< Waefeso 6 >

1 Enyi watoto, watiini wazazi wenu katika Bwana, kwa kuwa hili ni jema.
you who [are] Children, do obey the parents of you in [the] Lord; this for is right.
2 “Waheshimu baba yako na mama yako,” hii ndio amri ya kwanza yenye ahadi,
do honor the Father of you and mother, which is [the] commandment first with a promise,
3 “upate baraka na uishi siku nyingi duniani.”
that well with you it may be and you will be long-lived upon the earth.
4 Ninyi akina baba, msiwachokoze watoto wenu, bali waleeni kwa nidhamu na mafundisho ya Bwana.
And you who [are] fathers, not do provoke the children of you, but do bring up them in [the] discipline and admonition of [the] Lord.
5 Ninyi watumwa, watiini hao walio mabwana zenu hapa duniani kwa heshima na kwa kutetemeka na kwa moyo mmoja, kama vile mnavyomtii Kristo.
you who [are] slaves, do obey the according to flesh masters with fear and trembling in sincerity of the heart of you as to Christ.
6 Watiini, si tu wakati wakiwaona ili mpate upendeleo wao, bali mtumike kama watumwa wa Kristo, mkifanya mapenzi ya Mungu kwa moyo.
not with eye-service as men-pleasers but as servants of (*k*) Christ doing the will of God from [the] heart
7 Tumikeni kwa moyo wote, kama vile mnamtumikia Bwana na si wanadamu.
with good will rendering service as to the Lord and not to men,
8 Mkijua kwamba Bwana atampa kila mtu thawabu kwa lolote jema alilotenda, kama yeye ni mtumwa au ni mtu huru.
knowing that each one (what *ko*) (maybe *NK(o)*) whatever he shall do good this he will receive [back] from (the *k*) Lord whether slave or free.
9 Nanyi mabwana, watendeeni watumwa wenu kwa jinsi iyo hiyo. Msiwatishe, kwa kuwa mnajua ya kwamba yeye aliye Bwana wenu na Bwana wao yuko mbinguni, naye hana upendeleo.
And you who [are] masters, the [same things] them do perform toward them giving up the threatening, knowing that (also *no*) of them and of you the master is in [the] heavens and partiality not there is with Him.
10 Hatimaye, mzidi kuwa hodari katika Bwana na katika uweza wa nguvu zake.
(Henceforth *N(k)O*) (brothers of mine *K*) do be empowered in [the] Lord and in the strength of the might of Him.
11 Vaeni silaha zote za Mungu ili kwamba mweze kuzipinga hila za ibilisi.
do put on the complete armor of God for to be able you to stand against the schemes of the devil;
12 Kwa maana kushindana kwetu si juu ya nyama na damu, bali dhidi ya falme, mamlaka, dhidi ya wakuu wa giza na majeshi ya pepo wabaya katika ulimwengu wa roho. (aiōn g165)
because not is to us the wrestling against blood and flesh but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of the darkness (*k*) (age *K*) this, against the spiritual [forces] of evil in the heavenly realms. (aiōn g165)
13 Kwa hiyo vaeni silaha zote za Mungu ili mweze kushindana siku ya uovu itakapokuja nanyi mkiisha kufanya yote, simameni imara.
Because of this do take up the complete armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand in the day evil and all things having done to stand.
14 Kwa hiyo simameni imara mkiwa mmejifunga kweli kiunoni na kuvaa dirii ya haki kifuani,
do stand therefore having girded the loins of you with truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness
15 nayo miguu yenu ifungiwe utayari tuupatao kwa Injili ya amani.
and having shod the feet with [the] readiness of the gospel of peace;
16 Zaidi ya haya yote, twaeni ngao ya imani, ambayo kwa hiyo mtaweza kuizima mishale yote yenye moto ya yule mwovu.
(besides *N(k)O*) all having taken up the shield of faith with which you will be able all the arrows of the evil one which enflamed to quench;
17 Vaeni chapeo ya wokovu na mchukue upanga wa Roho, ambao ni Neno la Mungu.
And the helmet of salvation (do take *NK(O)*) and the sword of the Spirit which is declaration of God;
18 Mkiomba kwa Roho siku zote katika sala zote na maombi, mkikesha kila wakati mkiwaombea watakatifu wote.
through all [times] prayer and supplication praying in every season in [the] Spirit and unto (this *k*) watching with all perseverance and with supplication for all saints
19 Niombeeni na mimi pia, ili kila nifunguapo kinywa changu, nipewe maneno ya kusema, niweze kutangaza siri ya Injili kwa ujasiri,
and also for me, that to me (may be given *N(k)O*) divine utterance in [the] opening of the mouth of mine with boldness to make known the mystery of the gospel,
20 ambayo mimi ni balozi wake katika vifungo. Ombeni ili nipate kuhubiri kwa ujasiri kama inipasavyo.
for which I am an ambassador in a chain, that in it I may be bold as it behooves me to speak.
21 Tikiko, aliye ndugu mpendwa na mtumishi mwaminifu katika Bwana, atawaambia kila kitu, ili pia mpate kujua hali yangu na kile ninachofanya sasa.
That now may know also you yourselves the [things] concerning me myself, what I am doing, all things will make known to you Tychicus the beloved brother and faithful servant in [the] Lord,
22 Ninamtuma kwenu kwa ajili ya kusudi hili hasa, ili mpate kujua hali yetu, na awatie moyo.
whom I have sent to you for this very purpose that you may know the [things] concerning us, and he may encourage the hearts of you.
23 Amani iwe kwa ndugu, na pendo pamoja na imani kutoka kwa Mungu Baba na Bwana Yesu Kristo.
Peace to the brothers and love with faith from God [the] Father and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.
24 Neema iwe na wote wampendao Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo kwa upendo wa dhati. Amen.
Grace [be] with all those loving the Lord of us Jesus Christ in incorruptibility (to Ephesian it was written from Rome through Tychicus. *K*)

< Waefeso 6 >