< Kutoka 26 >
1 “Tengeneza maskani kwa mapazia kumi ya kitani iliyosokotwa vizuri na nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, za zambarau, na za rangi nyekundu, naye fundi stadi atatarizi makerubi kwenye mapazia hayo.
Afterwarde thou shalt make the Tabernacle with tenne curtaines of fine twined linen, and blewe silke, and purple, and skarlet: and in them thou shalt make Cherubims of broydered worke.
2 Mapazia yote yatatoshana kwa ukubwa: kila moja litakuwa na urefu wa dhiraa ishirini na nane, na upana wa dhiraa nne
The length of one curtaine shalbe eight and twentie cubites, and the bredth of one curtaine, foure cubites: euery one of the curtaines shall haue one measure.
3 Unganisha mapazia matano pamoja; fanya vivyo hivyo kwa hayo mengine matano.
Fiue curtaines shalbe coupled one to an other: and the other fiue curtaines shall be coupled one to another.
4 Tengeneza vitanzi vya kitambaa cha buluu kwenye upindo wa pazia la mwisho la fungu la kwanza, na ufanye vivyo hivyo na pazia la fungu la mwisho.
And thou shalt make stringes of blew silke vpon the edge of the one curtaine, which is in the seluedge of the coupling: and likewise shalt thou make in the edge of the other curtaine in the seluedge, in the second coupling.
5 Fanya vitanzi hamsini katika pazia mmoja, na vitanzi vingine hamsini kwenye pazia la mwisho la fungu hilo lingine, nazo vitanzi vyote vielekeane.
Fiftie strings shalt thou make in one curtaine, and fiftie stringes shalt thou make in the edge of the curtaine, which is in the second coupling: ye stringes shalbe one right against another.
6 Kisha tengeneza vifungo hamsini vya dhahabu ili vitumike kufunga na kuunganisha mapazia pamoja kufanya Hema liwe kitu kimoja.
Thou shalt make also fiftie taches of gold, and couple the curtaines one to another with the taches, and it shalbe one tabernacle.
7 “Tengeneza mapazia kumi na moja ya singa za mbuzi kwa ajili ya kufunika maskani.
Also thou shalt make curtaines of goates heare, to be a couering vpon the Tabernacle: thou shalt make them to the number of eleuen curtaines.
8 Mapazia hayo kumi na moja yatakuwa na kipimo kimoja, yaani urefu wa dhiraa thelathini, na upana wa dhiraa nne.
The length of a curtaine shall be thirtie cubites, and the breadth of a curtaine foure cubites: the eleuen curtaines shalbe of one measure.
9 Unganisha hayo mapazia matano yawe fungu moja, na hayo mengine sita yawe fungu lingine. Kunja hilo pazia la sita mara mbili mbele ya maskani.
And thou shalt couple fiue curtaynes by themselues, and the sixe curtaines by themselues: but thou shalt double the sixt curtaine vpon the forefront of the couering.
10 Tengeneza vitanzi hamsini kwenye upindo wa pazia la mwisho la fungu moja, na vivyo hivyo kwenye upindo wa pazia la mwisho la fungu hilo lingine.
And thou shalt make fifty stringes in the edge of one curtayne, in the seluedge of the coupling, and fifty stringes in the edge of the other curtaine in the second coupling.
11 Kisha tengeneza vifungo hamsini vya shaba, uviingize katika vile vitanzi ili kukaza hema pamoja kuwa kitu kimoja.
Likewise thou shalt make fifty taches of brasse, and fasten them on the strings, and shalt couple the couering together, that it may be one.
12 Kuhusu kile kipande cha ziada cha pazia la Hema, nusu ya hilo pazia lililobaki litaningʼinizwa upande wa nyuma wa Hema.
And the remnant that resteth in ye curtaines of the couering, euen the halfe curtaine that resteth, shalbe left at the backeside of the Tabernacle,
13 Mapazia ya hema yatakuwa na urefu wa dhiraa moja zaidi pande zote, sehemu itakayobaki itaningʼinia pande zote za Hema ili kuifunika.
That the cubite on the one side, and the cubite on the other side of that which is left in the legth of the curtaines of ye couering, may remaine on either side of the Tabernacle to couer it.
14 Tengeneza kifuniko cha hema kwa ngozi za kondoo dume zilizotiwa rangi nyekundu, na juu yake kifuniko cha ngozi za pomboo.
Moreouer, for that couering thou shalt make a couering of rammes skinnes died red, and a couering of badgers skinnes aboue.
15 “Tengeneza mihimili ya kusimamisha ya mti wa mshita kwa ajili ya maskani.
Also thou shalt make boards for the Tabernacle of Shittim wood to stand vp.
16 Kila mhimili uwe na urefu wa dhiraa kumi na upana wa dhiraa moja na nusu,
Ten cubites shalbe the length of a boarde, and a cubite and an halfe cubite the breadth of one boarde.
17 zikiwa na ndimi mbili zilizo sambamba kila mmoja na mwingine. Tengeneza mihimili yote ya maskani jinsi hii.
Two tenons shalbe in one boarde set in order as the feete of a ladder, one against an other: thus shalt thou make for all the boardes of the Tabernacle.
18 Tengeneza mihimili ishirini kwa ajili ya upande wa kusini wa maskani,
And thou shalt make boardes for the Tabernacle, euen twenty boardes on the South side, euen full South.
19 kisha tengeneza vitako arobaini vya fedha vya kuweka chini ya hiyo mihimili, vitako viwili kwa kila mhimili, kimoja chini ya kila ulimi.
And thou shalt make fourty sockets of siluer vnder the twentie boardes, two sockets vnder one boarde for his two tenons, and two sockets vnder an other boarde for his two tenons.
20 Kuhusu upande wa kaskazini wa maskani, tengeneza mihimili ishirini
In like maner on the other side of the Tabernacle towarde the North side shalbe twentie boardes,
21 na vitako arobaini vya fedha, viwili chini ya kila mhimili.
And their fourtie sockets of siluer, two sockets vnder one boarde, and two sockets vnder another board.
22 Kisha tengeneza mihimili sita kwa mwisho ulio mbali, yaani upande wa magharibi wa maskani,
And on the side of the Tabernacle, toward the West shalt thou make sixe boards.
23 na pia utengeneze mihimili miwili ya pembe za upande ulio mbali.
Also two boardes shalt thou make in the corners of the Tabernacle in the two sides.
24 Katika pembe hizi mbili ni lazima mihimili yake iwe miwili kuanzia chini mpaka juu, na iingizwe kwenye pete moja; mihimili ya pembe hizi mbili itafanana.
Also they shalbe ioyned beneath, and likewise they shalbe ioyned aboue to a ring: thus shall it be for them two: they shalbe for ye two corners.
25 Kwa hiyo itakuwepo mihimili minane, na vitako kumi na sita vya fedha, viwili chini ya kila mhimili.
So they shalbe eight boardes hauing sockets of siluer, euen sixteene sockets, that is, two sockets vnder one board, and two sockets vnder an other boarde.
26 “Pia tengeneza mataruma ya mti wa mshita: matano kwa ajili ya mihimili ya upande mmoja wa maskani,
The thou shalt make fiue barres of Shittim wood for the boardes of one side of the Tabernacle,
27 matano kwa ajili ya mihimili ya upande mwingine, na matano kwa ajili ya mihimili ya upande wa magharibi, mwisho kabisa mwa maskani.
And fiue barres for the boardes of the other side of the Tabernacle: also fiue barres for the boardes of the side of the Tabernacle toward the Westside.
28 Taruma la katikati litapenya katikati ya mihimili kutoka mwisho mmoja hadi mwisho mwingine.
And the middle barre shall goe through the middes of the boards, from ende to ende.
29 Funika hiyo mihimili kwa dhahabu, kisha tengeneza pete za dhahabu ambazo zitashikilia hayo mataruma. Pia funika hayo mataruma kwa dhahabu.
And thou shalt couer the boards with golde, and make their rings of golde, for places for the barres, and thou shalt couer the barres with golde.
30 “Simamisha Hema sawasawa na mfano ulioonyeshwa kule mlimani.
So thou shalt reare vp the Tabernacle, according to the facion thereof, which was shewed thee in the mount.
31 “Tengeneza pazia la nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, za zambarau, na za rangi nyekundu na kitani safi iliyosokotwa vizuri, naye fundi stadi atirizi makerubi kwenye hilo pazia.
Moreouer, thou shalt make a vaile of blewe silke, and purple, and skarlet, and fine twined linen: thou shalt make it of broydred worke with Cherubims.
32 Litundike kwa kulabu za dhahabu kwenye nguzo nne za mti wa mshita ambazo zimefunikwa kwa dhahabu, zikiwa zimesimamishwa kwenye vitako vinne vya fedha.
And thou shalt hang it vpon foure pillars of Shittim wood couered with gold, (whose hookes shalbe of gold) stading vpon foure sockets of siluer.
33 Ningʼiniza pazia hilo kwenye vifungo, kisha weka Sanduku la Ushuhuda nyuma ya pazia. Pazia litatenganisha Mahali Patakatifu kutoka Patakatifu pa Patakatifu.
Afterward thou shalt hang the vaile on the hookes, that thou mayest bring in thither, that is (within the vaile) the arke of the Testimonie: and the vaile shall make you a separation betweene the Holy place and the most holy place.
34 Weka kifuniko cha kiti cha rehema juu ya Sanduku la Ushuhuda ndani ya Patakatifu pa Patakatifu.
Also thou shalt put ye Mercy seate vpon the Arke of the testimonie in the most Holy place.
35 Weka meza nje ya pazia upande wa kaskazini wa Hema, kisha weka kinara cha taa upande wa kusini wa Hema.
And thou shalt set the Table without the vaile, and the Candlesticke ouer against the Table on the Southside of the Tabernacle, and thou shalt set the Table on the Northside.
36 “Kwa ajili ya ingilio la hema, tengeneza pazia la nyuzi za rangi ya buluu, za zambarau, na za rangi nyekundu na kitani safi iliyosokotwa vizuri, kazi ya mtarizi.
Also thou shalt make an hanging for the dore of ye Tabernacle of blew silke, and purple, and skarlet, and fine twined linen wrought with needle.
37 Tengeneza kulabu za dhahabu kwa ajili ya hilo pazia, na nguzo tano za mshita zilizofunikwa kwa dhahabu. Kisha mimina vitako vitano vya shaba kwa ajili yake.
And thou shalt make for the hanging fiue pillars of Shittim, and couer them with gold: their heads shalbe of golde, and thou shalt cast fiue sockets of brasse for them.