< Kutoka 10 >

1 Ndipo Bwana akamwambia Mose, “Nenda kwa Farao, kwa kuwa nimeufanya moyo wake kuwa mgumu na mioyo ya maafisa wake ili kwamba nipate kutenda ishara hizi zangu za ajabu miongoni mwao
Againe the Lord saide vnto Moses, Goe to Pharaoh: for I haue hardened his heart, and the heart of his seruants, that I might worke these my miracles in the middes of his realme,
2 ili upate kuwaeleza watoto wako na wajukuu wako jinsi nilivyowatendea Wamisri kwa ukali na jinsi nilivyofanya ishara zangu miongoni mwao, nanyi mpate kujua kuwa Mimi ndimi Bwana.”
And that thou maist declare in the eares of thy sonne, and of thy sonnes sonne, what things I haue done in Egypt, and my miracles, which I haue done among them: that ye may knowe that I am the Lord.
3 Kwa hiyo Mose na Aroni wakaenda kwa Farao na kumwambia, “Hili ndilo Bwana, Mungu wa Waebrania, asemalo: ‘Utaendelea hata lini kukataa kunyenyekea mbele yangu? Waachie watu wangu waende, ili wapate kuniabudu.
Then came Moses and Aaron vnto Pharaoh, and they said vnto him, Thus saith the Lord God of the Ebrewes, Howe long wilt thou refuse to humble thy selfe before me? Let my people goe, that they may serue me.
4 Kama ukikataa kuwaachia waende, kesho nitaleta nzige katika nchi yako.
But if thou refuse to let my people go, beholde, to morowe will I bring grashoppers into thy coastes.
5 Nao watafunika uso wa ardhi hata usionekane. Watatafuna mabaki machache yaliyobakizwa baada ya ile mvua ya mawe, yaani pamoja na kila mti unaoota katika mashamba yenu.
And they shall couer the face of the earth, that a man can not see the earth: and they shall eate the residue which remaineth vnto you, and hath escaped from the haile: and they shall eate all your trees that bud in the fielde.
6 Nzige hao watajaza nyumba zako, za maafisa wako wote na za Wamisri wote. Jambo ambalo baba zenu wala babu zenu hawajapata kuona tangu siku ile walipoanza kuishi katika nchi hii mpaka leo hii.’” Ndipo Mose akageuka na kumwacha Farao.
And they shall fil thine houses, and all thy seruants houses, and the houses of all the Egyptians, as neither thy fathers, nor thy fathers fathers haue seene, since the time they were vpon the earth vnto this day. So he returned, and went out from Pharaoh.
7 Maafisa wa Farao wakamwambia, “Mpaka lini huyu mtu atakuwa tanzi kwetu? Waachie hao watu waende zao, ili wapate kumwabudu Bwana Mungu wao. Je, bado hutambui kuwa Misri imeangamia?”
Then Pharaohs seruants saide vnto him, How long shall he be an offence vnto vs? let the men go, that they may serue the Lord their God: wilt thou first knowe that Egypt is destroyed?
8 Ndipo Mose na Aroni wakaletwa kwa Farao. Farao akawaambia, “Nendeni, mkamwabudu Bwana Mungu wenu. Lakini ni nani hasa watakaokwenda?”
So Moses and Aaron were brought againe vnto Pharaoh, and he saide vnto them, Goe, serue the Lord your God, but who are they that shall goe?
9 Mose akajibu, “Tutakwenda na vijana wetu na wazee, pamoja na wana wetu na binti zetu, pia pamoja na kondoo zetu, ngʼombe, mbuzi, farasi na punda kwa sababu tutaadhimisha sikukuu kwa Bwana.”
And Moses answered, We will go with our yong and with our olde, with our sonnes and with our daughters, with our sheepe and with our cattell will we goe: for we must celebrate a feast vnto the Lord.
10 Farao akasema, “Bwana awe pamoja nanyi, kama nikiwaruhusu mwondoke pamoja na wanawake wenu na watoto wenu! Ni wazi kwamba mna makusudi mabaya.
And he said vnto them, Let the Lord so be with you, as I will let you goe and your children: beholde, for euill is before your face.
11 La hasha! Wanaume peke yao na waende, wakamwabudu Bwana, kwa kuwa hilo ndilo mmekuwa mkiomba.” Kwa hiyo Mose na Aroni wakaondolewa mbele ya Farao.
It shall not be so: nowe goe ye that are men, and serue the Lord: for that was your desire. Then they were thrust out from Pharaohs presence.
12 Basi Bwana akamwambia Mose, “Nyoosha mkono wako juu ya Misri ili kundi la nzige liweze kuingia juu ya nchi na kutafuna kila kitu kiotacho katika mashamba na kila kitu kilichosazwa na ile mvua ya mawe.”
After, the Lord said vnto Moses, Stretch out thine hande vpon the lande of Egypt for the grashoppers, that they may come vpon the lande of Egypt, and eate all the herbes of the land, euen all that the haile hath left.
13 Kwa hiyo Mose akanyoosha fimbo yake juu ya Misri, Bwana akauleta upepo wa mashariki ukavuma katika nchi yote mchana wote na usiku kucha, kufikia asubuhi upepo ukawa umeleta nzige.
Then Moses stretched foorth his rod vpon the lande of Egypt: and the Lord brought an East winde vpon the land all that day, and al that night: and in the morning the East wind brought the grashoppers.
14 Wakaivamia Misri yote na kukaa kila eneo la nchi kwa wingi. Kamwe hapajapata kuwepo pigo la nzige kama hilo, wala halitakuwepo tena.
So the grashoppers went vp vpon all the land of Egypt, and remained in all quarters of Egypt: so grieuous Grashoppers, like to these were neuer before, neither after them shalbe such.
15 Wakafunika ardhi yote mpaka ardhi ikawa nyeusi. Wakatafuna kile chote kilichokuwa kimebakizwa na ile mvua ya mawe, kila kitu kiotacho mashambani pamoja na matunda kwenye miti. Hakuna kitu chochote cha kijani kilichosalia katika miti au mmea katika nchi yote ya Misri.
For they couered all the face of the earth, so that the lande was darke: and they did eate all the herbes of the lande, and all the fruites of the trees, which the haile had left, so that there was no greene thing left vpon the trees, nor among the herbes of the fielde throughout all the lande of Egypt.
16 Farao akawaita Mose na Aroni kwa haraka na kuwaambia, “Nimetenda dhambi dhidi ya Bwana Mungu wenu na dhidi yenu pia.
Therefore Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron in haste, and sayde, I haue sinned against the Lord your God, and against you.
17 Sasa unisamehe dhambi yangu mara moja tena na umwombe Bwana Mungu wako aondoe pigo hili baya kwangu.”
And nowe forgiue mee my sinne onely this once, and pray vnto the Lord your God, that hee may take away from me this death onely.
18 Kisha Mose akaondoka kwa Farao akamwomba Bwana.
Moses then went out from Pharaoh, and prayed vnto the Lord.
19 Naye Bwana akaugeuza upepo ukavuma kutoka magharibi, wenye nguvu nyingi, ambao uliwaondoa wale nzige na kuwapeleka kwenye Bahari ya Shamu. Hakuna nzige hata mmoja aliyebaki popote katika nchi ya Misri.
And the Lord turned a mightie strong West winde, and tooke away the grashoppers, and violently cast them into the red Sea, so that there remained not one grashopper in all the coast of Egypt.
20 Lakini Bwana akaufanya moyo wa Farao kuwa mgumu, wala hakuwaachia Waisraeli waondoke.
But the Lord hardened Pharaohs heart, and hee did not let the children of Israel goe.
21 Kisha Bwana akamwambia Mose, “Nyoosha mkono wako kuelekea angani ili giza litande katika nchi ya Misri, giza ambalo watu wanaweza kulipapasa na kulihisi.”
Againe ye Lord said vnto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heauen, that there may be vpon the lande of Egypt darkenesse, euen darkenesse that may be felt.
22 Kwa hiyo Mose akaunyoosha mkono wake kuelekea angani, na giza nene likafunika pote katika nchi ya Misri kwa muda wa siku tatu.
Then Moses stretched forth his hande towarde heauen, and there was a blacke darkenesse in all the land of Egypt three daies.
23 Hakuna mtu yeyote aliyeweza kumwona mwenzake, wala kuondoka mahali alipokuwa kwa muda wa siku tatu. Lakini Waisraeli wote walikuwa na mwanga katika maeneo yao waliyokuwa wanaishi.
No man saw an other, neither rose vp from ye place where he was for three dayes: but all the children of Israel had light where they dwelt.
24 Ndipo Farao akamwita Mose na kusema, “Nendeni, mkamwabudu Bwana. Hata wanawake na watoto wenu mwaweza kwenda nao pia, lakini kondoo, mbuzi na ngʼombe wenu waacheni.”
The Pharaoh called for Moses and said, Go, serue the Lord: onely your sheepe and your cattel shall abide, and your children shall go with you.
25 Lakini Mose akasema, “Huna budi kuturuhusu tuwe na dhabihu na sadaka za kuteketezwa za kutoa mbele za Bwana Mungu wetu.
And Moses sayd, Thou must giue vs also sacrifices, and burnt offrings that wee may doe sacrifice vnto the Lord our God.
26 Sisi ni lazima tuondoke na mifugo yetu pia, wala hakuna ukwato utakaoachwa nyuma. Inatupasa kutumia baadhi ya hiyo mifugo katika kumwabudu Bwana Mungu wetu, kwa kuwa mpaka tutakapofika huko hatutakuwa tumefahamu ni nini tutakachotumia katika kumwabudu Bwana.”
Therefore our cattell also shall go with vs: there shall not an hoofe bee left, for thereof must we take to serue the Lord our God: neither doe wee knowe howe we shall serue the Lord, vntill we come thither.
27 Lakini Bwana akaufanya moyo wa Farao kuwa mgumu, hakuwa radhi kuwaachia waondoke.
(But the Lord hardened Pharaohs heart, and he would not let them goe)
28 Farao akamwambia Mose, “Ondoka mbele yangu! Hakikisha kuwa hutakuja mbele yangu tena! Siku ile utakapouona uso wangu utakufa.”
And Pharaoh sayde vnto him, Get thee from mee: looke thou see my face no more: for whensoeuer thou commest in my sight, thou shalt dye.
29 Mose akamjibu, “Iwe kama ulivyosema! Kamwe sitauona uso wako tena.”
Then Moses said, Thou hast said well: from henceforth will I see thy face no more.

< Kutoka 10 >