< Mwanzo 30 >

1 Raheli alipoona hamzalii Yakobo watoto, akamwonea ndugu yake wivu. Hivyo akamwambia Yakobo, “Nipe watoto, la sivyo nitakufa!”
When Rahel sawe that she bare Iacob no childern she enuied hir sister and sayde vnto Iacob: geue me childern or ells I am but deed.
2 Yakobo akamkasirikia, akamwambia, “Je, mimi ni badala ya Mungu, ambaye amekuzuia usizae watoto?”
Than was Iacob wrooth with Rahel saynge: Am I in godes steade which kepeth fro the the frute of thi wobe?
3 Ndipo Raheli akamwambia, “Hapa yupo Bilha, mtumishi wangu wa kike. Kutana naye kimwili ili aweze kunizalia watoto na kwa kupitia yeye mimi pia niweze kuwa na uzao.”
The she sayde: here is my mayde Bilha: go in vnto her that she maye beare vpo my lappe that I maye be encreased by her.
4 Hivyo Raheli akampa Yakobo Bilha awe mke wake. Yakobo akakutana naye kimwili,
And she gaue him Bilha hir hadmayde to wife. And Iacob wet in vnto her
5 Bilha akapata mimba, naye akamzalia Yakobo mwana.
And Bilha conceaued and bare Iacob a sonne.
6 Ndipo Raheli akasema, “Mungu amenipa haki yangu, amesikiliza maombi yangu na kunipa mwana.” Kwa sababu hiyo akamwita Dani.
Than sayde Rahel. God hath geuen sentece on my syde and hath also herde my voyce and hath geuen me a sonne. Therfore called she him Dan.
7 Bilha mtumishi wa kike wa Raheli akapata mimba tena, akamzalia Yakobo mwana wa pili.
And Bilha Rahels mayde coceaued agayne and bare Iacob a nother sonne.
8 Ndipo Raheli akasema, “Nilikuwa na mashindano makubwa na ndugu yangu, nami nimeshinda.” Kwa hiyo akamwita Naftali.
And Rahel sayde. God is turned and I haue made achaunge with my sister and haue gote ye vpper hade. And she called his name Nepthali
9 Lea alipoona kuwa amekoma kuzaa watoto, alimchukua mtumishi wake wa kike Zilpa, naye akampa Yakobo awe mke wake.
Whe Lea sawe that she had left bearinge she toke Silpha hir mayde and gaue her Iacob to wiffe.
10 Mtumishi wa Lea yaani Zilpa, akamzalia Yakobo mwana.
And Silpha Leas made bare Iacob a sonne.
11 Ndipo Lea akasema, “Hii ni bahati nzuri aje!” Kwa hiyo akamwita Gadi.
Than sayde Lea: good lucke: and called his name Gad.
12 Mtumishi wa kike wa Lea akamzalia Yakobo mwana wa pili.
And Silpha Leas mayde bare Iacob another sonne.
13 Ndipo Lea aliposema, “Jinsi gani nilivyo na furaha! Wanawake wataniita furaha.” Kwa hiyo akamwita Asheri.
Tha sayd Lea: happy am I for the doughters will call me blessed. And called his name Asser.
14 Wakati wa kuvuna ngano, Reubeni akaenda shambani akakuta tunguja, ambazo alizileta kwa Lea mama yake. Raheli akamwambia Lea, “Tafadhali nakuomba unipe baadhi ya tunguja za mwanao.”
And Rube wet out in the wheat haruest and foude mandragoras in the feldes and brought the vnto his mother Lea. Than sayde Rahel to Lea geue me of thy sonnes madragoras.
15 Lakini Lea akamwambia, “Haikukutosha kumtwaa mume wangu? Je, utachukua na tunguja za mwanangu pia?” Raheli akasema, “Vema sana! Yakobo atakutana nawe kimwili leo usiku, kwa malipo ya tunguja za mwanao.”
And Lea answered: is it not ynough yt thou hast take awaye my housbode but woldest take awaye my sonnes mandragoras also? Than sayde Rahel well let him slepe with the this nyghte for thy sonnes mandragoras.
16 Kwa hiyo Yakobo alipokuja kutoka shambani jioni ile, Lea akaenda kumlaki, akamwambia, “Lazima ukutane nami kimwili. Nimekukodisha kwa tunguja za mwanangu.” Kwa hiyo akakutana naye kimwili usiku ule.
And whe Iacob came from the feldes at euen Lea went out to mete him and sayde: come into me for I haue bought the with my sonnes mandragoras. And he slepte with her that nyghte.
17 Mungu akamsikiliza Lea, naye akapata mimba akamzalia Yakobo mwana wa tano.
And God herde Lea yt she coceaued and bare vnto Iacob yt. v. sonne.
18 Ndipo Lea akasema, “Mungu amenizawadia kwa kumpa mume wangu mtumishi wangu wa kike.” Kwa hiyo akamwita Isakari.
Than sayde Lea. God hath geue me my rewarde because I gaue my mayde to my housbod and she called him Isachar.
19 Lea akapata mimba tena akamzalia Yakobo mwana wa sita.
And Lea coceaued yet agayne and bare Iacob the sexte sonne.
20 Ndipo Lea aliposema, “Mungu amenizawadia kwa zawadi ya thamani sana. Wakati huu mume wangu ataniheshimu kwa sababu nimemzalia wana sita.” Kwa hiyo akamwita Zabuloni.
Than sayde she: God hath endewed me with a good dowry. Now will my housbond dwell with me because I haue borne him. vi. sonnes: and called his name Zabulo.
21 Baadaye akamzaa mtoto wa kike akamwita Dina.
After that she bare a doughter and called her Dina.
22 Ndipo Mungu akamkumbuka Raheli, akasikia maombi yake na akafungua tumbo lake.
And God remebred Rahel herde her and made her frutefull:
23 Akapata mimba na akamzaa mwana na kusema, “Mungu ameniondolea aibu yangu.”
so that she coceaued and bare a sonne and sayde God hath take awaye my rebuke.
24 Akamwita Yosefu na kusema, “Bwana na anipe mwana mwingine.”
And she called his name Ioseph saynge The lorde geue me yet a nother sonne.
25 Baada ya Raheli kumzaa Yosefu, Yakobo akamwambia Labani, “Nipe ruhusa nirudi katika nchi yangu.
As soone as Rahel had borne Ioseph Iacob sayde to Laban: Sede me awaye yt I maye goo vnto myne awne place and cutre
26 Nipe wake zangu na watoto, ambao nimetumika kuwapata, nami niende zangu. Unajua ni kazi kiasi gani ambayo nimekufanyia.”
geue me my wives and my childern for whome I haue serued the and let me goo; for thou knowest what seruyce I haue done the.
27 Lakini Labani akamwambia, “Ikiwa nimepata kibali machoni pako, tafadhali ukae. Nimegundua kwa njia ya uaguzi kwamba Bwana amenibariki kwa sababu yako.”
Than sayde Laban vnto hi: If I haue fownde fauoure in thy syghte (for I suppose yt the LORde hath blessed me for thy sake)
28 Akaongeza kumwambia, “Taja ujira wako nami nitakulipa.”
appoynte what thy rewarde shalbe and I will geue it ye.
29 Yakobo akamwambia, “Unajua jinsi ambavyo nimekutumikia na jinsi ambavyo wanyama wako walivyolishwa vizuri chini ya uangalizi wangu.
But he sayde vnto hym thou knowest what seruyce I haue done ye and in what takynge thy catell haue bene vnder me:
30 Kidogo ulichokuwa nacho kabla sijaja kimeongezeka sana, naye Bwana amekubariki popote nilipokuwa. Lakini sasa, ni lini nitashughulikia mambo ya nyumba yangu mwenyewe?”
for it was but litle that thou haddest before I came and now it is encreased in to a multitude and the LORDE hath blessed the for my sake. But now when shall I make provysion for myne awne house also?
31 Labani akamuuliza, “Nikupe nini?” Yakobo akamjibu, “Usinipe chochote lakini kama utanifanyia jambo hili moja, nitaendelea kuchunga na kuyaangalia makundi yako.
And he sayde: what shall I geue the? And Iacob answerd: thou shalt geue me nothinge at all yf thou wilt do this one thinge for me: And then will I turne agayne and fede thy shepe and kepe them.
32 Niruhusu nipite katika makundi yako yote leo niondoe humo kila kondoo mwenye mabakabaka au madoadoa, kila mwana-kondoo mweusi na kila mbuzi mwenye madoadoa au mabakabaka. Hawa watakuwa ujira wangu.
I will go aboute all thy shepe this daye and separate fro the all the shepe that are spotted and of dyverse coloures and all blacke shepe amonge the lambes and the partie and spotted amonge the kyddes: And then such shalbe my rewarde.
33 Uadilifu wangu utanishuhudia siku zijazo, kila utakapochunguza ujira ambao umenilipa mimi. Mbuzi yeyote wangu ambaye hana mabakabaka wala madoadoa, au mwana-kondoo ambaye si mweusi, atahesabika ameibwa.”
So shall my rightwesnes answere for me: when the tyme commeth that I shall receaue my rewarde of the: So that what soeuer is not speckeld and partie amonge the gootes and blacke amonge the lambes let that be theft with me.
34 Labani akasema, “Ninakubali na iwe kama ulivyosema.”
Than sayde Laban: loo I am contete that it be acordinge as thou hast sayde.
35 Siku ile ile Yakobo akawaondoa beberu wote waliokuwa na mistari au madoadoa na mbuzi wake wote waliokuwa na mistari au madoadoa (wote waliokuwa na alama nyeupe juu yao) na wana-kondoo weusi wote, akawaweka chini ya uangalizi wa wanawe.
And he toke out that same daye the he gootes that were partie and of dyuerse coloures and all the she gootes that were spotted and partie coloured and all that had whyte in the and all the blacke amonge the lambes: ad put the in the kepinge of his sonnes
36 Kisha Labani akamwacha Yakobo kwa mwendo wa safari ya siku tatu kati yake na Yakobo, wakati Yakobo akiendelea kuchunga lile kundi la Labani lililobaki.
and sett thre dayes ourney ibetwixte hiselfe and Iacob. And so Iacob kepte ye rest of Labas shepe.
37 Hata hivyo, Yakobo, akachukua fito mbichi zilizokatwa wakati huo huo za miti ya mlubna, mlozi na mwaramoni akazibambua ili mistari myeupe ionekane katika fito hizo.
Iacob toke roddes of grene popular hasell and of chestnottrees and pilled whyte strakes in the and made the white apere in the staues:
38 Kisha akaweka fito alizozibambua kwenye mabirika yote ya kunyweshea mifugo, ili ziwe mbele ya makundi walipokuja kunywa maji. Wanyama walipokuja kunywa maji, hali wakiwa wanahitaji mbegu,
And he put the staues which he had pilled eue before ye shepe in the gutters and watrynge troughes whe the shepe came to drynke: yt they shulde coceaue whe they came to drynke.
39 wakapandwa hizo fito zikiwa mbele yao. Wanyama waliopata mimba mbele ya hizo fito walizaa wanyama wenye mistari, madoadoa na mabakabaka.
And the shepe coceaued before the staues and brought forth straked spotted and partie.
40 Yakobo akawatenga wadogo wa kundi peke yao, lakini akazielekeza nyuso za hao waliobaki kwenye wale wenye mistari na weusi waliokuwa mali ya Labani. Hivyo akatenga makundi yake mwenyewe, na wala hakuwachanganya na wanyama wa Labani.
The Iacob parted the labes and turned the faces of the shepe toward spotted thinges and toward all maner of blacke thinges thorow out the flockes of Laba. And he made him flockes of his owne by the selfe which he put not vnto the flockes of Laba.
41 Kila mara wanyama wenye nguvu walipohitaji mbegu, Yakobo aliweka zile fito kwenye mabirika mbele ya hao wanyama, ili wapandwe karibu na hizo fito,
And allwaye in the first buckinge tyme of the shepe Iacob put the staues before the shepe in the gutters yt they myghte conceaue before the staues
42 lakini ikiwa wanyama walikuwa wadhaifu hakuziweka hizo fito. Hivyo wanyama wadhaifu wakawa wa Labani, na wanyama wenye nguvu wakawa wa Yakobo.
But in the latter buckynge tyme he put them not there: so the last brode was Labas and the first Iacobs.
43 Kwa njia hii Yakobo akastawi sana, tena akawa na makundi makubwa, watumishi wa kike na wa kiume na ngamia na punda.
And the man became excedynge ryche and had many shepe maydeseruauntes menseruauntes camels and asses.

< Mwanzo 30 >