< 1 Petro 1 >

1 Petro, mtume wa Yesu Kristo: Kwa wateule wa Mungu, wageni katika ulimwengu, waliotawanyika kote katika Ponto, Galatia, Kapadokia, Asia na Bithinia.
To the people of God who are living abroad, dispersed throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Roman Asia, and Bithynia,
2 Ni ninyi ambao mlichaguliwa tangu mwanzo na Mungu Baba kulingana na alivyotangulia kuwajua, kupitia kwa kazi ya utakaso wa Roho, katika utiifu kwa Yesu Kristo na kunyunyiziwa damu yake: Neema na amani ziwe kwenu kwa wingi.
and who were chosen in accordance with the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the consecration of the Spirit, to learn obedience, and to be purified by the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, from Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ. May blessing and peace be yours in ever increasing measure.
3 Ahimidiwe Mungu, Baba wa Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo! Kwa rehema zake kuu ametuzaa sisi mara ya pili katika tumaini lenye uzima kupitia kwa kufufuka kwa Yesu Kristo kutoka kwa wafu,
Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has, in his great mercy, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
4 ili tuupate urithi usioharibika, usio na uchafu, ule usionyauka: uliotunzwa mbinguni kwa ajili yenu,
given us the new life of undying hope, that promises an inheritance, imperishable, stainless, unfading, which has been reserved for you in heaven –
5 ninyi ambao mnalindwa na nguvu za Mungu kwa njia ya imani, hadi uje ule wokovu ulio tayari kufunuliwa nyakati za mwisho.
for you who, through faith, are being guarded by the power of God, awaiting a salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last days.
6 Katika hili mnafurahi sana, ingawa sasa kwa kitambo kidogo mmehuzunishwa kwa majaribu ya namna nyingi.
At the thought of this you are full of exultation, though (if it has been necessary) you have suffered for the moment somewhat from various trials;
7 Haya yamewajia ili kwamba imani yenu, iliyo ya thamani kuliko dhahabu ipoteayo, ingawa hujaribiwa kwa moto, ionekane kuwa halisi na imalizie katika sifa, utukufu na heshima wakati Yesu Kristo atadhihirishwa.
that the genuineness of your faith – a thing far more precious than gold, which is perishable, yet has to be tested by fire – may win praise and glory and honor at the appearing of Jesus Christ.
8 Ingawa hamjamwona, mnampenda; tena ingawa sasa hammwoni, mnamwamini na kujawa na furaha isiyoneneka yenye utukufu usioelezeka.
Though you have never seen him, yet you love him; though you do not even now see him, yet you believe in him, and exalt with a triumphant happiness too great for words,
9 Maana mnaupokea wokovu wa roho zenu, ambao ndio lengo la imani yenu.
as you receive the reward of your faith in the salvation of your souls!
10 Kwa habari ya wokovu huu, wale manabii waliosema kuhusu neema ambayo ingewajia ninyi, walitafuta kwa bidii na kwa uangalifu mkubwa,
It was this salvation that the prophets, who spoke long ago of the blessing intended for you, sought, and strove to comprehend;
11 wakijaribu kujua ni wakati upi na katika mazingira gani ambayo Roho wa Kristo aliyekuwa ndani yao alionyesha, alipotabiri kuhusu mateso ya Kristo na utukufu ule ambao ungefuata.
as they strove to discern what that time could be, to which the Spirit of Christ within them was pointing, when foretelling the sufferings that Christ would have to endure, and the glories that would follow.
12 Walidhihirishiwa kwamba walikuwa hawajihudumii wao wenyewe, bali waliwahudumia ninyi, waliponena kuhusu mambo hayo, ambayo sasa yamehubiriwa kwenu na wale waliowahubiria ninyi Injili kwa Roho Mtakatifu aliyetumwa kutoka mbinguni. Hata malaika wanatamani kuyafahamu mambo haya.
And it was revealed to them that it was not for themselves, but for you, that they were acting as Ministers of the truths which have now been told to you, by those who, with the help of the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, have brought you the good news – truths into which even angels long to look.
13 Kwa hiyo, tayarisheni nia zenu kwa kazi; mwe na kiasi, mkitumainia kikamilifu ile neema mtakayopewa Yesu Kristo atakapodhihirishwa.
Therefore concentrate your minds, with the strictest self-control, and fix your hopes on the blessing that is coming for you at the appearing of Jesus Christ.
14 Kama watoto watiifu, msifuate tamaa zenu mbaya wakati mlipoishi kwa ujinga.
Be like obedient children; do not let your lives be shaped by the passions which once swayed you in the days of your ignorance,
15 Bali kama yeye aliyewaita alivyo mtakatifu, nanyi kuweni watakatifu katika mwenendo wenu wote.
but in your whole life show yourselves to be holy, after the pattern of the Holy One from whom you received your call.
16 Kwa maana imeandikwa: “Kuweni watakatifu, kwa kuwa mimi ni mtakatifu.”
For scripture says – ‘You will be holy, because I am holy.’
17 Kwa sababu mnamwita Baba ahukumuye kila mtu kulingana na matendo yake pasipo upendeleo, enendeni kwa hofu ya kumcha Mungu wakati wenu wa kukaa hapa duniani kama wageni.
And since you call on him as ‘Father,’ who judges everyone impartially by what he has done, let respectful awe be the spirit of your lives during the time of your stay on earth.
18 Kwa maana mnafahamu kwamba mlikombolewa kutoka mwenendo wenu usiofaa ambao mliurithi kutoka kwa baba zenu, si kwa vitu viharibikavyo kama fedha na dhahabu,
For you know that it was not by perishable things, such as silver and gold, that you were ransomed from the aimless way of living which was handed down to you from your ancestors,
19 bali kwa damu ya thamani ya Kristo, yule Mwana-Kondoo asiye na dosari wala doa.
but by precious blood, as it were of a lamb, unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ.
20 Yeye alichaguliwa kabla ya kuwekwa kwa misingi ya ulimwengu, lakini akadhihirishwa katika siku hizi za mwisho kwa ajili yenu.
Destined for this before the beginning of the world, he has been revealed in these last days for your sakes,
21 Kupitia kwake mmemwamini Mungu, aliyemfufua kutoka kwa wafu na akampa utukufu, ili imani yenu na tumaini lenu ziwe kwa Mungu.
who, through him, are faithful to God who raised him from the dead and gave him honor, so that your faith and hope are now in God.
22 Basi kwa kuwa mmejitakasa nafsi zenu kwa kuitii ile kweli hata mkawa na upendo wa ndugu usio na unafiki, basi pendaneni kwa dhati kutoka moyoni.
Now that, by your obedience to the truth, you have purified your lives, so that there is growing up among you a genuine affection, love one another earnestly with all your hearts;
23 Kwa maana mmezaliwa upya, si kwa mbegu ile iharibikayo, bali kwa ile isiyoharibika, kupitia kwa neno la Mungu lililo hai na linalodumu milele. (aiōn g165)
since your new life has come, not from perishable, but imperishable, seed, through the message of the Everliving God. (aiōn g165)
24 Maana, “Wanadamu wote ni kama majani, nao utukufu wao ni kama maua ya kondeni; majani hunyauka na maua huanguka,
For – ‘All earthly life is but as grass, and all its splendor as the flower of grass. The grass fades, its flower falls,
25 lakini neno la Bwana ladumu milele.” Hili ndilo neno lililohubiriwa kwenu. (aiōn g165)
but the teaching of the Lord remains for ever.’ And that is the teaching of the good news which has been told to you. (aiōn g165)

< 1 Petro 1 >