< Kutoka 36 >
1 Kwa hiyo Bezaleli, Oholiabu na kila mtu Bwana aliyempa ustadi na uwezo wa kujua jinsi ya kufanya kazi zote za kujenga mahali patakatifu wataifanya hiyo kazi kama vile Bwana alivyoagiza.”
“So Bezalel, Oholiab, and every skilled person are to carry out everything commanded by the LORD, who has given them skill and ability to know how to perform all the work of constructing the sanctuary.”
2 Ndipo Mose akawaita Bezaleli na Oholiabu na kila mtu mwenye ustadi ambaye Bwana alikuwa amempa uwezo na mwenye kupenda kuja na kufanya kazi.
Then Moses summoned Bezalel, Oholiab, and every skilled person whom the LORD had gifted—everyone whose heart stirred him to come and do the work.
3 Wakapokea kutoka kwa Mose sadaka zote ambazo Waisraeli walikuwa wameleta ili kuifanya kazi ya ujenzi wa Mahali Patakatifu. Nao watu wakaendelea kuleta sadaka za hiari kila asubuhi.
They received from Moses all the contributions that the Israelites had brought to carry out the service of constructing the sanctuary. Meanwhile, the people continued to bring freewill offerings morning after morning,
4 Ikafika wakati mafundi wote wenye ujuzi waliokuwa wakiifanya kazi yote ya mahali patakatifu wakasimamisha kazi zao,
so that all the skilled craftsmen who were doing all the work on the sanctuary left their work
5 wakaja na kumwambia Mose, “Watu wanaleta vitu vingi kuliko tunavyohitaji kwa ajili ya kazi hii ambayo Bwana ameagiza ifanyike.”
and said to Moses, “The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the LORD has commanded us to do.”
6 Ndipo Mose akatoa agizo, nao wakapeleka neno hili katika kambi yote: “Mtu yeyote mwanaume au mwanamke asilete tena kitu chochote kwa ajili ya sadaka ya mahali patakatifu.” Hivyo watu wakazuiliwa kuleta zaidi,
After Moses had given an order, they sent a proclamation throughout the camp: “No man or woman should make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.” So the people were restrained from bringing more,
7 kwa sababu walivyokuwa navyo tayari vilitosha na kuzidi kuifanya kazi yote.
since what they already had was more than enough to perform all the work.
8 Watu wote wenye ustadi miongoni mwa wafanyakazi wote wakatengeneza maskani kwa mapazia kumi ya kitani iliyosokotwa vizuri, na nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, za zambarau, na za rangi nyekundu, naye fundi stadi akatirizi makerubi kwenye mapazia hayo.
All the skilled craftsmen among the workmen made the ten curtains for the tabernacle. They were made of finely spun linen, as well as blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, with cherubim skillfully worked into them.
9 Mapazia yote yalitoshana kwa ukubwa: kila moja lilikuwa na urefu wa dhiraa ishirini na nane, na upana wa dhiraa nne
Each curtain was twenty-eight cubits long and four cubits wide; all the curtains were the same size.
10 Wakayaunganisha mapazia matano pamoja, pia wakafanya vivyo hivyo kwa hayo mengine matano.
And he joined five of the curtains together, and the other five he joined as well.
11 Kisha wakatengeneza vitanzi vya kitambaa cha buluu kwenye upindo wa pazia la mwisho la fungu la kwanza, pia wakafanya vivyo hivyo na pazia la fungu la mwisho.
He made loops of blue material on the edge of the end curtain in the first set, and also on the end curtain in the second set.
12 Wakatengeneza pia vitanzi hamsini katika pazia mmoja, na vitanzi vingine hamsini kwenye pazia la mwisho la fungu hilo lingine, nazo vitanzi vyote vikaelekeana.
He made fifty loops on one curtain and fifty loops on the end curtain of the second set, so that the loops lined up opposite one another.
13 Kisha wakatengeneza vifungo hamsini vya dhahabu, na wakavitumia kufunga na kuunganisha zile fungu mbili za mapazia pamoja ili maskani ipate kuwa kitu kimoja.
He also made fifty gold clasps to join the curtains together, so that the tabernacle was a unit.
14 Wakatengeneza mapazia kumi na moja ya singa za mbuzi kwa ajili ya kufunika maskani.
He then made curtains of goat hair for the tent over the tabernacle—eleven curtains in all.
15 Mapazia hayo kumi na moja yalikuwa na kipimo kimoja, yaani urefu wa dhiraa thelathini, na upana wa dhiraa nne.
Each of the eleven curtains was the same size—thirty cubits long and four cubits wide.
16 Wakaunganisha mapazia matano kuwa fungu moja, na hayo mengine sita kuwa fungu lingine.
He joined five of the curtains into one set and the other six into another.
17 Kisha wakatengeneza vitanzi hamsini kwenye upindo wa pazia la mwisho la fungu moja, na vivyo hivyo kwenye upindo wa pazia la mwisho la fungu hilo lingine.
He made fifty loops along the edge of the end curtain in the first set, and fifty loops along the edge of the corresponding curtain in the second set.
18 Wakatengeneza vifungo hamsini vya shaba ili kukaza hema pamoja kuwa kitu kimoja.
He also made fifty bronze clasps to join the tent together as a unit.
19 Kisha wakatengeneza kifuniko cha hema kwa ngozi za kondoo dume zilizotiwa rangi nyekundu, na juu yake kifuniko cha ngozi za pomboo.
Additionally, he made for the tent a covering of ram skins dyed red, and over that a covering of fine leather.
20 Wakatengeneza mihimili ya kusimamisha ya mti wa mshita kwa ajili ya maskani.
Next, he constructed upright frames of acacia wood for the tabernacle.
21 Kila mhimili ulikuwa na urefu wa dhiraa kumi, na upana wa dhiraa moja na nusu,
Each frame was ten cubits long and a cubit and a half wide.
22 zikiwa na ndimi mbili zilizokuwa sambamba kila mmoja na mwingine. Wakatengeneza mihimili yote ya maskani jinsi hii.
Two tenons were connected to each other for each frame. He made all the frames of the tabernacle in this way.
23 Wakatengeneza mihimili ishirini kwa ajili ya upande wa kusini wa maskani,
He constructed twenty frames for the south side of the tabernacle,
24 na wakatengeneza vitako arobaini vya fedha vya kuweka chini ya hiyo mihimili, vitako viwili kwa kila mhimili, kimoja chini ya kila ulimi.
with forty silver bases to put under the twenty frames—two bases for each frame, one under each tenon.
25 Kwa upande wa kaskazini wa maskani wakatengeneza mihimili ishirini
For the second side of the tabernacle, the north side, he made twenty frames
26 na vitako arobaini vya fedha, viwili chini ya kila mhimili.
and forty silver bases—two bases under each frame.
27 Wakatengeneza mihimili sita kwa mwisho ulio mbali, yaani upande wa magharibi wa maskani,
He made six frames for the rear of the tabernacle, the west side,
28 na mihimili miwili ikatengenezwa kwa ajili ya pembe za maskani za upande uliokuwa mbali.
and two frames for the two back corners of the tabernacle,
29 Katika pembe hizi mbili mihimili yake ilikuwa miwili kuanzia chini mpaka juu, na ikaingizwa kwenye pete moja; mihimili ya pembe hizi mbili ilifanana.
coupled together from bottom to top and fitted into a single ring. He made both corners in this way.
30 Kwa hiyo kulikuwa na mihimili minane, na vitako kumi na sita vya fedha, viwili chini ya kila mhimili.
So there were eight frames and sixteen silver bases—two under each frame.
31 Wakatengeneza pia mataruma kwa mti wa mshita: matano kwa ajili ya mihimili ya upande mmoja wa maskani,
He also made five crossbars of acacia wood for the frames on one side of the tabernacle,
32 matano kwa ajili ya mihimili ya upande mwingine, na matano kwa ajili mihimili ya upande wa magharibi, mwisho kabisa mwa maskani.
five for those on the other side, and five for those on the rear side of the tabernacle, to the west.
33 Wakatengeneza taruma la katikati, likapenya katikati ya mihimili kutoka mwisho mmoja hadi mwisho mwingine.
He made the central crossbar to run through the center of the frames, from one end to the other.
34 Wakaifunika hiyo mihimili kwa dhahabu, na wakatengeneza pete za dhahabu za kushikilia hayo mataruma. Pia wakayafunika hayo mataruma kwa dhahabu.
And he overlaid the frames with gold and made gold rings to hold the crossbars. He also overlaid the crossbars with gold.
35 Wakatengeneza pazia la nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, za zambarau, na za rangi nyekundu na kitani safi iliyosokotwa vizuri, naye fundi stadi akatirizi makerubi kwenye hilo pazia.
Next, he made the veil of blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and finely spun linen, with cherubim skillfully worked into it.
36 Wakatengeneza nguzo nne za mti wa mshita kwa ajili yake na kuzifunika kwa dhahabu. Wakatengeneza kulabu za dhahabu kwa ajili ya nguzo hizo, na kusubu vitako vinne vya fedha.
He also made four posts of acacia wood for it and overlaid them with gold, along with gold hooks; and he cast four silver bases for the posts.
37 Kwa ajili ya ingilio la hema wakatengeneza pazia la nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, za zambarau, na za rangi nyekundu na kitani safi iliyosokotwa vizuri, kazi ya mtarizi.
For the entrance to the tent, he made a curtain embroidered with blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and finely spun linen,
38 Pia wakatengeneza nguzo tano zenye kulabu. Wakafunika ncha za juu za hizo nguzo pamoja na tepe zake kwa dhahabu, na pia wakatengeneza vitako vyake vitano vya shaba.
together with five posts and their hooks. He overlaid the tops of the posts and their bands with gold, and their five bases were bronze.