< 1 Wafalme 7 >

1 Ilimchukua Solomoni miaka kumi na mitatu kukamilisha ujenzi wa Jumba lake la kifalme.
Solomon was thirteen years building a house for himself till it was complete.
2 Alijenga Jumba la Kifalme la Msitu wa Lebanoni, urefu wake ulikuwa dhiraa 100, upana wake dhiraa hamsini na kimo chake dhiraa thelathini, likiwa na safu nne za nguzo za mierezi zikishikilia boriti za mierezi zilizorembwa.
And he made the house of the Woods of Lebanon, which was a hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high, resting on four lines of cedar-wood pillars with cedar-wood supports on the pillars.
3 Ilipauliwa kwa mierezi juu ya boriti zile zilizolala juu ya nguzo arobaini na tano, kumi na tano kwa kila safu.
And it was covered with cedar over the forty-five supports which were on the pillars, fifteen in a line.
4 Madirisha yake yaliwekwa juu kwa safu tatu, yakielekeana.
There were three lines of window-frames, window facing window in every line.
5 Milango yote ilikuwa na miimo ya mstatili, ilikuwa upande wa mbele katika safu tatu, ikielekeana.
And all the doors and windows had square frames, with the windows facing one another in three lines.
6 Akajenga ukumbi wa nguzo, ambao urefu wake ulikuwa dhiraa hamsini na upana wake dhiraa thelathini. Mbele ya jengo hilo kulikuwepo baraza. Mbele ya baraza kulikuwepo na nguzo na paa lililoningʼinia.
And he made a covered room of pillars, fifty cubits long and thirty cubits wide, and ... with steps before it.
7 Akajenga ukumbi wa kiti cha enzi, Ukumbi wa Hukumu, mahali ambapo angelitolea hukumu, akaufunika kwa mierezi kutoka sakafuni hadi darini.
Then he made a covered room for his high seat when he gave decisions; this was the covered room of judging; it was covered with cedar-wood from floor to roof.
8 Kwenye jumba la kifalme ambamo angeliishi, aliiweka nyuma zaidi, ikiwa na mjengo wa aina moja na hiyo nyingine. Pia Solomoni akajenga jumba la kifalme linalofanana na huo ukumbi mkubwa kwa ajili ya binti Farao, aliyekuwa amemwoa.
And the house for his living-place, the other open square in the covered room, was made in the same way. And then he made a house like it for Pharaoh's daughter, whom Solomon had taken as his wife.
9 Ujenzi huu wote, kuanzia nje mpaka kwenye ua mkuu na kuanzia kwenye msingi hadi upenuni, ulifanywa kwa mawe ya ubora wa hali ya juu yaliyokuwa yamechongwa kwa vipimo na kusawazishwa kwa msumeno nyuso zake za ndani na za nje.
All these buildings were made, inside and out, from base to crowning stone, and outside to the great walled square, of highly priced stone, cut to different sizes with cutting-instruments.
10 Misingi iliwekwa kwa mawe makubwa yaliyo bora, yenye urefu wa dhiraa kumi na mengine yenye urefu wa dhiraa nane
And the base was of great masses of highly priced stone, some ten cubits and some eight cubits square.
11 Sehemu za juu kulikuwepo na mawe yenye ubora wa hali ya juu, yaliyokatwa kwa vipimo na boriti za mierezi.
Overhead were highly priced stones cut to measure, and cedar-wood.
12 Ule ua mkuu ulizungukwa na ukuta wa safu tatu za mawe yaliyochongwa na safu moja ya boriti za mierezi zilizorembwa, kama ulivyokuwa ua wa ndani wa Hekalu la Bwana na baraza yake.
The great outer square all round was walled with three lines of squared stones and a line of cedar-wood boards, round about the open square inside the house of the Lord and the covered room of the king's house.
13 Mfalme Solomoni akatuma watu Tiro kumleta Hiramu,
Then King Solomon sent and got Hiram from Tyre.
14 ambaye mama yake alikuwa mjane kutoka kabila la Naftali na baba yake alikuwa mtu wa Tiro tena fundi wa shaba. Hiramu alikuwa na ustadi wa hali ya juu na mzoefu katika aina zote za kazi ya shaba. Alikuja kwa Mfalme Solomoni na kufanya kazi zake zote alizopangiwa.
He was the son of a widow of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass; he was full of wisdom and knowledge and an expert worker in brass. He came to King Solomon and did all his work for him.
15 Hiramu akasubu nguzo mbili za shaba, kila moja ikiwa na urefu wa dhiraa kumi na nane, kila nguzo ikiwa na mzingo wa dhiraa kumi na mbili kwa mstari.
He it was who made the two brass pillars; the first pillar was eighteen cubits high, and a line of twelve cubits went round it; and the second was the same.
16 Pia alitengeneza mataji mawili ya shaba ya kusubu ili kuyaweka juu ya hizo nguzo; kila taji lilikuwa na kimo cha dhiraa tano kwenda juu.
And he made the two crowns to be put on the tops of the pillars, of brass made soft in the fire; the crowns were five cubits high.
17 Wavu wa mikufu iliyosokotewa kwenye zile taji juu ya zile nguzo, saba kwa kila taji.
There were nets of open-work for the crowns on the tops of the pillars, a net of open-work for one and a net of open-work for the other.
18 Akatengeneza makomamanga katika safu mbili kuzunguka kila wavu kuremba mataji yaliyo juu ya nguzo. Alifanya hivyo kwa kila nguzo.
And he made ornaments of apples; and two lines of apples all round over the network, covering the crowns of the pillars, the two crowns in the same way.
19 Mataji yaliyokuwa juu ya nguzo kwenye baraza, yalikuwa katika umbo la yungiyungi, kimo chake ni dhiraa nne
The crowns on the tops of the pillars were ornamented with a design of flowers, and were four cubits across.
20 Juu ya mataji ya zile nguzo mbili, juu ya ile sehemu yenye umbo kama bakuli, karibu na ule wavu, kulikuwa na yale makomamanga 200 katika safu kuzunguka pande zote.
And there were crowns on the two pillars near the round part by the network, and there were two hundred apples in lines round every crown.
21 Hiramu akasimamisha nguzo kwenye baraza ya Hekalu. Nguzo ya upande wa kusini akaiita Yakini, na ile ya upande wa kaskazini Boazi.
He put up the pillars at the doorway of the Temple, naming the one on the right Jachin, and that on the left Boaz.
22 Mataji yaliyokuwa juu yalikuwa na umbo la yungiyungi. Hivyo kazi ya nguzo ikakamilika.
The tops of the pillars had a design of flowers; and the work of making the pillars was complete.
23 Hiramu akasubu Bahari ya chuma, yenye umbo la mviringo, ya dhiraa kumi kutoka ukingo hadi ukingo na kimo cha dhiraa tano. Mzunguko wake ulikuwa dhiraa thelathini.
And he made a great metal water-vessel ten cubits across from edge to edge, five cubits high and thirty cubits round.
24 Chini ya ukingo, ilizungukwa na maboga, kumi kwenye kila dhiraa moja. Maboga yalikuwa yamesubiwa katika safu mbili ili kuwa kitu kimoja na hiyo bahari.
And under the edge of it, circling it all round for ten cubits, were two lines of flower buds, made together with it from liquid metal.
25 Bahari iliwekwa juu ya mafahali kumi na wawili, watatu wakielekea kaskazini, watatu wakielekea magharibi, watatu wakielekea kusini na watatu wakielekea mashariki. Bahari iliwekwa juu yao na sehemu zao za nyuma zilielekeana.
It was supported on twelve oxen, with their back parts turned to the middle of it, three of them facing to the north, three to the west, three to the south, and three to the east; the vessel was resting on top of them.
26 Ilikuwa na unene wa nyanda nne na ukingo wake ulifanana na ukingo wa kikombe, kama ua la yungiyungi iliyochanua. Iliweza kuchukua bathi 2,000.
It was as thick as a man's open hand, and was curved like the edge of a cup, like the flower of a lily: it would take two thousand baths.
27 Pia akatengeneza vitako kumi vya shaba vinavyoweza kuhamishika, kila kimoja kilikuwa na urefu wa dhiraa nne, upana dhiraa nne na kimo chake dhiraa tatu
And he made ten wheeled bases of brass; every one four cubits long, four cubits wide, and three cubits high.
28 Hivi ndivyo vile vitako vilivyotengenezwa: Vilikuwa na mbao za pembeni zilizoshikamanishwa na mihimili.
And the bases were made in this way; their sides were square, fixed in a framework;
29 Juu ya mbao kati ya hiyo mihimili kulikuwa na simba, mafahali na makerubi, pia kwenye mihimili yake. Juu na chini ya simba na mafahali kulikuwa kumesokotewa taji za kufuliwa.
And on the square sides between the frames were lions, oxen, and winged ones; and the same on the frame; and over and under the lions and the oxen and the winged ones were steps.
30 Kila kitako kilikuwa na magurudumu manne ya shaba, na vyuma vya katikati vya kuyazungusha hayo magurudumu na kila kimoja kilikuwa na sinia kwenye vishikizo vinne vya taji iliyosubiwa kila upande.
Every base had four wheels of brass, turning on brass rods, and their four angles had angle-plates under them; the angle-plates under the base were of metal, and there were ornaments at the side of every one.
31 Ndani ya kitako kulikuwa na nafasi ya wazi iliyokuwa na umbile la mviringo lenye kina cha dhiraa moja. Nafasi hii ya wazi ilikuwa ya mviringo, pamoja na kitako chake ilikuwa dhiraa moja na nusu. Kuzunguka huo mdomo wake kulitiwa nakshi. Papi za vitako zilikuwa mraba na si za mviringo.
The mouth of it inside the angle-plate was one cubit across; it was round like a pillar, a cubit and a half across; it had designs cut on it; the sides were square, not round.
32 Magurudumu manne yalikuwa chini ya papi, na vyuma vya katikati vya kuzungushia magurudumu hayo vilikuwa vimeunganishwa kwenye kitako. Kipenyo cha kila gurudumu kilikuwa dhiraa moja na nusu.
The four wheels were under the frames, and the rods on which the wheels were fixed were in the base; the wheels were a cubit and a half high.
33 Magurudumu yalitengenezwa kama ya magari ya vita ya kukokotwa, vyuma vya katikati vya magurudumu, duara zake, matindi yake na vikombe vyake vyote vilikuwa vya kusubu.
The wheels were made like carriage-wheels, the rods on which they were fixed, the parts forming their edges, their rods and the middle points of them, were all formed out of liquid metal.
34 Kila kitako kilikuwa na mikono minne, moja kwenye kila pembe, ukitokeza kutoka kwenye kitako.
And there were four angle-plates at the four angles of every base, forming part of the structure of the base.
35 Juu ya kitako kulikuwepo na utepe wa mviringo wenye kina cha nusu dhiraa. Vishikio na papi vilishikamana upande wa juu wa kitako.
And at the top of the base there was a round vessel, half a cubit high;
36 Alitia nakshi za makerubi, simba na miti ya mitende juu ya uso wa vishikio na juu ya papi, katika kila nafasi iliyopatikana, pamoja na mataji yaliyosokotwa kuzunguka pande zote.
In the spaces of the flat sides and on the frames of them, he made designs of winged ones, lions, and palm-trees, with ornamented edges all round.
37 Hivi ndivyo Hiramu alivyotengeneza vile vitako kumi. Vyote vilikuwa vya kusubu kwenye kalibu za kufanana kwa vipimo na kwa umbo.
All the ten bases were made in this way, after the same design, of the same size and form.
38 Kisha akatengeneza masinia kumi ya shaba, kila moja likiwa na ujazo wa bathi arobaini, yakiwa na kipenyo cha dhiraa nne kila sinia moja kwa kila kimoja ya vile vitako kumi.
And he made ten brass washing-vessels, everyone taking forty baths, and measuring four cubits; one vessel was placed on every one of the ten bases.
39 Aliweka vitako vitano upande wa kusini wa Hekalu na vingine vitano upande wa kaskazini. Akaweka ile bahari upande wa kusini, katika pembe ya kusini ya Hekalu.
And he put the bases by the house, five on the right side and five on the left; and he put the great water-vessel on the right side of the house, to the east, facing south.
40 Pia akatengeneza masinia, masepetu na mabakuli ya kunyunyizia. Kwa hiyo Huramu akakamilisha kazi zote katika Hekalu la Bwana kama vile Mfalme Solomoni alikuwa amemwagiza, yaani:
And Hiram made the pots and spades and the basins. So Hiram came to the end of all the work he did for King Solomon in the house of the Lord:
41 nguzo mbili; mataji mawili yenye umbo la bakuli juu ya hizo nguzo; nyavu mbili za kupamba hayo mataji mawili yenye umbo la bakuli juu ya hizo nguzo;
The two pillars and the two cups of the crowns which were on the tops of the two pillars; and the network covering the two cups of the crowns on the tops of the pillars,
42 makomamanga 400 kwa ajili ya hizo nyavu mbili (safu mbili za makomamanga kwa kila wavu, yakipamba hayo mataji mawili yenye umbo la bakuli juu ya hizo nguzo);
And the four hundred apples for the network, two lines of apples for every network, covering the two cups of the crowns on the pillars;
43 vitako kumi pamoja na masinia yake kumi;
And the ten bases, with the ten washing-vessels on them;
44 ile Bahari ya chuma na yale mafahali kumi na wawili chini yake;
And the great water-vessel, with the twelve oxen under it;
45 masufuria, masepetu na mabakuli ya kunyunyizia. Vyombo hivi vyote ambavyo Huramu alimtengenezea Mfalme Solomoni kwa ajili ya Hekalu la Bwana vilikuwa vya shaba iliyongʼarishwa.
And the pots and the spades and the basins; all the vessels which Hiram made for King Solomon, for the house of the Lord, were of polished brass.
46 Mfalme akaamuru wavisubu katika kalibu ya udongo wa mfinyanzi katika uwanda wa Yordani ulio kati ya Sukothi na Sarethani.
He made them of liquid metal in the lowland of Jordan, at the way across the river, at Adama, between Succoth and Zarethan.
47 Solomoni akaviacha vitu hivi vyote bila kupima uzani wake, kwa sababu vilikuwa vingi sana hivi kwamba uzito wa shaba haungekadirika.
The weight of all these vessels was not measured, because there was such a number of them; it was not possible to get the weight of the brass.
48 Solomoni pia akatengeneza samani zote zilizokuwa ndani ya Hekalu la Bwana: madhabahu ya dhahabu; meza ya dhahabu za kuweka mikate ya Wonyesho;
And Solomon had all the vessels made for use in the house of the Lord: the altar of gold and the gold table on which the holy bread was placed;
49 vinara vya taa vya dhahabu safi (vitano upande wa kuume na vitano upande wa kushoto, mbele ya Patakatifu pa Patakatifu); kazi ya maua ya dhahabu na taa na makoleo;
And the supports for the lights, five on the right side and five on the left before the inmost room, of clear gold; and the flowers and the lights and all the instruments of gold;
50 masinia ya dhahabu safi, mikasi ya kusawazishia tambi, mabakuli ya kunyunyizia, vyano na vyetezo; na bawaba za dhahabu kwa ajili ya milango ya chumba cha ndani sana, yaani Patakatifu pa Patakatifu, na pia kwa ajili ya milango ya ukumbi mkuu wa Hekalu.
And the cups and the scissors and the basins and the spoons and the fire-trays, all of gold; and the pins on which the doors were turned, the doors of the inner house, the most holy place, and the doors of the Temple, all of gold.
51 Hivyo Mfalme Solomoni alipomaliza kazi ya Hekalu la Bwana, akaviingiza ndani vile vitu ambavyo Daudi baba yake alikuwa ameviweka wakfu: yaani fedha, dhahabu na samani; kisha akaviweka katika hazina za Hekalu la Bwana.
So all the work King Solomon had done in the house of the Lord was complete. Then Solomon took the holy things which David his father had given, the silver and the gold and all the vessels, and put them in the store-houses of the house of the Lord.

< 1 Wafalme 7 >