< Mwanzo 38 >

1 Wakati ule, Yuda akawaacha ndugu zake, akaenda kuishi na Hira Mwadulami.
About the same time, Judah, descending from his brothers, turned toward an Adullamite man, named Hirah.
2 Huko Yuda akakutana na binti wa Kikanaani aitwaye Shua, akamwoa na akakutana naye kimwili,
And he saw there the daughter of a man called Shua, of Canaan. And taking her as a wife, he entered to her.
3 akapata mimba, akamzaa mwana, ambaye alimwita Eri.
And she conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Er.
4 Akapata mimba tena, akamzaa mwana na kumwita Onani.
And conceiving offspring again, having given birth to a son, she called him Onan.
5 Akamzaa mwana mwingine tena, akamwita Shela. Huyu alimzalia mahali paitwapo Kezibu.
Likewise, she bore a third, whom she called Shelah, after whose birth, she ceased to bear any more.
6 Yuda akampatia Eri, mzaliwa wake wa kwanza, mke aitwaye Tamari.
Then Judah gave a wife to his first born Er, whose name was Tamar.
7 Lakini Eri, mzaliwa wa kwanza wa Yuda, alikuwa mwovu machoni pa Bwana, kwa hiyo Bwana akamuua.
And it also happened that Er, the first born of Judah, was wicked in the sight of the Lord and was killed by him.
8 Kisha Yuda akamwambia Onani, “Kutana kimwili na mke wa ndugu yako, na utimize wajibu wako kwake kama mke wa ndugu yako, ili umpatie ndugu yako uzao.”
Therefore, Judah said to his son Onan: “Enter to the wife of your brother, and associate with her, so that you may raise offspring to your brother.”
9 Lakini Onani alijua kwamba uzao haungekuwa wake, kwa hiyo kila alipokutana kimwili na mke wa ndugu yake, alimwaga chini mbegu za kiume ili asimpatie ndugu yake uzao.
He, knowing that the sons to be born would not be his, when he entered to the wife of his brother, he spilled his seed on the ground, lest children should be born in his brother’s name.
10 Alichofanya kilikuwa kiovu machoni pa Bwana, hivyo, pia Bwana akamuua Onani.
And for this reason, the Lord struck him down, because he did a detestable thing.
11 Kisha Yuda akamwambia Tamari mkwewe, “Ishi kama mjane nyumbani mwa baba yako mpaka mwanangu Shela atakapokua.” Kwa maana alifikiri, “Angeweza kufa pia kama ndugu zake.” Kwa hiyo Tamari alikwenda kuishi nyumbani kwa baba yake.
Because of this matter, Judah said to his daughter-in-law Tamar, “Be a widow in your father’s house, until my son Shelah grows up.” For he was afraid, lest he also might die, just as his brothers did. She went away, and she lived in her father’s house.
12 Baada ya muda mrefu mke wa Yuda binti wa Shua akafariki. Baada ya msiba, Yuda alikwenda Timna, kwa watu waliokuwa wakikata kondoo wake manyoya, naye alifuatana na rafiki yake Hira Mwadulami.
Then, after many days had passed, the daughter of Shua, the wife of Judah, died. And when he accepted consolation after his mourning, he went up to the shearers of his sheep at Timnah, he and Hirah, the herdsman of the Adullamite flock.
13 Tamari alipoambiwa, “Baba mkwe wako yuko njiani kwenda Timna kukata kondoo wake manyoya,”
And it was reported to Tamar that her father-in-law had gone up to Timnah to shear the sheep.
14 alivua mavazi yake ya ujane, akajifunika kwa shela ili asifahamike, akaketi kwenye mlango wa Enaimu, ambao upo njiani kuelekea Timna. Akafanya hivyo kwa sababu aliona kwamba, ingawa Shela amekua, lakini alikuwa hajakabidhiwa kwake kuwa mkewe.
And storing away the garments of her widowhood, she took up a veil. And changing her clothing, she sat at the crossroad that leads to Timnah, because Shelah had grown up, and she had not received him as a husband.
15 Yuda alipomwona alifikiri ni kahaba, kwa sababu alikuwa amefunika uso wake.
And when Judah saw her, he thought her to be a harlot. For she had covered her face, lest she be recognized.
16 Pasipo kutambua kwamba alikuwa mkwe wake, akamwendea kando ya njia na kumwambia, “Njoo sasa, nikutane na wewe kimwili.” Yule mkwewe akamuuliza, “Utanipa nini nikikutana nawe kimwili?”
And entering to her, he said, “Permit me to join with you.” For he did not know her to be his daughter-in-law. And she responded, “What will you give to me, to enjoy me as a concubine?”
17 Akamwambia, “Nitakutumia mwana-mbuzi kutoka kundi langu.” Akamuuliza, “Utanipa kitu chochote kama amana mpaka utakapompeleka?”
He said, “I will send you a young goat from the flock.” And again, she said, “I will allow what you want, if you give me a pledge, until you may send what you promise.”
18 Akamuuliza, “Nikupe amana gani?” Akamjibu, “Pete yako na kamba yake pamoja na fimbo iliyo mkononi mwako.” Kwa hiyo akampa vitu hivyo kisha akakutana naye kimwili, naye akapata mimba yake.
Judah said, “What do you want to be given for a pledge?” She responded, “Your ring and bracelet, and the staff that you hold in your hand.” Thereupon, the woman, from one sexual encounter, conceived.
19 Tamari akaondoka, akavua shela yake akavaa tena nguo zake za ujane.
And she arose and went away. And storing away the garments that she had taken up, she was clothed in the garments of her widowhood.
20 Wakati ule ule, Yuda akamtuma rafiki yake Mwadulami apeleke yule mwana-mbuzi ili arudishiwe amana yake kutoka kwa yule mwanamke, lakini yule rafiki yake hakumkuta yule mwanamke.
Then Judah sent a young goat by his shepherd, the Adullamite, so that he might receive the pledge that he had given to the woman. But, when he had not found her,
21 Akawauliza watu wanaoishi mahali pale, “Yuko wapi yule kahaba wa mahali pa kuabudia miungu aliyekuwa kando ya barabara hapa Enaimu?” Wakamjibu, “Hajawahi kuwepo mwanamke yeyote kahaba wa mahali pa kuabudia miungu hapa.”
he questioned the men of that place: “Where is the woman who sat at the crossroad?” And they all responded, “There has been no harlot in this place.”
22 Kwa hiyo akamrudia Yuda na kumwambia, “Sikumpata. Zaidi ya hayo, watu wanaoishi mahali pale walisema ‘Hapakuwahi kuwepo mwanamke yeyote kahaba wa mahali pa kuabudia miungu hapa.’”
He returned to Judah, and he said to him: “I did not find her. Moreover, the men of that place told me that a prostitute had never sat there.”
23 Kisha Yuda akasema, “Mwache avichukue vitu hivyo, ama sivyo tutakuwa kichekesho. Hata hivyo, nilimpelekea mwana-mbuzi, lakini hukumkuta.”
Judah said: “Let her hold herself to blame. Certainly, she is not able to accuse us of a lie. I sent the young goat that I had promised, and you did not find her.”
24 Baada ya miezi mitatu Yuda akaambiwa, “Tamari mkweo ana hatia ya kuwa kahaba, na matokeo yake ana mimba.” Yuda akasema, “Mtoeni nje na achomwe moto hadi afe!”
And behold, after three months, they reported to Judah, saying, “Tamar, your daughter-in-law, has committed fornication and her abdomen appears to be enlarged.” And Judah said, “Produce her, so that she may be burned.”
25 Alipokuwa akitolewa nje, akatuma ujumbe kwa baba mkwe wake kusema, “Nina mimba ya mtu mwenye vitu hivi.” Akaongeza kusema, “Angalia kama utatambua kwamba pete hii na kamba yake pamoja na fimbo hii ni vya nani.”
But when she was led out to the punishment, she sent to her father-in-law, saying: “I conceived by the man to whom these things belong. Recognize whose ring, and bracelet, and staff this is.”
26 Yuda akavitambua na kusema, “Yeye ana haki kuliko mimi, kwa kuwa sikumkabidhi kwa mwanangu Shela ili awe mkewe.” Tangu hapo hakukutana naye kimwili tena.
But he, acknowledging the gifts, said: “She is more just than I am. For I did not deliver her to my son Shelah.” However, he knew her no more.
27 Wakati ulipofika wa kujifungua, kukawa na wana mapacha tumboni mwake.
Then, at the moment of birth, there appeared twins in the womb. And so, in the very delivery of the infants, one put forth a hand, on which the midwife tied a scarlet thread, saying,
28 Alipokuwa akijifungua, mmoja akatoa mkono wake nje, kwa hiyo mkunga akachukua uzi mwekundu na kuufunga mkononi mwa yule mtoto, akasema, “Huyu ametoka kwanza.”
“This one will go out first.”
29 Lakini alipourudisha mkono wake ndugu yake akaanza kutoka, naye akasema, “Hivi ndivyo ulivyotoka kwa nguvu!” Akaitwa Peresi.
But in truth, drawing back his hand, the other came out. And the woman said, “Why is the partition divided for you?” And for this reason, she called his name Perez.
30 Kisha ndugu yake, aliyekuwa na uzi mwekundu mkononi, akatoka, naye akaitwa Zera.
After this, his brother came out, on whose hand was the scarlet thread. And she called him Zerah.

< Mwanzo 38 >