< Mhubiri 5 >

1 Linda hatua zako uendapo katika nyumba ya Mungu. Karibia usikilize kuliko kutoa dhabihu ya wapumbavu, ambao hawajui kuwa wanafanya kosa.
Guard your foot, when you step into the house of God, and draw near, so that you may listen. For obedience is much better than the sacrifices of the foolish, who do not know the evil that they are doing.
2 Usiwe mwepesi kuzungumza, usiwe na haraka katika moyo wako kuzungumza lolote mbele za Mungu. Mungu yuko mbinguni nawe uko duniani, kwa hiyo maneno yako na yawe machache.
You should not speak anything rashly, nor should your heart be hasty to present a word before God. For God is in heaven, and you are on earth. For this reason, let your words be few.
3 Kama vile ndoto huja wakati kuna shughuli nyingi, ndivyo yalivyo mazungumzo ya mpumbavu wakati kuna maneno mengi.
Dreams follow many worries, and in many words foolishness will be found.
4 Wakati unapomwekea Mungu nadhiri, usikawie kuitimiza. Yeye hafurahii wapumbavu; timiza nadhiri yako.
If you have vowed anything to God, you should not delay to repay it. And whatever you have vowed, render it. But an unfaithful and foolish promise displeases him.
5 Ni afadhali usiweke nadhiri kuliko kuiweka na usiitimize.
And it is much better not to make a vow, than, after a vow, not to fulfill what was promised.
6 Usiruhusu kinywa chako kukuingiza dhambini. Tena usijitetee mbele ya huyo mjumbe wa hekaluni, ukisema, “Niliweka nadhiri kwa makosa.” Kwa nini Mungu akasirike kwa ajili ya yale unayosema na kuiharibu kazi ya mikono yako?
You should not use your mouth so as to cause your flesh to sin. And you should not say, in the sight of an Angel, “There is no Providence.” For God, being angry at your words, may scatter all the works of your hands.
7 Kuota ndoto kwingi na maneno mengi ni ubatili. Kwa hiyo simama katika kicho cha Mungu.
Where there are many dreams, there are many vanities and innumerable words. Yet truly, you must fear God.
8 Kama ukiona maskini wanaonewa katika nchi, hukumu na haki vikipotoshwa, usishangazwe na mambo hayo, kwa maana afisa mmoja anaangaliwa na aliye juu yake zaidi na juu ya hao wawili kuna wengine walio juu zaidi yao.
If you see false accusations against the indigent, and violent judgments, and subverted justice in the government, do not be surprised over this situation. For those in high places have others who are higher, and there are still others, more eminent, over these.
9 Mafanikio ya nchi ni kwa ajili ya wote, hata mfalme mwenyewe hufaidi kutoka mashambani.
But finally, there is the King who rules over the entire earth, which is subject to him.
10 Yeyote apendaye fedha kamwe hatosheki na fedha; yeyote apendaye utajiri kamwe hatosheki na kipato chake. Hili nalo pia ni ubatili.
A greedy man will not be satisfied by money. And whoever loves wealth will reap no fruit from it. Therefore, this, too, is emptiness.
11 Mali ikiongezeka, ndivyo walaji wanavyoongezeka. Hii nayo inamfaidia nini mwenye mali isipokuwa ni kushibisha macho yake?
Where there are many riches, there will also be many to consume these things. And how does it benefit the one who possesses, except that he discerns the wealth with his own eyes?
12 Usingizi wa kibarua ni mtamu, awe amekula kidogo au kingi, lakini wingi wa mali humnyima tajiri usingizi.
Sleep is sweet to one who works, whether he consumes little or much. But the satiation of a wealthy man will not permit him to sleep.
13 Nimeshaona uovu mzito chini ya jua: Utajiri uliolimbikizwa kwa kujinyima na kuleta madhara kwa mwenye mali,
There is even another most burdensome infirmity, which I have seen under the sun: wealth kept to the harm of the owner.
14 au utajiri uliopotea kwa bahati mbaya, hivyo kwamba wakati akiwa na mwana hakuna chochote kilichobaki kwa ajili yake.
For they are lost in a most grievous affliction. He has produced a son, who will be in the utmost destitution.
15 Mtu hutoka tumboni mwa mama yake uchi, naye jinsi alivyokuja vivyo hivyo huondoka. Hachukui chochote kutokana na kazi yake ambacho anaweza kukibeba mkononi mwake.
Just as he went forth naked from his mother’s womb, so shall he return, and he shall take nothing with him from his labors.
16 Hili nalo ni baya la kusikitisha: Kama vile mtu ajavyo, vivyo hivyo huondoka, naye anapata faida gani, maadamu hutaabika kwa ajili ya upepo?
It is an utterly miserable infirmity that, in the same manner as he has arrived, so shall he return. How then does it benefit him, since he has labored for the wind?
17 Siku zake zote hula gizani, pamoja na fadhaa kubwa, mateso na hasira.
All the days of his life he consumes: in darkness, and with many worries, and in distress as well as sadness.
18 Ndipo nikatambua kwamba ni vyema na sahihi kwa mtu kula na kunywa na kutosheka katika kazi yake ngumu chini ya jua katika siku chache za maisha yake Mungu alizompa, kwa maana hili ndilo fungu lake.
And so, this has seemed good to me: that a person should eat and drink, and should enjoy the fruits of his labor, in which he has toiled under the sun, for the number of the days of his life that God has given him. For this is his portion.
19 Zaidi ya yote, Mungu anapompa mtu yeyote utajiri na milki, humwezesha kuvifurahia, kukubali fungu lake na kuwa na furaha katika kazi yake, hii ni karama ya Mungu.
And this is a gift from God: that every man to whom God has given wealth and resources, and to whom he has granted the ability to consume these, may enjoy his portion, and may find joy in his labors.
20 Mara chache mtu huzifikiri siku za maisha yake, kwa sababu Mungu humfanya ashikwe na furaha ya moyoni.
And then he will not fully remember the days of his life, because God occupies his heart with delights.

< Mhubiri 5 >