< Wahebrania 9 >

1 Basi agano lile la kwanza lilikuwa na kanuni zake za kuabudu na pia patakatifu pake pa kidunia.
But in the first there were ordinances of ministry, and a worldly sanctuary.
2 Hema ilitengenezwa. Katika sehemu yake ya kwanza kulikuwa na kinara cha taa, meza na mikate iliyowekwa wakfu; hii sehemu iliitwa Mahali Patakatifu.
For in the first tabernacle that was made there were the candelabrum, and the table, and the presencebread; and this was called the Holy place.
3 Nyuma ya pazia la pili, palikuwa na sehemu iliyoitwa Patakatifu pa Patakatifu,
But the interior tabernacle, that was within the second veil, was called the Holy of Holies:
4 ambapo palikuwa na yale madhabahu ya dhahabu ya kufukizia uvumba, na lile Sanduku la Agano lililofunikwa kwa dhahabu. Sanduku hili lilikuwa na gudulia la dhahabu lenye mana, ile fimbo ya Aroni iliyochipuka, na vile vibao vya mawe vya Agano.
in it were the incense-vessel of gold, and the ark of the covenant, which was altogether covered with gold; and within it were the golden urn, in which was the manna, and the rod of Aharun that budded, and the tablets of the covenant:
5 Juu ya lile Sanduku kulikuwa na makerubi ya Utukufu yakitilia kivuli kile kifuniko ambacho ndicho kiti cha rehema. Lakini hatuwezi kueleza vitu hivi kwa undani sasa.
and above this the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy-seat. But time there is not to speak upon every one of these which were thus ordained.
6 Basi vitu hivi vilipokuwa vimepangwa, makuhani waliingia daima katika sehemu ya kwanza ya hema ili kufanya taratibu zao za ibada.
Now, into the outer sanctuary at all times entered the priests, and fulfilled their offices;
7 Lakini ni kuhani mkuu peke yake aliyeingia ndani ya sehemu ya pili ya hema. Tena hii ilikuwa mara moja tu kwa mwaka, na hakuingia kamwe bila damu, ambayo alitoa kwa ajili yake mwenyewe na kwa ajili ya dhambi za watu walizotenda bila kukusudia.
but into the tabernacle which was within, one day in the year, alone, entered the high priest, with that blood which he offered for himself and the sins of the people.
8 Kwa njia hii, Roho Mtakatifu alikuwa anaonyesha kwamba, maadamu ile hema ya kwanza ilikuwa bado imesimama, njia ya kuingia Patakatifu pa Patakafifu ilikuwa bado haijafunguliwa.
By this the Spirit of Holiness made known that the way of the holies was not yet manifested, so long as was the standing of the first tabernacle.
9 Huu ulikuwa mfano kwa ajili ya wakati wa sasa, kuonyesha kwamba sadaka na dhabihu zilizokuwa zikitolewa hazikuweza kusafisha dhamiri ya mtu anayeabudu.
And this was a figurative representation for the time in which oblations and victims have been offered; -those which have not been able to perfect the consciousness of him who offered them;
10 Lakini hizi zilishughulika tu na vyakula na vinywaji, pamoja na taratibu mbalimbali za kunawa kwa nje, kanuni kwa ajili ya mwili zilizowekwa hadi wakati utimie wa matengenezo mapya.
but (have consisted) in meat and drink only, and in various kinds of baptism, being institutions of the flesh appointed until the time of setting right.
11 Kristo alipokuja akiwa Kuhani Mkuu wa mambo mema ambayo tayari yameshawasili, alipitia kwenye hema iliyo kuu zaidi na bora zaidi, ambayo haikutengenezwa kwa mikono ya binadamu, hii ni kusema, ambayo si sehemu ya uumbaji huu.
But the Meshiha who hath come was a High Priest of good things which he wrought out, and hath entered into the great and perfect tabernacle (which was) not made with hands, nor made from these creatures.
12 Hakuingia kwa njia ya damu ya mbuzi na ya ndama; lakini aliingia Patakatifu pa Patakatifu mara moja tu kwa damu yake mwenyewe, akiisha kupata ukombozi wa milele. (aiōnios g166)
Nor entered he with the blood of goats and calves, but with the blood of himself he entered once the holy place, and hath found eternal redemption. (aiōnios g166)
13 Damu ya mbuzi na ya mafahali, na majivu ya mitamba walivyonyunyiziwa wale waliokuwa najisi kwa taratibu za kiibada viliwatakasa, hata kuwaondolea uchafu wa nje.
For if the blood of goats and of calves, and the dust of an heifer, sprinkled upon those who were unclean, sanctifieth them for the purification of their flesh,
14 Basi ni zaidi aje damu ya Kristo, ambaye kwa Roho wa milele alijitoa nafsi yake kwa Mungu kuwa sadaka isiyo na waa, itatusafisha dhamiri zetu kutokana na matendo yaletayo mauti, ili tupate kumtumikia Mungu aliye hai! (aiōnios g166)
how much more then shall the blood of the Meshiha, who, by the Eternal Spirit, himself hath offered without spot unto Aloha, purify our conscience from dead works, to serve the Aloha the Living? (aiōnios g166)
15 Kwa sababu hii Kristo ni mpatanishi wa agano jipya, ili kwamba wale walioitwa waweze kupokea ile ahadi ya urithi wa milele: kwa vile yeye alikufa awe ukombozi wao kutoka kwa dhambi walizozitenda chini ya agano la kwanza. (aiōnios g166)
For this was he made the Mediator of the new covenant, that by his death he might become the ransom for those who had transgressed against the first covenant, (and) that they might receive the promise, they, who are called unto the inheritance which is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
16 Kwa habari ya wosia, ni muhimu kuthibitisha kifo cha yule aliyeutoa,
For where a covenant is, there is indicated the DEATH of that which made it.
17 kwa sababu wosia huwa na nguvu tu wakati mtu ameshakufa; kamwe hauwezi kutumika wakati yule aliyeuandika bado yuko hai.
For upon death only is it confirmed; because while he who made it lived there is no value in it.
18 Hii ndiyo sababu hata lile agano la kwanza halikuweza kutekelezwa pasipo damu.
Wherefore neither the first without blood was confirmed.
19 Mose alipotangaza kila amri kwa watu wote, alichukua damu ya ndama na ya mbuzi, pamoja na maji, sufu nyekundu na matawi ya mti wa hisopo, akanyunyizia kile kitabu na watu wote.
For when every precept had been enjoined by Musha to the whole people according to the law, Musha took the blood of the heifer, and water, with the scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled upon the books and upon all the people,
20 Alisema, “Hii ndiyo damu ya agano, ambalo Mungu amewaamuru kulitii.”
and said to them, This is the blood of that covenant which is commanded by Aloha.
21 Vivyo hivyo alinyunyizia damu hiyo kwenye ile hema pamoja na kila kifaa kilichotumika ndani yake kwa taratibu za ibada.
Also upon the tabernacle and upon all the vessels of the service from it with blood he sprinkled.
22 Kwa kweli sheria hudai kwamba, karibu kila kitu kitakaswe kwa damu, wala pasipo kumwaga damu, hakuna msamaha wa dhambi.
Because every thing with blood was purified under the law; and without shedding of blood there is no remission.
23 Kwa hiyo, ilikuwa muhimu kwa nakala za vitu vile vya mbinguni vitakaswe kwa dhabihu hizi, lakini vitu halisi vya mbinguni vilihitaji dhabihu bora kuliko hizi.
For it was necessary that these which are a type of the heavenlies, with (these) things should be purified; but the heavenlies themselves with sacrifices that are more excellent than they.
24 Kwa maana Kristo hakuingia kwenye patakatifu palipofanywa kwa mikono ya mwanadamu, ambao ni mfano wa kile kilicho halisi. Yeye aliingia mbinguni penyewe, ili sasa aonekane mbele za Mungu kwa ajili yetu.
For not into the sanctuary made with hands hath the Meshiha entered, which is an emblem of the true one, but into heaven itself hath he entered, that he might appear before the face of Aloha for us.
25 Wala hakuingia mbinguni ili apate kujitoa mwenyewe mara kwa mara, kama vile kuhani mkuu aingiavyo Patakatifu pa Patakatifu kila mwaka kwa damu ambayo si yake mwenyewe.
Nor that he should offer himself many times, as did the chief of the priests, entering every year into the holy place with blood not his own;
26 Ingekuwa hivyo, ingempasa Kristo kuteswa mara nyingi tangu kuumbwa kwa ulimwengu. Lakini sasa ametokea mara moja tu katika mwisho wa nyakati aiondoe dhambi kwa kujitoa mwenyewe kuwa dhabihu. (aiōn g165)
otherwise he would have been obligated many times to suffer from the beginning of the world. But now, in the end of the world, once hath he offered himself, that by his sacrifice he might abolish sin. (aiōn g165)
27 Kama vile mwanadamu alivyowekewa kufa mara moja tu na baada ya kufa akabili hukumu,
And as it is ordained to the sons of men, that they must once die, and after their death the judgment;
28 vivyo hivyo Kristo alitolewa mara moja tu kuwa dhabihu ili azichukue dhambi za watu wengi. Naye atakuja mara ya pili, sio kuchukua dhambi, bali kuwaletea wokovu wale wanaomngoja kwa shauku.
so also the Meshiha was once offered, and in his (own) person sacrificed (for) the sins of many; but the second time without sins he appeareth for the salvation of them who expect him.

< Wahebrania 9 >