< Mwanzo 49 >

1 Ndipo Yakobo akawaita wanawe na kusema: “Kusanyikeni kunizunguka ili niweze kuwaambia lile litakalowatokea siku zijazo.
Then Iaakob called his sonnes, and sayde, Gather your selues together, that I may tell you what shall come to you in the last dayes.
2 “Kusanyikeni na msikilize, enyi wana wa Yakobo, msikilizeni baba yenu Israeli.
Gather your selues together, and heare, ye sonnes of Iaakob, and hearken vnto Israel your father.
3 “Reubeni, wewe ni mzaliwa wangu wa kwanza, nguvu zangu, tunda la kwanza la nguvu zangu, umepita kwa heshima, umepita kwa uwezo.
Reuben mine eldest sonne, thou art my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellencie of dignitie, and the excellencie of power:
4 Usiyezuiwa kama maji, basi hutakuwa mkuu tena, kwa kuwa ulipanda kwenye kitanda cha baba yako, kwenye kitanda changu na kukinajisi.
Thou wast light as water: thou shalt not be excellent, because thou wentest vp to thy fathers bed: then diddest thou defile my bed, thy dignitie is gone.
5 “Simeoni na Lawi ni wana ndugu: panga zao ni silaha za jeuri.
Simeon and Leui, brethren in euill, the instruments of crueltie are in their habitations.
6 Mimi na nisiingie katika baraza lao, nami nisiunganike katika kusanyiko lao, kwa kuwa wamewaua watu katika hasira yao, walikata mishipa ya miguu ya mafahali kama walivyopenda.
Into their secret let not my soule come: my glory, be not thou ioyned with their assembly: for in their wrath they slew a man, and in their selfe will they digged downe a wall.
7 Hasira yao na ilaaniwe, kwa kuwa ni kali mno, nayo ghadhabu yao ni ya ukatili! Nitawatawanya katika Yakobo Na kuwasambaza katika Israeli.
Cursed be their wrath, for it was fierce, and their rage, for it was cruell: I will deuide them in Iaakob, and scatter them in Israel.
8 “Yuda, ndugu zako watakusifu; mkono wako utakuwa shingoni mwa adui zako; wana wa baba yako watakusujudia.
Thou Iudah, thy brethre shall praise thee: thine hande shalbe in the necke of thine enemies: thy fathers sonnes shall bowe downe vnto thee.
9 Ee Yuda, wewe ni mwana simba; unarudi toka mawindoni, mwanangu. Kama simba hunyemelea na kulala chini, kama simba jike: nani athubutuye kumwamsha?
Iudah, as a Lions whelpe shalt thou come vp from the spoyle, my sonne. He shall lye downe and couche as a Lion, and as a Lionesse: Who shall stirre him vp?
10 Fimbo ya ufalme haitaondoka kwa Yuda, wala fimbo ya mtawala kati ya miguu yake, hadi aje yeye ambaye milki ni yake, ambaye utii wa mataifa ni wake.
The scepter shall not depart from Iudah, nor a Lawegiuer from betweene his feete, vntill Shiloh come, and the people shall be gathered vnto him.
11 Atamfunga punda wake katika mzabibu, naye mwana-punda wake kwenye tawi lililo bora zaidi; atafua mavazi yake katika divai, majoho yake katika damu ya mizabibu.
He shall binde his Asse foale vnto ye vine, and his Asses colte vnto the best vine. hee shall wash his garment in wine, and his cloke in the blood of grapes.
12 Macho yake yatakuwa mekundu kwa divai, meno yake yatakuwa meupe kwa maziwa.
His eyes shalbe red with wine, and his teeth white with milke.
13 “Zabuloni ataishi pwani ya bahari na kuwa bandari za kuegesha meli; mpaka wake utapanuka kuelekea Sidoni.
Zebulun shall dwell by the sea side, and he shalbe an hauen for shippes: and his border shalbe vnto Zidon.
14 “Isakari ni punda mwenye nguvu ambaye amelala kati ya mizigo yake.
Issachar shalbe a strong asse, couching downe betweene two burdens:
15 Aonapo palivyo pazuri mahali pake pa kupumzika na jinsi nchi yake inavyopendeza, atainamisha bega lake kwenye mzigo na kujitolea kwa ajili ya kazi ngumu.
And he shall see that rest is good, and that the land is pleasant, and he shall bow his shoulder to beare, and shalbe subiect vnto tribute.
16 “Dani atahukumu watu wake kwa haki kama mmoja wa makabila ya Israeli.
Dan shall iudge his people as one of the tribes of Israel.
17 Dani atakuwa nyoka kando ya barabara, nyoka mwenye sumu kando ya njia, yule aumaye visigino vya farasi ili yule ampandaye aanguke chali.
Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder by the path, byting the horse heeles, so that his rider shall fall backward.
18 “Ee Bwana, nautafuta wokovu wako.
O Lord, I haue waited for thy saluation.
19 “Gadi atashambuliwa ghafula na kundi la washambuliaji, lakini yeye atawageukia na kuwashinda kabisa.
Gad, an hoste of men shall ouercome him, but he shall ouercome at the last.
20 “Chakula cha Asheri kitakuwa kinono, naye atatoa chakula kitamu kimfaacho mfalme.
Concerning Asher, his bread shalbe fat, and he shall giue pleasures for a king.
21 “Naftali ni kulungu jike aliyeachiwa huru azaaye watoto wazuri.
Naphtali shalbe a hinde let goe, giuing goodly wordes.
22 “Yosefu ni mzabibu uzaao, mzabibu uzaao ulio kando ya chemchemi, ambao matawi yake hutanda ukutani.
Ioseph shalbe a fruitefull bough, euen a fruitful bough by the well side: the small boughs shall runne vpon the wall.
23 Kwa uchungu wapiga mshale walimshambulia, wakampiga mshale kwa ukatili.
And the archers grieued him, and shotte against him and hated him.
24 Lakini upinde wake ulibaki imara, mikono yake ikatiwa nguvu, na mkono wa Mwenye Nguvu wa Yakobo, kwa sababu ya Mchungaji, Mwamba wa Israeli,
But his bowe abode strong, and the hands of his armes were strengthened, by the handes of the mighty God of Iaakob, of whom was the feeder appointed, by the stone of Israel,
25 kwa sababu ya Mungu wa baba yako, anayekusaidia, kwa sababu ya Mwenyezi, yeye anayekubariki kwa baraka za mbinguni juu, baraka za kilindi kilichoko chini, baraka za matitini na za tumbo la uzazi.
Euen by the God of thy father, who shall helpe thee, and by the almightie, who shall blesse thee with heauenly blessinges from aboue, with blessings of the deepe, that lyeth beneath, with blessings of the brestes, and of the wombe.
26 Baraka za baba yako ni kubwa kuliko baraka za milima ya kale, nyingi kuliko vilima vya kale. Baraka hizo zote na zikae juu ya kichwa cha Yosefu, juu ya paji la yule mkuu miongoni mwa ndugu zake.
The blessings of thy father shalbe stronger then the blessings of mine elders: vnto the ende of the hilles of the worlde they shall be on the head of Ioseph, and on the top of the head of him that was separate from his brethren.
27 “Benyamini ni mbwa mwitu mlafi mwenye njaa kuu; asubuhi hurarua mawindo yake, jioni hugawa nyara.”
Beniamin shall rauine as a wolfe: in the morning he shall deuoure the pray, and at night he shall deuide the spoyle.
28 Haya yote ndiyo makabila kumi na mawili ya Israeli, na hivi ndivyo baba yao alivyowaambia alipowabariki, akimpa kila mmoja baraka inayomfaa.
All these are the twelue tribes of Israel, and thus their father spake vnto them, and blessed them: euery one of them blessed hee with a seuerall blessing.
29 Ndipo alipowapa maelekezo haya: “Mimi niko karibu kukusanywa kwa watu wangu. Mnizike pamoja na baba zangu kwenye pango katika shamba la Efroni, Mhiti,
And he charged them and sayd vnto them, I am ready to be gathered vnto my people: burie mee with my fathers in the caue, that is in the fielde of Ephron the Hittite,
30 pango lililoko katika shamba la Makpela, karibu na Mamre huko Kanaani, ambalo Abrahamu alinunua kwa ajili ya mahali pa kuzikia kutoka kwa Efroni, Mhiti, pamoja na shamba.
In the caue that is in the field of Machpelah besides Mamre in the land of Canaan: which caue Abraham bought with the fielde of Ephron the Hittite for a possession to burie in.
31 Huko ndiko Abrahamu na Sara mkewe walikozikwa, huko akazikwa Isaki na Rebeka mkewe, na huko nilimzika Lea.
There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife: there they buryed Izhak and Rebekah his wife: and there I buried Leah.
32 Shamba hilo na pango lililoko ndani yake lilinunuliwa kutoka kwa Wahiti.”
The purchase of the fielde and the caue that is therein, was bought of the children of Heth.
33 Baada ya Yakobo kumaliza kutoa maelekezo hayo kwa wanawe, akarudisha miguu yake kitandani, akapumua pumzi ya mwisho, na akakusanywa kwa watu wake.
Thus Iaakob made an end of giuing charge to his sonnes, and plucked vp his feete into the bed and gaue vp the ghost, and was gathered to his people.

< Mwanzo 49 >