< Kutoka 28 >
1 “Mtwae Aroni ndugu yako aliyeletwa kwako kutoka miongoni mwa Waisraeli, pamoja na wanawe Nadabu, Abihu, Eleazari na Ithamari, ili wanitumikie katika kazi ya ukuhani.
And do you take to yourself both Aaron your brother, and his sons, even [them] of the children of Israel; so that Aaron, and Nadab and Abiud, and Eleazar and Ithamar, sons of Aaron, may minister to me.
2 Mshonee Aroni ndugu yako mavazi matakatifu ili yampe ukuu na heshima.
And you shall make holy apparel for Aaron your brother, for honour and glory.
3 Waambie mafundi stadi wote niliowapa hekima katika shughuli hiyo wamtengenezee Aroni mavazi hayo, ili awekwe wakfu, anitumikie katika kazi ya ukuhani.
And speak you to all those who are wise in understanding, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom and perception; and they shall make the holy apparel of Aaron for the sanctuary, in which [apparel] he shall minister to me as priest.
4 Haya ndiyo mavazi watakayoshona: kifuko cha kifuani, kisibau, kanzu, joho lililorembwa, kilemba na mshipi. Mavazi haya yatashonwa kwa ajili ya ndugu yako Aroni na wanawe ili wanitumikie katika kazi ya ukuhani.
And these are the garments which they shall make: the breast-plate, and the shoulder-piece, and the full-length robe, and the tunic with a fringe, and the tire, and the girdle; and they shall make holy garments for Aaron and his sons to minister to me as priests.
5 Waambie watumie dhahabu na nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, za zambarau, na za rangi nyekundu pamoja na kitani safi.
And they shall take the gold, and the blue, and the purple, and the scarlet, and the fine linen.
6 “Tengeneza kisibau cha dhahabu, na nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, za zambarau, za rangi nyekundu na kitani safi iliyosokotwa, kazi ya fundi stadi.
And they shall make the shoulder-piece of fine linen spun, the woven work of the embroiderer.
7 Kitakuwa na vipande viwili vya mabegani vilivyoshikizwa kwenye pembe zake mbili ili kufungia kisibau.
It shall have two shoulder-pieces joined together, fastened on the two sides.
8 Mshipi wa kiunoni uliofumwa kwa ustadi utafanana nacho: utakuwa kitu kimoja na hicho kisibau, nao utengenezwe kwa dhahabu na nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, za zambarau, na nyekundu na kwa kitani iliyosokotwa vizuri.
And the woven work of the shoulder-pieces which is upon it, shall be of one piece according to the work, of pure gold and blue and purple, and spun scarlet and fine twined linen.
9 “Chukua vito viwili vya shohamu, na uchore juu yake majina ya wana wa Israeli
And you shall take the two stones, the stones of emerald, and you shall grave on them the names of the children of Israel.
10 kufuatana na walivyozaliwa: majina sita katika kito kimoja, na mengine sita katika kito kingine.
Six names on the first stone, and the other six names on the second stone, according to their births.
11 Yachore majina ya wana wa Israeli juu ya vito hivyo viwili kama vile sonara anavyochonga muhuri. Kisha uvitie vito hivyo katika vijalizo vya dhahabu,
[It shall be] the work of the stone-engraver's are; as the graving of a seal you shall engrave the two stones with the names of the children of Israel.
12 na uvifungie juu ya vipande vya mabega ya kisibau yawe kama vito vya ukumbusho kwa wana wa Israeli. Aroni atavaa majina hayo mabegani mwake kama kumbukumbu mbele za Bwana.
And you shall put the two stones on the shoulders of the shoulder-piece: they are memorial-stones for the children of Israel: and Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel before the Lord on his two shoulders, a memorial for them.
13 Tengeneza vijalizo vya dhahabu
And you shall make circlets of pure gold;
14 na mikufu miwili ya dhahabu safi iliyosokotwa kama kamba, na uifunge mikufu hiyo kwenye vijalizo.
and you shall make two fringes of pure gold, variegated with flowers wreathen work; and you shall put the wreathen fringes on the circlets, fastening them on their shoulder-pieces in front.
15 “Fanyiza kifuko cha kifuani kwa ajili ya kufanya maamuzi, kazi ya fundi stadi. Kitengeneze kama kile kisibau: cha dhahabu, na nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, za zambarau, na za rangi nyekundu, cha kitani safi iliyosokotwa.
And you shall make the oracle of judgement, the work of the embroiderer: in keeping with the ephod, you shall make it of gold, and blue and purple, and spun scarlet, and fine linen spun.
16 Kitakuwa cha mraba, chenye urefu wa shibiri moja na upana wa shibiri moja, na kikunjwe mara mbili.
You shall make it square: it shall be double; of a span the length of it, and of a span the breadth.
17 Kisha weka safu nne za vito vya thamani juu yake. Safu ya kwanza itakuwa na akiki, yakuti manjano na zabarajadi;
And you shall interweave with it a texture of four rows of stone; there shall be a row of stones, a sardius, a topaz, and emerald, the first row.
18 katika safu ya pili itakuwa na almasi, yakuti samawi na zumaridi;
And the second row, a carbuncle, a sapphire, and a jasper.
19 safu ya tatu itakuwa na hiakintho, akiki nyekundu na amethisto;
And the third row, a ligure, an agate, an amethyst:
20 na safu ya nne itakuwa na krisolitho, shohamu na yaspi. Yote yatiwe kwenye vijalizo vya dhahabu.
and the fourth row, a chrysolite, and a beryl, and an onyx stone, set round with gold, bound together with gold: let them be according to their row.
21 Patakuwa na vito kumi na viwili, kila kimoja kwa jina mojawapo la wana wa Israeli, kila kimoja kichorwe kama muhuri kikiwa na jina mojawapo la yale makabila kumi na mawili.
And let the stones of the names of the children of Israel be twelve according to their names, engravings as of seals: let them be for the twelve tribes each according to the name.
22 “Kwa ajili ya kile kifuko cha kifuani, tengeneza mikufu ya dhahabu safi, iliyosokotwa kama kamba.
And you shall make on the oracle woven fringes, a chain-work of pure gold.
23 Tengeneza pete mbili za dhahabu kwa ajili yake, uzifungie kwenye pembe mbili za hicho kifuko cha kifuani.
And Aaron shall take the names of the children of Israel, on the oracle of judgement on his breast; a memorial before God for him as he goes into the sanctuary.
24 Funga ile mikufu miwili ya dhahabu kwenye hizo pete zilizo katika pembe za hicho kifuko cha kifuani,
And you shall put the fringes on the oracle of judgement; you shall put the wreaths on both sides of the oracle,
25 nazo zile ncha nyingine za mkufu zifunge kwenye vile vijalizo viwili, na uzishikamanishe na vile vipande vya mabega vya kile kisibau upande wa mbele.
and you shall put the two circlets on both the shoulders of the ephod in front.
26 Tengeneza pete mbili za dhahabu, uzishikamanishe kwenye pembe mbili za chini, upande wa ndani wa kifuko cha kifuani karibu na kisibau.
And you shall put the Manifestation and the Truth on the oracle of judgement; and it shall be on the breast of Aaron, when he goes into the holy place before the Lord; and Aaron shall bear the judgements of the children of Israel on his breast before the Lord continually.
27 Tengeneza pete nyingine mbili za dhahabu, na uzishikamanishe sehemu ya chini ya vipande vya mabega upande wa mbele wa kile kisibau, karibu na pindo juu kidogo ya mshipi wa kiunoni wa kisibau.
And you shall make the full-length tunic all of blue.
28 Pete za kifuko cha kifuani zitafungwa kwenye pete zile za kisibau kwa kamba ya buluu, ziunganishwe na ule mshipi wa kiunoni, ili kifuko cha kifuani kisisogee kutoka kwenye kile kisibau.
And the opening of it shall be in the middle having a fringe round about the opening, the work of the weaver, woven together in the joining of the same piece that it might not be tore.
29 “Wakati wowote Aroni aingiapo Mahali Patakatifu, atakuwa na yale majina ya wana wa Israeli moyoni mwake juu ya kile kifuko cha kifuani cha uamuzi kama kumbukumbu ya kudumu mbele za Bwana.
And under the fringe of the robe below you shall make as it were pomegranates of a flowering pomegranate tree, of blue, and purple, and spun scarlet, and fine linen spun, under the fringe of the robe round about: golden pomegranates of the same shape, and bells round about between these.
30 Pia weka Urimu na Thumimu ndani ya kifuko cha kifuani, yawe juu ya moyo wa Aroni kila mara aingiapo mbele za Bwana. Kwa hiyo siku zote Aroni atakuwa na uwezo kufanya maamuzi kwa ajili ya wana wa Israeli mbele za Bwana.
A bell by the side of a golden pomegranate, and flower-work on the fringe of the robe round about.
31 “Shona joho la kisibau lote kwa kitambaa cha rangi ya buluu tupu,
And the sound of Aaron shall be audible when he ministers, as he goes into the sanctuary before the Lord, and has he goes out, that he die not.
32 na katikati uweke nafasi ya kuingizia kichwa. Kutakuwa na utepe uliofumwa, unaofanana na ukosi kuizunguka nafasi hiyo, ili isichanike.
And you shall make a plate [of] pure gold, and you shall grave on it [as] the graving of a signet, Holiness of the Lord.
33 Tengeneza makomamanga ya nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, za zambarau, na za rangi nyekundu kuzunguka pindo la hilo joho, na uweke pia vikengele vya dhahabu kati ya hayo makomamanga.
And you shall put it on the spun blue cloth, and it shall be on the mitre: it shall be in the front of the mitre.
34 Hivyo vikengele vya dhahabu na makomamanga vitapishana kuzunguka upindo wa joho lile.
And it shall be on the forehead of Aaron; and Aaron shall bear away the sins of their holy things, all that the children of Israel shall sanctify of every gift of their holy things, and it shall be on the forehead of Aaron continually acceptable for them before the Lord.
35 Ni lazima Aroni alivae anapofanya huduma. Sauti ya hivyo vikengele itasikika anapoingia na kutoka Mahali Patakatifu mbele za Bwana, ili asije akafa.
And the fringes of the garments [shall be] of fine linen; and you shall make a tire of fine linen, and you shall make a girdle, the work of the embroiderer.
36 “Tengeneza bamba la dhahabu safi na uchore juu yake maneno haya kama vile muhuri huchorwa: Mtakatifu kwa Bwana.
And for the sons of Aaron you shall make tunics and girdles, and you shall make for them tires for honour and glory.
37 Lifunge hilo bamba kwa kamba ya buluu kwenye kilemba, nalo ni lazima liwe mbele ya kilemba.
And you shall put them on Aaron your brother, and his sons with him, and you shall anoint them and fill their hands: and you shall sanctify them, that they may minister to me in the priest's office.
38 Aroni alivae bamba hilo kwenye paji la uso wake, naye atachukua hatia kuhusu sadaka takatifu za Waisraeli wanazoweka wakfu, sadaka za aina yoyote. Litakuwa kwenye paji la uso wa Aroni daima ili zikubalike kwa Bwana.
And you shall make for them linen drawers to cover the nakedness of their flesh; they shall reach from the loins to the thighs.
39 “Fuma koti la kitani safi na ufanye kilemba cha kitani safi. Mshipi uwe ni kazi ya mtarizi.
And Aaron shall have them, and his sons, whenever they enter into the tabernacle of witness, or when they shall advance to the altar of the sanctuary to minister, so they shall not bring sin upon themselves, lest they die: [it is] a perpetual statute for him, and for his seed after him.
40 Watengenezee wana wa Aroni makoti, mishipi na kofia, ili kuwapa ukuu na heshima.
41 Baada ya kumvika Aroni ndugu yako pamoja na wanawe nguo hizi, watie mafuta na kuwabariki. Waweke wakfu ili wanitumikie katika kazi ya ukuhani.
42 “Watengenezee nguo za ndani za kitani zitakazofunika mwili, kutoka kiunoni hadi mapajani.
43 Aroni na wanawe ni lazima wavae haya kila wanapoingia katika Hema la Kukutania au wanaposogelea madhabahu wakati wa kutoa huduma katika Mahali Patakatifu, ili wasije wakafanya kosa wakafa. “Haya yawe maagizo ya kudumu kwa Aroni na vizazi vyake.