< Mwanzo 18 >

1 Bwana akamtokea Abrahamu karibu na mialoni ya Mamre wakati alipokuwa ameketi kwenye ingilio la hema lake wakati wa adhuhuri.
And YHWH appears to him among the oaks of Mamre, and he is sitting at the opening of the tent, about the heat of the day;
2 Abrahamu akainua macho akaona watu watatu wamesimama karibu naye. Alipowaona, aliharakisha kutoka kwenye ingilio la hema lake kuwalaki na kuwasujudia hadi nchi.
and he lifts up his eyes and looks, and behold, three men standing by him, and he sees, and runs to meet them from the opening of the tent, and bows himself toward the earth,
3 Akasema, “Kama nimepata kibali machoni penu, ee bwana wangu, usimpite mtumishi wako.
and he says, “My Lord, if now I have found grace in Your eyes, please do not pass on from Your servant;
4 Acha yaletwe maji kidogo, kisha ninyi nyote mnawe miguu yenu na mpumzike chini ya mti huu.
please let a little water be accepted, and wash Your feet, and recline under the tree;
5 Niruhusuni niwapatie chakula kidogo mle, ili mpate nguvu mwendelee na safari yenu, kwa kuwa mmekuja kwa mtumishi wenu.” Nao wakamjibu, “Vema sana, fanya kama unavyosema.”
and I bring a piece of bread, and support Your heart; afterward pass on, for therefore You have passed over to Your servant”; and they say, “So may you do as you have spoken.”
6 Hivyo Abrahamu akaharakisha akaingia hemani kwa Sara, akamwambia, “Chukua vipimo vitatu vya unga laini haraka, ukande na uoke mikate.”
And Abraham hurries toward the tent, to Sarah, and says, “Hurry three measures of flour-meal, knead, and make cakes”;
7 Kisha Abrahamu akakimbia kwenda kwenye kundi, akachagua ndama mzuri, laini na akampa mtumishi, ambaye aliharakisha kumtayarisha.
and Abraham ran to the herd, and takes a son of the herd, tender and good, and gives to the young man, and he hurries to prepare it;
8 Kisha akaleta jibini, maziwa na nyama ya yule ndama iliyoandaliwa, akaviweka mbele ya wageni. Walipokuwa wakila, alisimama karibu nao chini ya mti.
and he takes butter and milk, and the son of the herd which he has prepared, and sets before them; and he is standing by them under the tree, and they eat.
9 Wakamuuliza, “Yuko wapi Sara mkeo?” Akasema, “Yuko huko, ndani ya hema.”
And they say to him, “Where [is] Sarah your wife?” And he says, “Behold—in the tent”;
10 Kisha Bwana akasema, “Hakika nitakurudia tena majira kama haya mwakani na Sara mkeo atakuwa ana mwana.” Sara alikuwa akiwasikiliza kwenye ingilio la hema, lililokuwa nyuma yake.
and He says, “Returning I return to you, about the time of life, and behold, to Sarah your wife a son.” And Sarah is listening at the opening of the tent, which is behind him;
11 Abrahamu na Sara walikuwa wazee tena waliosogea miaka, naye Sara alikuwa amekoma katika desturi ya wanawake.
and Abraham and Sarah [are] aged, entering into days—the way of women has ceased to be to Sarah;
12 Hivyo Sara akacheka kimoyomoyo alipokuwa akiwaza, “Baada ya mimi kuwa mkongwe hivi na bwana wangu amezeeka, je, nitaweza kufurahia jambo hili?”
and Sarah laughs in her heart, saying, “After I have waxed old have I had pleasure? My lord [is] also old!”
13 Ndipo Bwana akamwambia Abrahamu, “Kwa nini Sara amecheka na kusema, ‘Kweli nitazaa mtoto nami sasa ni mzee?’
And YHWH says to Abraham, “Why [is] this? Sarah has laughed, saying, Is it really true—I bear—and I am aged?
14 Je, kuna jambo lolote gumu lisilowezekana kwa Bwana? Nitakurudia mwakani majira kama haya, naye Sara atakuwa na mwana.”
Is anything too wonderful for YHWH? At the appointed time I return to you, about the time of life, and Sarah has a son.”
15 Sara akaogopa kwa kuwa alidanganya na kusema, “Mimi sikucheka.” Lakini Bwana akasema, “Ndiyo, ulicheka!”
And Sarah denies, saying, “I did not laugh”; for she has been afraid; and He says, “No, but you did laugh.”
16 Wakati watu hao waliposimama ili waondoke, walielekeza nyuso zao Sodoma, Abrahamu akawatoa kitambo kidogo ili awasindikize.
And the men rise from there, and look on the face of Sodom, and Abraham is going with them to send them away;
17 Ndipo Bwana akasema, “Je, nimfiche Abrahamu jambo ninalokusudia kufanya?
and YHWH said, “Am I concealing from Abraham that which I am doing,
18 Hakika Abrahamu atakuwa taifa kubwa na lenye nguvu, kupitia kwake mataifa yote ya dunia yatabarikiwa.
and Abraham certainly becomes a great and mighty nation, and blessed in him have been all nations of the earth?
19 Kwa maana nimemchagua yeye, ili awaongoze watoto wake na jamaa yake kufuata njia ya Bwana, kwa kuwa waadilifu na kutenda haki, ili Bwana atimize ahadi yake kwa Abrahamu.”
For I have known him, that he commands his children, and his house after him (and they have kept the way of YHWH), to do righteousness and judgment, that YHWH may bring on Abraham that which He has spoken concerning him.”
20 Basi Bwana akasema, “Kilio dhidi ya Sodoma na Gomora ni kikubwa sana na dhambi yao inasikitisha sana,
And YHWH says, “The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah—because great; and their sin—because exceedingly grievous:
21 kwamba nitashuka nione kama waliyoyatenda ni mabaya kiasi cha kilio kilichonifikia. Kama sivyo, nitajua.”
I go down now, and see whether according to its cry which is coming to Me they have done completely—and if not—I know”;
22 Basi wale watu wakageuka wakaenda kuelekea Sodoma, lakini Abrahamu akabaki amesimama mbele za Bwana.
and the men turn from there, and go toward Sodom; and Abraham is yet standing before YHWH.
23 Ndipo Abrahamu akamsogelea akasema: “Je, utawaangamiza wenye haki na waovu?
And Abraham draws near and says, “Do You also consume righteous with wicked?
24 Je, ikiwa watakuwepo watu wenye haki hamsini katika mji huo, hivi kweli utauangamiza na wala hutauacha kwa ajili ya hao watu hamsini wenye haki waliomo ndani yake?
Perhaps there are fifty righteous in the midst of the city; do You also consume, and not bear with the place for the sake of the fifty righteous who [are] in its midst?
25 Hilo na liwe mbali nawe, kufanya jambo kama hilo, kuwaua wenye haki pamoja na waovu, kuwatendea wenye haki sawasawa na waovu. Iwe mbali nawe! Je, Mwamuzi wa dunia yote hatafanya lililo sawa?”
Far be it from You to do according to this thing, to put to death the righteous with the wicked; that it has been—as the righteous so the wicked—far be it from You; does the Judge of all the earth not do justice?”
26 Bwana akasema, “Kama nikipata watu hamsini wenye haki katika mji wa Sodoma, nitausamehe huo mji wote kwa ajili yao.”
And YHWH says, “If I find in Sodom fifty righteous in the midst of the city, then have I borne with all the place for their sake.”
27 Kisha Abrahamu akasema tena: “Sasa kwa kuwa nimekuwa na ujasiri wa kuzungumza na Bwana, ingawa mimi si kitu bali ni mavumbi na majivu;
And Abraham answers and says, “Now behold, I have willed to speak to the Lord, and I [am] dust and ashes;
28 je, kama hesabu ya wenye haki imepungua watano katika hamsini, utauangamiza huo mji wote kwa ajili ya hao watano waliopungua?” Bwana akamwambia, “Kama nikiwakuta huko watu arobaini na watano, sitauangamiza.”
perhaps there are lacking five of the fifty righteous—do You destroy for five the whole of the city?” And He says, “I do not destroy [it], if I find there forty-five.”
29 Abrahamu akazungumza naye kwa mara nyingine, “Je, kama huko watapatikana watu arobaini tu?” Akamjibu, “Kwa ajili ya hao arobaini, sitauangamiza.”
And he adds again to speak to Him and says, “Perhaps there are found there forty?” And He says, “I do not do [it], because of the forty.”
30 Ndipo akasema, “Bwana na asikasirike, lakini niruhusu nizungumze. Je, kama huko watakuwepo thelathini tu?” Akajibu, “Sitapaangamiza ikiwa nitawakuta huko watu thelathini.”
And he says, “Please let it not be displeasing to the Lord, and I speak: perhaps there are found there thirty?” And He says, “I do not do [it], if I find there thirty.”
31 Abrahamu akasema, “Sasa kwa kuwa nimekuwa na ujasiri sana kuzungumza na Bwana, je, kama wakipatikana huko watu ishirini tu?” Bwana akajibu, “Kwa ajili ya hao ishirini, sitauangamiza.”
And he says, “Now behold, I have willed to speak to the Lord: perhaps there are found there twenty?” And He says, “I do not destroy [it], because of the twenty.”
32 Abrahamu akasema, “Bwana na asikasirike, lakini niruhusu nizungumze tena mara moja tu. Itakuwaje kama watapatikana huko watu kumi tu?” Bwana akajibu, “Kwa ajili ya hao kumi, sitauangamiza.”
And he says, “Please let it not be displeasing to the Lord, and I speak only this time: perhaps there are found there ten?” And He says, “I do not destroy [it], because of the ten.”
33 Bwana alipomaliza kuzungumza na Abrahamu, akaondoka, naye Abrahamu akarudi nyumbani kwake.
And YHWH goes on, when He has finished speaking to Abraham, and Abraham has turned back to his place.

< Mwanzo 18 >