< Ezekieli 15 >

1 Neno la Bwana likanijia kusema:
And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
2 “Mwanadamu, je, ni vipi mti wa mzabibu unaweza kuwa bora zaidi kuliko tawi la mti mwingine wowote ndani ya msitu?
O son of humankind what? is it [the] wood of the vine more than any tree the vine branch which it is among [the] trees of the forest.
3 Je, mti wake kamwe huchukuliwa na kutengeneza chochote cha manufaa? Je, watu hutengeneza vigingi vya kuningʼinizia vitu kutokana na huo mti wake?
¿ Is it taken from it wood to make into a product or? do people take from it a peg to hang on it any vessel.
4 Nao baada ya kutiwa motoni kama nishati na moto ukateketeza ncha zote mbili na kuunguza sehemu ya kati, je, unafaa kwa lolote?
There! to the fire it is given for fuel [the] two ends its it consumes the fire and [the] middle of it it is charred ¿ is it successful for a product.
5 Kama haukufaa kitu chochote ulipokuwa mzima, je, si zaidi sana sasa ambapo hauwezekani kufanyishwa chochote cha kufaa baada ya moto kuuchoma na kuuunguza?
There! when was it complete not it was made into a product indeed? if a fire it has consumed it and it has been charred and will it be made? again into a product.
6 “Kwa hiyo hili ndilo Bwana Mwenyezi asemalo: Kama nilivyoutoa mti wa mzabibu miongoni mwa miti ya msituni kuwa nishati kwa ajili ya moto, hivyo ndivyo nitakavyowatendea watu waishio Yerusalemu.
Therefore thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh just as [the] wood of the vine among [the] tree[s] of the forest which I have given it to the fire for fuel so I have given [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem.
7 Nitaukaza uso wangu dhidi yao. Ingawa watakuwa wameokoka kwenye moto, bado moto utawateketeza. Nami nitakapoukaza uso wangu dhidi yao, ninyi mtajua kwamba Mimi ndimi Bwana.
And I will set face my on them from the fire they have come out and the fire it will consume them and you will know that I [am] Yahweh when set I face my on them.
8 Nitaifanya nchi kuwa ukiwa kwa sababu wamekuwa si waaminifu, asema Bwana Mwenyezi.”
And I will make the land a desolation because they have acted unfaithfully unfaithfulness [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.

< Ezekieli 15 >