< 1 Wafalme 2 >

1 Siku zilipokaribia za Daudi kufa, akampa mwanawe Solomoni agizo.
And they drew near [the] days of David to die and he commanded Solomon son his saying.
2 Akasema, “Mimi ninakaribia kwenda njia ya dunia yote. Hivyo uwe hodari, jionyeshe kuwa mwanaume,
I [am] about to go in [the] way of all the earth and you will be strong and you will become a man.
3 shika lile Bwana Mungu wako analokuagiza: Enenda katika njia zake, ushike maagizo na amri zake, sheria zake na kanuni zake, kama ilivyoandikwa katika Sheria ya Mose, ili upate kustawi katika yote ufanyayo na popote uendako,
And you will keep [the] charge of - Yahweh God your to walk in ways his to keep statutes his commandments his and judgments his and testimonies his according to [what] is written in [the] law of Moses so that you may cause to prosper all that you will do and every where you will turn there.
4 ili kwamba Bwana aweze kunitimizia ahadi yake: ‘Kama wazao wako wakiangalia sana wanavyoishi, na kama wakienenda kwa uaminifu mbele zangu kwa mioyo yao yote na kwa roho zao zote, kamwe hutakosa kuwa na mtu kwenye kiti cha ufalme cha Israeli.’
So that he may establish Yahweh word his which he spoke on me saying if they will guard descendants your way their to walk before me in faithfulness with all heart their and with all being their saying not it will be cut off to you a man from on [the] throne of Israel.
5 “Sasa wewe mwenyewe unafahamu lile Yoabu mwana wa Seruya alilonitendea, lile alilofanya kwa majemadari wawili wa majeshi ya Israeli, Abneri mwana wa Neri, na Amasa mwana wa Yetheri. Aliwaua, akimwaga damu yao wakati wa amani kama vile ni kwenye vita, tena akaipaka damu ile kwenye mkanda uliokuwa kiunoni mwake na viatu alivyovaa miguuni mwake.
And also you you know [that] which he did to me Joab [the] son of Zeruiah [that] which he did to [the] two [the] commanders of [the] armies of Israel to Abner [the] son of Ner and to Amasa [the] son of Jether and he killed them and he put blood of war in peace and he put blood of war on belt his which [was] on loins his and on sandal[s] his which [was] on feet his.
6 Shughulika naye kwa kadiri ya hekima yako, lakini usiache kichwa chake chenye mvi kishukie kaburi kwa amani. (Sheol h7585)
And you will act according to wisdom your and not you must bring down grey hair his in peace Sheol. (Sheol h7585)
7 “Lakini uwaonyeshe wema wana wa Barzilai wa Gileadi na uwaruhusu wawe miongoni mwa wale walao mezani pako. Walisimama nami nilipomkimbia ndugu yako Absalomu.
And to [the] sons of Barzillai the Gileadite you will do loyalty and they will be among [those who] eat of table your for thus they drew near to me when fled I from before Absalom brother your.
8 “Ukumbuke, unaye Shimei mwana wa Gera, Mbenyamini kutoka Bahurimu, ambaye alinilaani kwa laana kali siku niliyokwenda Mahanaimu. Aliposhuka kunilaki huko Yordani, nilimwapia kwa Bwana: ‘Sitakuua kwa upanga!’
And here! [is] with you Shimei [the] son of Gera [the] Ben-jaminite from Bahurim and he he cursed me a curse grievous on [the] day went I Mahanaim and he he came down to meet me the Jordan and I swore to him by Yahweh saying if I will put to death you by the sword.
9 Lakini sasa, usidhani kwamba hana hatia. Wewe ni mtu wa hekima, utajua la kumtendea. Zishushe mvi zake kaburini kwa damu.” (Sheol h7585)
And therefore may not you leave unpunished him for [are] a man wise you and you will know [that] which you will do to him and you will bring down grey hair his in blood Sheol. (Sheol h7585)
10 Kisha Daudi akapumzika pamoja na baba zake naye akazikwa katika Mji wa Daudi.
And he lay down David with ancestors his and he was buried in [the] city of David.
11 Daudi alikuwa ametawala juu ya Israeli miaka arobaini: huko Hebroni alitawala miaka saba, na katika Yerusalemu akatawala miaka thelathini na mitatu.
And the days which he reigned David over Israel [were] forty year[s] in Hebron he reigned seven years and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years.
12 Kwa hiyo Solomoni akaketi katika kiti cha ufalme cha baba yake Daudi, nao utawala wake ukaimarika sana.
And Solomon he sat on [the] throne of David father his and it was established reign his exceedingly.
13 Basi Adoniya, mwana wa Hagithi, akaenda kwa Bathsheba, mama yake Solomoni. Bathsheba akamuuliza, “Je, umekuja kwa amani?” Akajibu, “Ndiyo, kwa amani.”
And he came Adonijah [the] son of Haggith to Bath-sheba [the] mother of Solomon and she said ¿ peace [are] coming you and he said peace.
14 Kisha akaongeza, “Ninalo jambo la kukuambia.” Akajibu, “Waweza kulisema.”
And he said a word [belongs] to me to you and she said speak.
15 Akasema, “Kama unavyojua, ufalme ulikuwa wangu. Israeli wote waliniangalia mimi kama mfalme wao. Lakini mambo yalibadilika, ufalme umekwenda kwa ndugu yangu, kwa maana umemjia kutoka kwa Bwana.
And he said you you know that to me it belonged the kingship and on me they set all Israel faces their to become king and it has turned round the kingship and it has belonged to brother my for from Yahweh it belonged to him.
16 Sasa ninalo ombi moja ninalokuomba. Usinikatalie.” Bathsheba akasema, “Waweza kuliomba.”
And now a petition one I [am] asking from with you may not you turn away face my and she said to him speak.
17 Kwa hiyo akaendelea kusema, “Tafadhali mwombe Mfalme Solomoni, anipatie Abishagi, Mshunami, awe mke wangu; hatakukatalia wewe.”
And he said speak please to Solomon the king for not he will turn away face your so he may give to me Abishag the Shunammite to a wife.
18 Bathsheba akamjibu, “Vema sana, nitazungumza na mfalme kwa ajili yako.”
And she said Bath-sheba good I I will speak on you to the king.
19 Bathsheba alipokwenda kwa Mfalme Solomoni kuzungumza naye kwa ajili ya Adoniya, mfalme alisimama kumlaki mama yake, akamwinamia na kuketi kwenye kiti chake cha ufalme. Akaamuru kiti cha ufalme kuletwa kwa ajili ya mama yake mfalme, naye akaketi mkono wake wa kuume.
And she went Bath-sheba to the king Solomon to speak to him on Adonijah and he rose the king to meet her and he bowed down to her and he sat on throne his and he placed a throne for [the] mother of the king and she sat to right [hand] his.
20 Bathsheba akamwambia mfalme, “Ninalo ombi moja dogo la kukuomba; usinikatalie.” Mfalme akajibu, “Omba, mama yangu; sitakukatalia.”
And she said a petition one small I [am] asking from with you may not you turn away face my and he said to her the king ask O mother my for not I will turn away face your.
21 Akasema, “Mruhusu Abishagi, Mshunami, aolewe na ndugu yako Adoniya.”
And she said let it be given Abishag the Shunammite to Adonijah brother your to a wife.
22 Mfalme Solomoni akamjibu mama yake, “Kwa nini uombe Abishagi, Mshunami, kwa ajili ya Adoniya? Ungeweza pia kuomba ufalme kwa ajili yake, kwani yeye ni ndugu yangu mkubwa: naam, kwa ajili yake, na kwa kuhani Abiathari na Yoabu mwana wa Seruya!”
And he answered the king Solomon and he said to mother his and why? [are] you asking Abishag the Shunammite for Adonijah and ask for him the kingship for he [is] brother my old more than me and for him and for Abiathar the priest and for Joab [the] son of Zeruiah.
23 Mfalme Solomoni akaapa kwa Bwana, akasema: “Mungu na aniulie mbali, tena bila huruma, ikiwa Adoniya hatalipa kwa uhai wake kwa ajili ya ombi hili!
And he swore an oath the king Solomon by Yahweh saying thus may he do to me God and thus may he add if by own life his he has spoken Adonijah the word this.
24 Basi sasa, hakika kama Bwana aishivyo, yeye ambaye ameniimarisha salama kwenye kiti cha ufalme cha Daudi baba yangu, naye amenipa ufalme wa kudumu kama alivyoahidi, Adoniya atauawa leo!”
And therefore [by] [the] life of Yahweh who he appointed me (and he made sit me *Q(k)*) on [the] throne of David father my and who he has made for me a house just as he spoke that this day he will be put to death Adonijah.
25 Hivyo Mfalme Solomoni akatoa amri kwa Benaya mwana wa Yehoyada, naye akampiga Adoniya akafa.
And he sent the king Solomon by [the] hand of Benaiah [the] son of Jehoiada and he fell on him and he died.
26 Mfalme akamwambia kuhani Abiathari, “Nenda huko Anathothi katika mashamba yako. Wewe unastahili kufa, lakini sitakuua sasa, kwa sababu ulilichukua Sanduku la Bwana Mwenyezi mbele ya Daudi baba yangu na ulishiriki taabu zote za baba yangu.”
And to Abiathar the priest he said the king Anathoth go to fields your for [are] a man of death you and on the day this not I will put to death you for you carried [the] ark of [the] Lord Yahweh before David father my and for you were afflicted in all that he was afflicted father my.
27 Hivyo Solomoni akamwondoa Abiathari kwenye ukuhani wa Bwana, akilitimiza neno la Bwana alilokuwa amenena huko Shilo kuhusu nyumba ya Eli.
And he drove out Solomon Abiathar from being a priest of Yahweh to fulfill [the] word of Yahweh which he had spoken on [the] house of Eli in Shiloh.
28 Habari zilipomfikia Yoabu, ambaye alikuwa amefanya shauri baya na Adoniya, lakini sio na Absalomu, alikimbilia kwenye hema la Bwana na kushika pembe za madhabahu.
And the report it came to Joab for Joab he had turned aside after Adonijah and after Absalom not he had turned aside and he fled Joab to [the] tent of Yahweh and he took hold on [the] horns of the altar.
29 Mfalme Solomoni akaambiwa kuwa Yoabu amekimbilia kwenye hema la Bwana naye alikuwa kando ya madhabahu. Basi Solomoni akamwagiza Benaya mwana wa Yehoyada: “Nenda ukamuue!”
And it was told to the king Solomon that he had fled Joab to [the] tent of Yahweh and there! [he was] beside the altar and he sent Solomon Benaiah [the] son of Jehoiada saying go fall on him.
30 Ndipo Benaya akaingia kwenye hema la Bwana na kumwambia Yoabu, “Mfalme anasema, ‘Toka nje!’” Lakini akajibu, “La! Nitafia hapa hapa.” Benaya akamwarifu mfalme, “Hivi ndivyo Yoabu alivyonijibu.”
And he went Benaiah to [the] tent of Yahweh and he said to him thus he says the king come out and he said - In-deed here I will die and he brought back Benaiah the king word saying thus he spoke Joab and thus he answered me.
31 Kisha mfalme akamwamuru Benaya, “Fanya kama asemavyo. Muue na kumzika, ili uniondolee mimi na nyumba ya baba yangu dhambi ya damu isiyokuwa na hatia ile Yoabu aliyoimwaga.
And he said to him the king do just as he has spoken and fall on him and you will bury him and you will remove - blood of without cause which he has shed Joab from on me and from on [the] house of father my.
32 Bwana atamlipiza kwa ajili ya damu aliyoimwaga, kwa sababu pasipo Daudi baba yangu kujua, aliwashambulia watu wawili na kuwaua kwa upanga. Wote wawili, Abneri mwana wa Neri, jemadari wa jeshi la Israeli, na Amasa mwana wa Yetheri, jemadari wa jeshi la Yuda, walikuwa watu wazuri na wanyofu kuliko yeye.
And he will bring back Yahweh blood his on head his who he fell on two men righteous and good more than him and he killed them with the sword and father my David not he knew Abner [the] son of Ner [the] commander of [the] army of Israel and Amasa [the] son of Jether [the] commander of [the] army of Judah.
33 Hatia ya damu yao na iwe juu ya kichwa cha Yoabu na wazao wake milele. Lakini kwa Daudi na uzao wake, nyumba yake na kiti chake cha ufalme, iwepo amani ya Bwana milele.”
And they will return blood their on [the] head of Joab and on [the] head of offspring his for ever and to David and to offspring his and to house his and to throne his it will belong peace until perpetuity from with Yahweh.
34 Basi Benaya mwana wa Yehoyada akakwea, akampiga na kumuua Yoabu, naye akazikwa katika nchi yake mwenyewe katika jangwa.
And he went up Benaiah [the] son of Jehoiada and he fell on him and he put to death him and he was buried in own house his in the wilderness.
35 Mfalme akamweka Benaya mwana wa Yehoyada juu ya jeshi kwenye nafasi ya Yoabu na kumweka kuhani Sadoki badala ya Abiathari.
And he put the king Benaiah [the] son of Jehoiada in place of him over the army and Zadok the priest he put the king in place of Abiathar.
36 Kisha mfalme akatuma ujumbe kwa Shimei na kumwambia, “Ujijengee nyumba huko Yerusalemu uishi huko, lakini usiende mahali pengine popote.
And he sent the king and he summoned Shimei and he said to him build for yourself a house in Jerusalem and you will dwell there and not you must go out from there where? and where?
37 Siku utakayoondoka kuvuka Bonde la Kidroni, uwe na hakika utakufa; damu yako itakuwa juu ya kichwa chako mwenyewe.”
And it will be - on [the] day going out you and you will pass over [the] wadi of Kidron certainly you will know that certainly you will die blood your it will be on own head your.
38 Shimei akamjibu mfalme, “Ulilolisema ni jema. Mtumishi wako atatenda kama bwana wangu mfalme alivyosema.” Naye Shimei akakaa Yerusalemu kwa muda mrefu.
And he said Shimei to the king [is] good the word just as he has spoken lord my the king so he will do servant your and he dwelt Shimei in Jerusalem days many.
39 Lakini baada ya miaka mitatu, watumwa wawili wa Shimei wakatoroka kwenda kwa Akishi mwana wa Maaka, mfalme wa Gathi, naye Shimei akaambiwa, “Watumwa wako wako Gathi.”
And it was from [the] end of three years and they fled two servants of Shimei to Achish [the] son of Maacah [the] king of Gath and people told to Shimei saying there! servants your [are] in Gath.
40 Kwa ajili ya hili, Shimei akatandika punda wake, akaenda kwa Akishi huko Gathi kuwatafuta watumwa wake. Basi Shimei akaondoka na kuwarudisha watumwa wake kutoka Gathi.
And he arose Shimei and he saddled donkey his and he went Gath towards to Achish to seek servants his and he went Shimei and he brought servants his from Gath.
41 Solomoni alipoambiwa kuwa Shimei ametoka Yerusalemu na kwenda Gathi na amekwisha kurudi,
And it was told to Solomon that he had gone Shimei from Jerusalem Gath and he had returned.
42 mfalme akamwita Shimei na kumwambia, “Je, sikukuapiza kwa Bwana na kukuonya kuwa, ‘Siku utakayoondoka kwenda mahali pengine popote, uwe na hakika utakufa?’ Wakati ule uliniambia, ‘Ulilolisema ni jema. Nitatii!’
And he sent the king and he summoned Shimei and he said to him ¿ not did I make swear you by Yahweh and did I warn? you saying on [the] day going out you and you will go where? and where? certainly you will know that certainly you will die and you said to me [is] good the word I have heard.
43 Kwa nini basi hukutunza kiapo chako kwa Bwana na kutii amri niliyokupa?”
And why? not have you kept [the] oath of Yahweh and the command which I commanded to you.
44 Pia mfalme akamwambia Shimei, “Unajua katika moyo wako makosa uliyomtendea baba yangu Daudi. Sasa Bwana atakulipiza kwa ajili ya mabaya yako uliyotenda.
And he said the king to Shimei you you know all the evil which it knows heart your which you did to David father my and he will return Yahweh evil your on head your.
45 Lakini Mfalme Solomoni atabarikiwa, na kiti cha ufalme cha Daudi kitakuwa imara mbele za Bwana milele.”
And the king Solomon [will be] blessed and [the] throne of David it will be established before Yahweh until perpetuity.
46 Kisha mfalme akatoa amri kwa Benaya mwana wa Yehoyada, naye akatoka nje, akampiga Shimei na kumuua. Sasa ufalme ukawa umeimarika kikamilifu mikononi mwa Solomoni.
And he commanded the king Benaiah [the] son of Jehoiada and he went out and he fell on him and he died and the kingdom it was established in [the] hand of Solomon.

< 1 Wafalme 2 >