< 1 Wathesalonike 2 >
1 Ndugu zangu, kwa kuwa ninyi wenyewe mnajua ya kwamba kuja kwetu kwenu hakukuwa bure,
For, yourselves, know, brethren, our entrance which was unto you—that it hath not proved void;
2 kama vile mjuavyo, tulikuwa tumeteswa na kutukanwa huko Filipi, lakini hata hivyo, kwa msaada wa Mungu wetu, tulikuwa na ujasiri wa kuwaambia Injili ya Mungu ingawa kulikuwa na upinzani mkubwa.
But, though we had previously suffered, and been insulted, even as ye know, in Philippi, we waxed bold in our God to speak unto you the glad-message of God with much conflict.
3 Kwa maana himizo letu halikutokana na hila wala nia mbaya au udanganyifu.
For, our exhortation, is not of error, nor of uncleanness, nor in guile,
4 Kinyume chake, tulinena kama watu tuliokubaliwa na Mungu tukakabidhiwa Injili. Sisi hatujaribu kuwapendeza wanadamu bali kumpendeza Mungu, yeye ayachunguzaye mawazo ya ndani sana ya mioyo yetu.
But, even as we have been approved by God, to be entrusted with the glad-message, so, we speak, —not as, unto men, giving pleasure, but unto God—who proveth our hearts.
5 Kama mjuavyo, hatukuja kwenu kwa maneno ya kujipendekeza au maneno yasiyo ya kweli ili kuficha tamaa mbaya: Mungu ndiye shahidi yetu.
For neither at any time were we found, using words of flattery, —even as ye know, nor a pretext for greed—God, is witness!
6 Wala hatukuwa tunatafuta sifa kutoka kwa wanadamu, wala kutoka kwenu au kwa mtu mwingine awaye yote. Kama mitume wa Kristo tungaliweza kuwa mzigo kwenu,
Nor, of men, seeking glory—either from you, or from others, though we could have assumed, dignity, as Apostles of Christ;
7 lakini tulikuwa wapole katikati yenu, kama mama anayewatunza watoto wake wadogo.
But we became gentle in your midst, —as though, a nursing mother, had been cherishing her own children:
8 Tuliwapenda sana kiasi kwamba tulifurahia kushirikiana nanyi, si Injili ya Mungu tu, bali hata maisha yetu, kwa sababu mlikuwa wa thamani mno kwetu.
Thus, yearning after you, we could have been well-pleased to impart unto you—not only the glad-message of God, but, our own lives also, —because, very dear to us, had ye become.
9 Ndugu zetu, mnakumbuka juhudi yetu na taabu yetu. Tulifanya kazi usiku na mchana, ili tusimlemee mtu yeyote wa kwenu wakati tulipokuwa tunawahubiria Injili ya Mungu.
For ye remember, brethren, our toil and hardship: night and day, working, so as not to be a burden unto any of you, we proclaimed unto you the glad-message of God,
10 Ninyi wenyewe ni mashahidi na Mungu pia, jinsi tulivyokuwa watakatifu, wenye haki na wasio na lawama miongoni mwenu ninyi mlioamini.
Ye, are witnesses—God also, how kindly and righteously and blamelessly, unto you who were believing, we were found to behave;
11 Maana mnajua kwamba tuliwatendea kila mmoja wenu kama vile baba awatendeavyo watoto wake.
Even as ye know how, unto each one of you, we were as a father unto his own children, consoling you, and soothing, and calling to witness, —
12 Tuliwatia moyo, tuliwafariji na kuwahimiza kuishi maisha yampendezayo Mungu, anayewaita katika Ufalme na utukufu wake.
To the end ye might be walking in a manner worthy of God, who is calling you unto his own kingdom and glory,
13 Nasi pia tunamshukuru Mungu bila kukoma kwa sababu mlipolipokea neno la Mungu mlilosikia kutoka kwetu, hamkulipokea kama neno la wanadamu, bali mlilipokea kama lilivyo hasa, neno la Mungu, litendalo kazi ndani yenu ninyi mnaoamini.
And, for this cause, we, are also giving thanks unto God unceasingly, that, when ye received a spoken word from us—which was God’s, ye welcomed it—not as a human word, but, even as it truly is, a divine word, —which is also inwardly working itself in you who believe.
14 Kwa maana ninyi ndugu zetu, mlifanyika wafuasi wa makanisa ya Mungu yaliyoko ndani ya Kristo Yesu katika Uyahudi. Mlipata mateso yale yale kutoka kwa watu wenu wenyewe kama vile makanisa hayo yalivyoteswa na Wayahudi,
For, ye, became, imitators, brethren, of the assemblies of God which are in Judaea, in Christ Jesus, in that, the same things, ye, also suffered by your own fellow-countrymen, even as, they, also by the Jews:
15 wale waliomuua Bwana Yesu na manabii, nasi wakatufukuza pia. Watu hao walimchukiza Mungu na tena ni adui wa watu wote,
Who have both slain the, Lord, Jesus—and the prophets, and, us, have persecuted, and, unto God, are displeasing, and, unto all men, are contrary, —
16 wakijitahidi kutuzuia tusizungumze na watu wa Mataifa ili kwamba wapate kuokolewa. Kwa njia hii wanazidi kujilundikia dhambi zao hadi kikomo. Lakini hatimaye ghadhabu ya Mungu imewafikia.
Hindering us from speaking, unto the nations, that they might be saved, to the filling up of their own sins, continually; but anger hath overtaken them at length.
17 Lakini ndugu zetu, tulipotenganishwa nanyi kwa kitambo kidogo (ingawa kutengana huko kulikuwa kwa mwili tu, si kwa moyo), tulizidi kuwa na shauku kubwa kuwaona uso kwa uso.
Now, we, brethren, having been bereaved away from you, for the season of an hour, —in presence, not in heart, gave more abundant diligence, your face, to behold, with much longing;
18 Maana tulitaka kuja kwenu, hasa mimi Paulo, nilitaka kuja tena na tena, lakini Shetani akatuzuia.
Wherefore, we desired to come unto you—even, I, Paul, both once and again, —and, Satan, thwarted us.
19 Kwa maana tumaini letu ni nini, au furaha yetu au taji yetu ya kujisifia mbele za Bwana Yesu Kristo wakati wa kuja kwake? Je, si ni ninyi?
For what shall be our hope, or joy, or crown of boasting? Shall not even, ye, before our Lord Jesus, in his Presence?
20 Naam, ninyi ndio fahari yetu na furaha yetu.
Ye, in fact, are our glory and joy.