< 1 Timotheo 5 >

1 Usimkemee mzee kwa ukali bali umshawishi kama vile angekuwa ni baba yako. Uwatendee vijana kama vile ndugu zako;
Do not severely rebuke an old man, but beseech him as a father, and the young men as brothers;
2 nao wanawake wazee uwatendee kama mama zako, na wanawake vijana kama dada zako, katika usafi wote.
the old women as mothers, and the young as sisters, with all chastity.
3 Waheshimu wanawake wajane ambao ni wajane kweli kweli.
Honor widows; who are really widows:
4 Kama mjane ana watoto ama wajukuu, hawa inawapasa awali ya yote wajifunze kutimiza wajibu wao wa kumcha Mungu katika matendo kwa kuwatunza wale wa jamaa zao wenyewe, na hivyo wawarudishie wema waliowatendea wazazi wao, kwa kuwa hivi ndivyo impendezavyo Mungu.
but if any widow have children, or grandchildren, let these learn first piously to take care of their own family, and then to requite their parents: for this is acceptable in the sight of God.
5 Mwanamke ambaye ni mjane kweli kweli, yaani, yeye aliyebaki peke yake huweka tumaini lake kwa Mungu naye hudumu katika maombi usiku na mchana akimwomba Mungu ili amsaidie.
Now she who is really a widow, and desolate, trusts in God, and continues in supplications and prayers, night and day.
6 Lakini mjane aishiye kwa anasa amekufa, ingawa anaishi.
But she who lives in pleasure, is dead while she lives.
7 Wape watu maagizo haya pia, ili asiwepo yeyote wa kulaumiwa.
Now these things give in charge, that they may be blameless.
8 Kama mtu hawatunzi wale wa jamaa yake, hasa wale wa nyumbani mwake mwenyewe, ameikana imani, tena ni mbaya kuliko yeye asiyeamini.
For if any one provide not for his own, and especially those of his own family, he has denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
9 Mjane yeyote asiwekwe kwenye orodha ya wajane isipokuwa awe ametimiza umri wa miaka sitini, na ambaye alikuwa mke wa mume mmoja,
Let not a widow be taken into the number under sixty years old, having been the wife of one husband,
10 awe ameshuhudiwa kwa matendo yake mema, aliyewalea watoto wake vizuri, aliye mkarimu, aliyewanawisha watakatifu miguu, aliyewasaidia wenye shida na aliyejitolea kwa ajili ya matendo mema ya kila namna.
eminent for good works--that she has brought up children, that she has lodged strangers, that she has washed the saints' feet, that she has relieved the afflicted, that she has diligently followed every good work.
11 Lakini kwa habari za wajane vijana usiwaweke kwenye orodha hiyo, maana tamaa zao za kimaumbile zikizidi kule kujitoa kwao kwa Kristo, watataka kuolewa tena.
But the younger widows reject; for when they become impatient of the restraint of Christ, they will wish to marry,
12 Nao kwa njia hiyo watajiletea hukumu kwa kukiuka ahadi yao ya kwanza.
incurring blame for having violated their former engagement.
13 Zaidi ya hayo, wajane kama hao huwa na tabia ya uvivu wakizurura nyumba kwa nyumba, wala hawawi wavivu tu, bali pia huwa wasengenyaji, wajiingizao katika mambo yasiyowahusu na kusema mambo yasiyowapasa kusema.
And, at the same time, also, they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers, also, and meddlers, speaking things which they ought not.
14 Hivyo nawashauri wajane vijana waolewe, wazae watoto na wasimamie nyumba zao, wasije wakampa adui nafasi ya kutushutumu.
I would, therefore, have young widows to marry, to bear children, to govern the house, to give no occasion to the adversary for reproach;
15 Kwa maana kwa kweli wajane wengine wamepotoka ili kumfuata Shetani.
for some are already turned aside after the adversary.
16 Lakini kama mwanamke yeyote aaminiye ana wajane katika jamaa yake, inampasa awasaidie wala si kuwaacha wakililemea kanisa, ili kanisa liweze kuwasaidia wale ambao ni wajane kweli kweli.
If any believing man or woman have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the congregation be burdened, that it may relieve those who are really widows.
17 Wazee wa kanisa wanaoongoza shughuli za kanisa vizuri wanastahili heshima mara mbili, hasa wale ambao kazi yao ni kuhubiri na kufundisha.
Let the seniors who preside well, be counted worthy of double honor; especially those who labor in word and teaching.
18 Kwa maana Maandiko husema, “Usimfunge maksai kinywa apurapo nafaka,” tena, “Mfanyakazi anastahili mshahara wake.”
For the scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox treading out corn"; and, "The laborer is worthy of his wages."
19 Usiendekeze mashtaka dhidi ya mzee isipokuwa yawe yameletwa na mashahidi wawili au watatu.
Against a senior receive not an accusation, unless by two or three witnesses.
20 Wale wanaodumu katika dhambi uwakemee hadharani, ili wengine wapate kuogopa.
Those who sin, rebuke before all, that the others, also, may be afraid.
21 Ninakuagiza mbele za Mungu na mbele za Kristo Yesu na mbele za malaika wateule, shika maagizo haya pasipo ubaguzi wala upendeleo.
I charge you, in the presence of God, and of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of the elect angels, that you observe these things without prejudice, doing nothing by partiality.
22 Usiwe na haraka kumwekea mtu mikono wala usishiriki dhambi za watu wengine. Jilinde nafsi yako uwe safi.
Impose hands hastily on no one, neither partake of other men's sins. Keep yourself pure.
23 Acha kunywa maji peke yake, tumia divai kidogo kwa sababu ya tumbo lako na maumivu yako ya mara kwa mara.
No longer drink water, but use a little wine for your stomach's sake, and your frequent infirmities.
24 Dhambi za watu wengine ni dhahiri nazo zinawatangulia kwenda hukumuni; na dhambi za watu wengine zinawafuata nyuma yao.
The sins of some men are very manifest, going before to condemnation; but some, indeed, they follow after.
25 Vivyo hivyo, matendo mema yako dhahiri, na hata yale ambayo si mema hayawezi kufichika.
In like manner, also, the good works of some are very manifest, and those that are otherwise, can not lie hid.

< 1 Timotheo 5 >