< Matendo 21 >
1 Tulipokwisha kujitenga nao, tukaanza safari kwa njia ya bahari moja kwa moja mpaka Kosi. Siku ya pili yake tukafika Rodo na kutoka huko tukaenda Patara.
And we separated from them, and proceeded in a straight course to the island of Coos: and the next day, we reached Rhodes, and from there Patara.
2 Hapo tukapata meli iliyokuwa inavuka kwenda Foinike tukapanda tukasafiri nayo.
And we found there a ship going to Phenicia; and we entered it, and proceeded on.
3 Tulipokiona kisiwa cha Kipro, tukakizunguka tukakiacha upande wetu wa kushoto, tukasafiri mpaka Shamu, tukatia nanga katika bandari ya Tiro ambapo meli yetu ilikuwa ipakue shehena yake.
And we came up with the island of Cyprus, and leaving it on the left we came to Syria; and from there we went to Tyre, for there the ship was to discharge her cargo.
4 Baada ya kuwatafuta wanafunzi wa huko, tukakaa nao kwa siku saba. Wale wanafunzi wakiongozwa na Roho wakamwambia Paulo asiende Yerusalemu.
And, as we found disciples there, we tarried with them seven days: and they, by the Spirit, told Paul not to go to Jerusalem.
5 Lakini muda wetu ulipokwisha, tukaondoka tukaendelea na safari yetu. Wale wanafunzi pamoja na wake zao na watoto wakatusindikiza hadi nje ya mji. Wote tukapiga magoti pale pwani tukaomba.
And after those days, we departed and went on our way; and they all clung to us, they and their wives and their children, until we were without the city; and they fell on their knees by the seaside, and prayed.
6 Baada ya kuagana, tukapanda melini, nao wakarudi majumbani mwao.
And we kissed one another: and we embarked in the ship, and they returned to their homes.
7 Tukaendelea na safari yetu toka Tiro tukafika Tolemai, tukawasalimu ndugu wa huko, tukakaa nao kwa siku moja.
And we sailed from Tyre, and arrived at the city Acco; and we saluted the brethren there, and stopped with them one day.
8 Siku iliyofuata tukaondoka, tukafika Kaisaria. Huko tukaenda nyumbani kwa mwinjilisti mmoja jina lake Filipo, aliyekuwa mmoja wa wale Saba, tukakaa kwake.
And the next day, we departed and came to Cesarea; and we went in and put up in the house of Philip the Evangelist, who was one of the seven.
9 Filipo alikuwa na binti wanne mabikira waliokuwa wanatoa unabii.
He had four virgin daughters, who were prophetesses.
10 Baada ya kukaa kwa siku kadhaa, akateremka nabii mmoja kutoka Uyahudi jina lake Agabo.
And as we were there many days, a certain prophet came down from Judaea, whose name was Agabus.
11 Alipotufikia akachukua mshipi wa Paulo akajifunga, akautumia kufunga mikono na miguu yake mwenyewe akasema, “Roho Mtakatifu anasema: ‘Hivi ndivyo Wayahudi wa Yerusalemu watakavyomfunga mwenye mshipi huu na kumkabidhi kwa watu wa Mataifa.’”
And he came in to us, and took the girdle of Paul's loins, and bound his own feet and hands, and said: Thus saith the Holy Spirit, So will the Jews in Jerusalem bind the man, who owns this girdle; and they will deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.
12 Tuliposikia maneno haya sisi na ndugu wengine tukamsihi Paulo asiende Yerusalemu.
And when we heard these words, we and the residents of the place begged of him, that he would not go to Jerusalem.
13 Lakini Paulo akajibu, “Kwa nini mnalia na kunivunja moyo? Mimi niko tayari si kufungwa tu, bali hata kufa huko Yerusalemu kwa ajili ya jina la Bwana Yesu.”
Then Paul answered and said: What do ye, weeping and crushing my heart? For I am prepared, not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem, for the name of our Lord Jesus Messiah.
14 Alipokuwa hashawishiki, tukaacha kumsihi, tukasema, “Mapenzi ya Bwana na yatendeke.”
And as he was not to be persuaded by us, we desisted; and we said: Let the pleasure of our Lord take place.
15 Baada ya haya, tukajiandaa, tukaondoka kwenda Yerusalemu.
And after those days, we prepared ourselves and went up to Jerusalem.
16 Baadhi ya wanafunzi kutoka Kaisaria wakafuatana nasi na kutupeleka nyumbani kwa Mnasoni, ambaye tungekaa kwake. Yeye alikuwa mtu wa Kipro, mmoja wa wanafunzi wa zamani.
And some disciples of Caesarea went along with us, taking with them a brother from among the earlier disciples, whose name was Mnason, and who was from Cyprus; that he might entertain us at his house.
17 Tulipofika Yerusalemu ndugu wakatukaribisha kwa furaha.
And when we arrived at Jerusalem, the brethren received us joyfully.
18 Kesho yake Paulo pamoja na wengine wetu tulikwenda kumwona Yakobo, na wazee wote walikuwepo.
And the next day, with Paul, we went unto James, when all the Elders were with him.
19 Baada ya kuwasalimu, Paulo akatoa taarifa kamili ya mambo yote ambayo Mungu alikuwa amefanya miongoni mwa watu wa Mataifa kupitia huduma yake.
And we gave them salutation: and Paul narrated to them, with particularity what God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry.
20 Baada ya kusikia mambo haya wakamwadhimisha Mungu. Ndipo wakamwambia Paulo, “Ndugu, unaona kulivyo na maelfu ya Wayahudi walioamini, nao wote wana juhudi kwa ajili ya sheria.
And when they heard it they glorified God. And they said to him: Our brother, Thou seest how many myriads there are in Judaea who have believed: and these are all zealous for the law.
21 Lakini wameambiwa habari zako kwamba unafundisha Wayahudi wote waishio miongoni mwa watu wa Mataifa kumkataa Mose, na kwamba unawaambia wasiwatahiri watoto wao wala kufuata desturi zetu.
And it hath been told them, of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews that are among the Gentiles to depart from Moses, by telling them not to circumcise their children, and not to observe the rites of the law.
22 Sasa tufanyeje? Bila shaka watasikia kwamba umekuja Yerusalemu.
Now, because they have heard that thou hast arrived here,
23 Kwa hiyo fanya lile tunalokuambia. Tunao watu wanne hapa ambao wameweka nadhiri.
do thou what we tell thee. We have four men, who have vowed to purify themselves.
24 Jiunge na watu hawa, mfanye utaratibu wa ibada ya kujitakasa pamoja nao, na ulipe gharama ili wanyoe nywele zao. Kwa njia hii kila mtu atafahamu ya kuwa mambo waliyosikia si ya kweli na kwamba wewe unaishika sheria.
Take them, and go and purify thyself with them, and pay the expenses along with them, as they shall shave their heads; that every one may know, that what is said against thee is false, and that thou fulfillest and observest the law.
25 Lakini kuhusu wale watu wa Mataifa walioamini, tumewaandikia uamuzi wetu: kwamba wajitenge na vyakula vilivyotolewa sadaka kwa sanamu, na damu, au kula nyama ya mnyama aliyenyongwa, na wajiepushe na uasherati.”
As to those of the Gentiles who have believed, we have written, that they should keep themselves from an idol's sacrifice, and from whoredom, and from what is strangled, and from blood.
26 Ndipo kesho yake Paulo akawachukua wale watu na akajitakasa pamoja nao. Akaingia ndani ya hekalu ili atoe taarifa ya tarehe ambayo siku zao za utakaso zingemalizika na sadaka ingetolewa kwa ajili ya kila mmoja wao.
Then Paul took those men, on the following day, and was purified with them; and he entered and went into the temple, manifesting to them the completion of the days of the purification, up to the presentation of the offering by each of them.
27 Zile siku saba zilipokaribia kumalizika, baadhi ya Wayahudi kutoka sehemu za Asia waliokuwa wamemwona Paulo ndani ya Hekalu, wakachochea umati wote wa watu, nao wakamkamata.
And when the seventh day arrived, the Jews from Asia saw him in the temple: and they excited all the people against him, and laid hands on him,
28 Wakapiga kelele wakisema, “Waisraeli wenzetu, tusaidieni! Huyu ndiye yule mtu anayefundisha kila mtu na kila mahali, kinyume na watu wetu, sheria zetu na hata Hekalu hili. Zaidi ya hayo amewaleta Wayunani ndani ya Hekalu na kupanajisi mahali hapa patakatifu.”
crying out and saying: Men, sons of Israel; help. This is the man, who teacheth in every place, against our people, and against the law, and against this place; and he hath also brought Gentiles into the temple, and hath polluted this holy place.
29 (Walikuwa wamemwona Trofimo, mwenyeji wa Efeso, akiwa mjini pamoja na Paulo wakadhani kuwa Paulo alikuwa amemwingiza Hekaluni.)
For they had previously seen with him in the city Trophimus the Ephesian; and they supposed, that he had entered the temple with Paul.
30 Mji wote ukataharuki, watu wakaja wakikimbia kutoka pande zote wakamkamata Paulo, wakamburuta kutoka Hekaluni. Milango ya Hekalu ikafungwa.
And the whole city was in commotion; and all the people assembled together, and laid hold of Paul, and dragged him out of the temple: and instantly the gates were closed.
31 Walipokuwa wakitaka kumuua, habari zikamfikia jemadari wa jeshi la askari wa Kirumi kwamba mji wa Yerusalemu wote ulikuwa katika machafuko.
And while the multitude were seeking to kill him, it was reported to the Chiliarch of the cohort, that the whole city was in uproar.
32 Mara yule jemadari akachukua maafisa wengine wa jeshi pamoja na askari wakakimbilia kwenye ile ghasia, wale watu waliokuwa wakifanya ghasia walipomwona yule jemadari na askari wakija, wakaacha kumpiga Paulo.
And immediately he took a centurion and many soldiers, and they ran upon them. And when they saw the Chiliarch and the soldiers, they desisted from beating Paul.
33 Yule jemadari akaja, akamkamata Paulo akaamuru afungwe kwa minyororo miwili. Akauliza yeye ni nani, na alikuwa amefanya nini.
And the Chiliarch came up to him, and seized him, and ordered him to be bound with two chains: and he inquired respecting him, who he was, and what he had done.
34 Baadhi ya watu katika ule umati wakapiga kelele, hawa wakisema hili na wengine lile. Yule jemadari alipoona kuwa hawezi kupata hakika ya habari kwa sababu ya zile kelele, akaamuru Paulo apelekwe katika ngome ya jeshi.
And persons from the throng vociferated against him this thing and that. And, because he could not, on account of their clamor, learn what the truth was, he commanded to conduct him to the castle.
35 Paulo alipofika penye ngazi, ilibidi askari wambebe juu juu kwa sababu fujo za ule umati wa watu zilikuwa kubwa.
And when Paul came to the stairs, the soldiers bore him along, because of the violence of the people.
36 Umati wa watu ulikuwa ukifuata ukiendelea kupiga kelele ukisema, “Mwondoe huyu!”
For a great many people followed after him, and cried out, saying: Away with him.
37 Mara tu Paulo alipokaribia kuingizwa kwenye ngome ya jeshi, akamwambia yule jemadari, “Je, naweza kukuambia jambo moja?” Yule jemadari akamjibu, “Je, unajua Kiyunani?
And when he came near to entering the castle, Paul said to the Chiliarch: Wilt thou permit me to speak with thee? And he said to him: Dost thou know Greek?
38 Je, wewe si yule Mmisri ambaye siku hizi za karibuni alianzisha uasi akaongoza kundi la magaidi 4,000 wenye silaha jangwani?”
Art not thou that Egyptian who, before these days, madest insurrection, and leadest out into the desert four thousand men, doers of evil?
39 Paulo akajibu, “Mimi ni Myahudi, mzaliwa wa Tarso, huko Kilikia, raiya wa mji maarufu. Tafadhali niruhusu nizungumze na hawa watu.”
Paul said to him: I am a Jew, a man of Tarsus, a noted city in Cilicia, in which I was born: I pray thee, suffer me to speak to the people.
40 Akiisha kupata ruhusa ya yule jemadari, Paulo akasimama penye ngazi akawapungia watu mkono ili wanyamaze. Wote waliponyamaza kimya, Paulo akazungumza nao kwa lugha ya Kiebrania, akasema:
And when he permitted him, Paul stood upon the stairs, and waved to them his hand; and when they were quiet, he addressed them in Hebrew, and said to them: