< Ezekieli 23 >

1 Neno la Bwana likanijia kusema:
Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
2 “Mwanadamu, walikuwepo wanawake wawili, binti wa mama mmoja.
“Son of man, there were two women, daughters of the same mother,
3 Wakawa makahaba huko Misri, wakajitia kwenye ukahaba tangu ujana wao. Katika nchi ile vifua vyao vya ubikira vikakumbatiwa huko na wakapoteza ubikira wao.
and they played in Egypt, prostituting themselves from their youth. Their breasts were fondled there, and their virgin bosoms caressed.
4 Mkubwa aliitwa Ohola na mdogo wake Oholiba. Walikuwa wangu nao wakazaa wavulana na msichana. Ohola ni Samaria, Oholiba ni Yerusalemu.
The older was named Oholah, and her sister was named Oholibah. They became Mine and gave birth to sons and daughters. As for their identities, Oholah is Samaria, and Oholibah is Jerusalem.
5 “Ohola akajitia kwenye ukahaba alipokuwa bado ni wangu, akatamani sana wapenzi wake, mashujaa Waashuru,
Oholah prostituted herself while she was still Mine. She lusted after her lovers, the Assyrians—warriors
6 waliovaa nguo za buluu, watawala na majemadari, wote walikuwa wanaume vijana wa kuvutia, wapandao farasi.
clothed in blue, governors and commanders, all desirable young men, horsemen mounted on steeds.
7 Akafanya ukahaba na wasomi wote wa Ashuru, na kujinajisi kwa sanamu zote za kila mwanaume aliyemtamani.
She offered sexual favors to all the elite of Assyria. She defiled herself with all the idols of those for whom she lusted.
8 Hakuacha ukahaba wake aliouanza huko Misri, wakati ambapo tangu ujana wake wanaume walilala naye, wakikumbatia kifua cha ubikira wake na kumwaga tamaa zao juu yake.
She did not give up the prostitution she began in Egypt, when men slept with her in her youth, caressed her virgin bosom, and poured out their lust upon her.
9 “Kwa hiyo nilimtia mikononi mwa wapenzi wake, Waashuru, kwa kuwa ndio aliowatamani.
Therefore I delivered her into the hands of her lovers, the Assyrians for whom she lusted.
10 Wakamvua nguo zake wakamwacha uchi, wakawachukua wanawe na binti zake, naye wakamuua kwa upanga. Akawa kitu cha kudharauliwa miongoni mwa wanawake na adhabu ikatolewa dhidi yake.
They exposed her nakedness, seized her sons and daughters, and put her to the sword. Thus she became a byword among women, and they executed judgment against her.
11 “Oholiba dada yake aliliona jambo hili, lakini kwa tamaa zake na ukahaba wake, akaharibu tabia zake kuliko Ohola dada yake.
Her sister Oholibah saw this, yet in her lust and prostitution she was more depraved than her sister.
12 Yeye naye aliwatamani Waashuru, watawala na majemadari, mashujaa waliovalia sare, wapandao farasi, wanaume vijana wote waliovutia.
She too lusted after the Assyrians—governors and commanders, warriors dressed in splendor, horsemen riding on steeds, all desirable young men.
13 Nikaona kuwa yeye pia alijinajisi, wote wawili wakaelekea njia moja.
And I saw that she too had defiled herself; both of them had taken the same path.
14 “Lakini yeye akazidisha ukahaba wake. Akaona wanaume waliochorwa ukutani, picha za Wakaldayo waliovalia nguo nyekundu,
But Oholibah carried her prostitution even further. She saw the men portrayed on the wall, images of the Chaldeans, engraved in vermilion,
15 wakiwa na mikanda viunoni mwao na vilemba vichwani mwao, wote walifanana na maafisa wa Babeli wapandao magari ya vita, wenyeji wa Ukaldayo.
wearing belts on their waists and flowing turbans on their heads; all of them looked like officers of the Babylonians in Chaldea, the land of their birth.
16 Mara tu alipowaona, aliwatamani, akatuma wajumbe kwao huko Ukaldayo.
At the sight of them, she lusted for them and sent messengers to them in Chaldea.
17 Ndipo hao Wababeli wakaja kwake kwenye kitanda cha mapenzi, nao katika tamaa zao wakamtia unajisi. Baada ya kutiwa unajisi, akawaacha kwa kuwachukia.
Then the Babylonians came to her, to the bed of love, and in their lust they defiled her. But after she had been defiled by them, she turned away in disgust.
18 Alipofanya ukahaba wake waziwazi na kuonyesha hadharani uchi wake, nilimwacha kwa kumchukia, kama vile nilivyokuwa nimemwacha dada yake.
When Oholibah openly prostituted herself and exposed her nakedness, I turned away from her in disgust, just as I had turned away from her sister.
19 Lakini akazidisha zaidi ukahaba wake alipozikumbuka siku zake za ujana, alipokuwa kahaba huko Misri.
Yet she multiplied her promiscuity, remembering the days of her youth, when she had prostituted herself in the land of Egypt
20 Huko aliwatamani wapenzi wake, ambao viungo vyao vya uzazi ni kama vya punda, na kile kiwatokacho ni kama kiwatokacho farasi.
and lusted after their lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of stallions.
21 Hivyo ulitamani uasherati wa ujana wako wakati ulipokuwa Misri, kifua chako kilipokumbatiwa, na walipokutomasa kwa sababu ya matiti yako machanga.
So you revisited the indecency of your youth, when the Egyptians caressed your bosom and pressed your young breasts.
22 “Kwa hiyo, Oholiba, hili ndilo Bwana Mwenyezi asemalo: Nitawachochea wapenzi wako wawe kinyume na wewe, wale uliowaacha kwa kuchukia, nitawaleta dhidi yako kutoka kila upande:
Therefore, Oholibah, this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘I will incite your lovers against you, those from whom you turned away in disgust. And I will bring them against you from every side—
23 Wababeli na Wakaldayo wote, watu kutoka Pekodi, na Shoa na Koa, wakiwa pamoja na Waashuru wote, vijana wazuri, wote wakiwa watawala na majemadari, maafisa wa magari ya vita na watu wa vyeo vya juu, wote wakiwa wamepanda farasi.
the Babylonians and all the Chaldeans, the men of Pekod, Shoa, and Koa, and all the Assyrians with them—all desirable young men, governors and commanders, officers and men of renown, mounted on horses.
24 Watakuja dhidi yako wakiwa na silaha, magari ya vita, magari ya kukokota, pamoja na umati mkubwa wa watu. Watakuzingira pande zote kwa ngao na vigao na kofia za chuma. Nitakutia mikononi mwao ili wakuadhibu, nao watakuadhibu sawasawa na sheria zao.
They will come against you with a host of peoples, with weapons, chariots, and wagons. They will array themselves against you on every side with buckler and shield and helmet. I will delegate judgment to them, and they will punish you according to their own standards.
25 Nitaelekeza wivu wa hasira yangu dhidi yako, nao watakushughulikia kwa hasira kali. Watakatilia mbali pua yako na masikio yako, na wale watakaosalia miongoni mwako watauawa kwa upanga. Watachukua wana wako na binti zako, na wale watakaosalia miongoni mwenu watateketezwa kwa moto.
And I will set My jealous rage against you, and they will deal with you in fury. They will cut off your noses and ears, and your survivors will fall by the sword. They will seize your sons and daughters, and your remnant will be consumed by fire.
26 Watakuvua pia nguo zako na kuchukua mapambo yako yaliyotengenezwa kwa vito na dhahabu.
They will strip off your clothes and take your fine jewelry.
27 Hivyo ndivyo nitakavyokomesha uasherati wako na ukahaba wako uliouanza huko Misri. Hutatazama vitu hivi kwa kuvitamani tena, wala kukumbuka Misri tena.
So I will put an end to your indecency and prostitution, which began in the land of Egypt, and you will not lift your eyes to them or remember Egypt anymore.’
28 “Kwa hiyo hili ndilo Bwana Mwenyezi asemalo: Ninakaribia kukutia mikononi mwa wale unaowachukia, kwa wale uliojitenga nao kwa kuwachukia.
For this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Surely I will deliver you into the hands of those you hate, from whom you turned away in disgust.
29 Watakushughulikia kwa chuki na kukunyangʼanya kila kitu ulichokifanyia kazi. Watakuacha uchi na mtupu na aibu ya ukahaba wako itafunuliwa. Uasherati wako na uzinzi wako
They will treat you with hatred, take all for which you have worked, and leave you naked and bare, so that the shame of your prostitution will be exposed. Your indecency and promiscuity
30 umekuletea haya yote, kwa sababu ulitamani mataifa na kujinajisi kwa sanamu zao.
have brought these things upon you, because you have prostituted yourself with the nations and defiled yourself with their idols.
31 Umeiendea njia ya dada yako, hivyo nitakitia kikombe chake mkononi mwako.
Because you have followed the path of your sister, I will put her cup into your hand.’
32 “Hili ndilo Bwana Mwenyezi asemalo: “Utakinywea kikombe cha dada yako, kikombe kikubwa na chenye kina kirefu; nitaletea juu yako dharau na dhihaka, kwa kuwa kimejaa sana.
This is what the Lord GOD says: ‘You will drink your sister’s cup, a cup deep and wide. It will bring scorn and derision, for it holds so much.
33 Utalewa ulevi na kujawa huzuni, kikombe cha maangamizo na ukiwa, kikombe cha dada yako Samaria.
You will be filled with drunkenness and grief, with a cup of devastation and desolation, the cup of your sister Samaria.
34 Utakinywa chote na kukimaliza; utakivunja vipande vipande na kuyararua matiti yako. Nimenena haya, asema Bwana Mwenyezi.
You will drink it and drain it; you will dash it to pieces, and tear your breasts. For I have spoken,’
35 “Kwa hiyo hili ndilo Bwana Mwenyezi asemalo: Kwa kuwa tangu uliponisahau mimi na kunitupa nyuma yako, lazima ubebe matokeo ya uasherati wako na ukahaba wako.”
Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Because you have forgotten Me and have cast Me behind your back, you must bear the consequences of your indecency and prostitution.’”
36 Bwana akaniambia, “Mwanadamu, Je, utawahukumu Ohola na Oholiba? Basi wakabili kwa ajili ya matendo yao ya machukizo,
Then the LORD said to me: “Son of man, will you pass judgment against Oholah and Oholibah? Then declare to them their abominations.
37 kwa kuwa wamefanya uzinzi na damu imo mikononi mwao. Wamefanya uzinzi na sanamu zao, hata wamewatoa watoto wao walionizalia kuwa kafara, kuwa chakula kwao.
For they have committed adultery, and blood is on their hands. They have committed adultery with their idols. They have even sacrificed their children, whom they bore to Me, in the fire as food for their idols.
38 Pia wamenifanyia hili: wakati huo huo wamenajisi patakatifu pangu na kuzitangua Sabato zangu.
They have also done this to Me: On that very same day, they defiled My sanctuary and profaned My Sabbaths.
39 Siku ile ile walitoa watoto wao kuwa kafara kwa sanamu zao, waliingia patakatifu pangu na kupatia unajisi. Hilo ndilo walilolifanya katika nyumba yangu.
On the very day they slaughtered their children for their idols, they entered My sanctuary to profane it. Yes, they did this inside My house.
40 “Walituma hata wajumbe kuwaita watu kutoka mbali, nao walipowasili ulioga kwa ajili yao, ukapaka macho yako rangi na ukavaa mapambo yako yaliyotengenezwa kwa vito vya dhahabu.
Furthermore, you sisters sent messengers for men who came from afar; and behold, when they arrived, you bathed for them, painted your eyes, and adorned yourself with jewelry.
41 Ukaketi kwenye kiti cha anasa, kukiwa na meza iliyoandaliwa mbele yake ambayo juu yake ulikuwa umeweka uvumba na mafuta ambayo yalikuwa yangu.
You sat on a couch of luxury with a table spread before it, on which you had set My incense and My oil,
42 “Kelele za umati wa watu wasiojali zilikuwa zimemzunguka, wakaleta watu wengi waliokuwa wakifanya makelele na walevi kutoka nyikani, ambao walitia bangili kwenye mikono ya yule mwanamke na dada yake na pia taji nzuri za kupendeza kwenye vichwa vyao.
accompanied by the sound of a carefree crowd. Drunkards were brought in from the desert along with men from the rabble, who put bracelets on your wrists and beautiful crowns on your head.
43 Ndipo nikasema kuhusu yule aliyechakazwa na uzinzi, ‘Basi wamtumie kama kahaba, kwa kuwa ndivyo alivyo.’
Then I said of her who had grown old in adulteries: ‘Now let them use her as a prostitute, for that is all she is!’
44 Nao wakazini naye. Kama vile watu wazinivyo na kahaba, ndiyo hivyo walivyozini na hao wanawake waasherati, Ohola na Oholiba.
And they slept with her as with a prostitute; they slept with Oholah and Oholibah, those lewd women.
45 Lakini watu wenye haki, watawahukumia adhabu wanawake wafanyao uzinzi na kumwaga damu, kwa kuwa ni wazinzi na damu iko mikononi mwao.
But righteous men will sentence them to the punishment of those who commit adultery and bloodshed, because they are adulteresses with blood on their hands.
46 “Hili ndilo Bwana Mwenyezi asemalo, Leteni watu wengi wenye makelele dhidi yao na uwaache wapate hofu na watekwe nyara.
This is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Bring a mob against them and consign them to terror and plunder.
47 Hao watu wengi watawapiga kwa mawe na kuwaua kwa panga zao, watawaua wana wao na binti zao na kuzichoma nyumba zao.
The mob will stone them and cut them down with their swords. They will kill their sons and daughters and burn down their houses.
48 “Hivyo nitaukomesha uasherati katika nchi, ili wanawake wote wapate onyo nao wasije wakafanya uasherati kama ninyi mlivyofanya.
So I will put an end to indecency in the land, and all the women will be admonished not to imitate your behavior.
49 Utapata adhabu kwa ajili ya uasherati wako na kuchukua matokeo ya dhambi zako za uasherati. Ndipo utakapojua kuwa Mimi ndimi Bwana Mwenyezi.”
They will repay you for your indecency, and you will bear the consequences of your sins of idolatry. Then you will know that I am the Lord GOD.’”

< Ezekieli 23 >