilipata kufika Yazeri na kuenea kuelekea jangwani. Machipukizi yake yalienea yakafika hadi baharini.
For ye vineyards of Heshbon are cut downe, and the vine of Sibmah: the lordes of the heathen haue broken the principal vines thereof: they are come vnto Iaazer: they wandred in the wildernesse: her goodly branches stretched out them selues, and went ouer the sea.
9 Hivyo ninalia kama Yazeri aliavyo, kwa ajili ya mizabibu ya Sibma. Ee Heshboni, ee Eleale, ninakulowesha kwa machozi! Kelele za furaha kwa ajili ya tunda lako lililoiva na kwa ajili ya mavuno zimekomeshwa.
Therefore will I weepe with the weeping of Iaazer, and of the vine of Sibmah, O Heshbon: and Elealeh, I will make thee drunke with my teares, because vpon thy sommer fruits, and vpon thy haruest a showting is fallen.
10 Furaha na shangwe zimeondolewa kutoka mashamba ya matunda; hakuna yeyote aimbaye wala apazaye sauti katika mashamba ya mizabibu; hakuna yeyote akanyagaye zabibu shinikizoni, kwa kuwa nimekomesha makelele.
And gladnes is taken away, and ioy out of the plentifull fielde: and in the vineyardes shall be no singing nor shouting for ioy: the treader shall not tread wine in the wine presses: I haue caused the reioycing to cease.
11 Moyo wangu unaomboleza kwa ajili ya Moabu kama kinubi, nafsi yangu yote kwa ajili ya Kir-Haresethi.
Wherefore, my bowels shall sounde like an harpe for Moab, and mine inwarde partes for Ker-haresh.
12 Wakati Moabu anapojitokeza mahali pake pa juu, anajichosha mwenyewe tu; anapokwenda mahali pake pa kuabudia miungu ili kuomba, haitamfaidi lolote.
And when it shall appeare that Moab shall be wearie of his hie places, then shall hee come to his temple to praie, but he shall not preuaile.
13 Hili ndilo neno ambalo Bwana ameshasema kuhusu Moabu.
This is the word that the Lord hath spoken against Moab since that time.
14 Lakini sasa Bwana anasema: “Katika miaka mitatu, kama vile mtumishi aliyefungwa na mkataba angeihesabu, fahari ya Moabu na watu wake wengi watadharauliwa, nao walionusurika watakuwa wachache sana, tena wanyonge.”
And nowe the Lord hath spoken, saying, In three yeres, as the yeeres of a hireling, and the glorie of Moab shall be contemned in all the great multitude, and the remnant shalbe very small and feeble.

< Isaya 16 >