< 1 Yohana 4 >

1 Wapendwa, msiamini kila roho, bali zijaribuni hizo roho mwone kama zimetoka kwa Mungu, kwa sababu manabii wengi wa uongo wametokea ulimwenguni.
Dearely beloued, beleeue not euery spirit, but trie the spirits whether they are of God: for many false prophets are gone out into this worlde.
2 Hivi ndivyo mnavyoweza kutambua Roho wa Mungu: Kila roho inayokubali kwamba Yesu Kristo amekuja katika mwili yatoka kwa Mungu.
Hereby shall ye know the Spirit of God, Euery spirit which confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh, is of God.
3 Lakini kila roho ambayo haimkubali Yesu haitoki kwa Mungu. Hii ndiyo roho ya mpinga Kristo, ambayo mmesikia kwamba inakuja na sasa tayari iko ulimwenguni.
And euery spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God: but this is the spirit of Antichrist, of whome ye haue heard, how that he should come, and nowe already he is in this world.
4 Watoto wapendwa, ninyi mmetokana na Mungu, nanyi mmewashinda kwa sababu yeye aliye ndani yenu ni mkuu kuliko yeye aliye katika ulimwengu.
Litle children, ye are of God, and haue ouercome them: for greater is he that is in you, then he that is in this world.
5 Wao wanatokana na ulimwengu na kwa hiyo hunena yaliyo ya ulimwengu, hivyo ulimwengu huwasikiliza.
They are of this worlde, therefore speake they of this world, and this world heareth them.
6 Sisi twatokana na Mungu na yeyote anayemjua Mungu hutusikiliza, lakini asiyetokana na Mungu hatusikilizi. Hivi ndivyo tunavyoweza kutambua Roho wa Kweli na roho ya upotovu.
We are of God, he that knoweth God, heareth vs: he that is not of God, heareth vs not. Heereby knowe wee the spirit of trueth, and the spirit of errour.
7 Wapendwa, tupendane, kwa kuwa pendo latoka kwa Mungu. Kila apendaye amezaliwa na Mungu, naye anamjua Mungu.
Beloued, let vs loue one another: for loue commeth of God, and euery one that loueth, is borne of God, and knoweth God.
8 Yeye asiyependa hamjui Mungu, kwa sababu Mungu ni pendo.
Hee that loueth not, knoweth not God: for God is loue.
9 Hivi ndivyo Mungu alivyoonyesha pendo lake kwetu: Mungu alimtuma Mwanawe wa pekee ulimwenguni, ili tupate uzima kupitia kwake.
Herein was that loue of God made manifest amongst vs, because God sent that his onely begotten sonne into this world, that we might liue through him.
10 Hili ndilo pendo: si kwamba tulimpenda Mungu, bali yeye alitupenda, akamtuma Mwanawe, ili yeye awe dhabihu ya upatanisho kwa ajili ya dhambi zetu.
Herein is that loue, not that we loued God, but that he loued vs, and sent his Sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes.
11 Marafiki wapendwa, kama Mungu alivyotupenda sisi, imetupasa na sisi kupendana.
Beloued, if God so loued vs, we ought also to loue one another.
12 Hakuna mtu yeyote aliyemwona Mungu wakati wowote. Lakini tukipendana, Mungu anakaa ndani yetu, na pendo lake limekamilika ndani yetu.
No man hath seene God at any time. If we loue one another, God dwelleth in vs, and his loue is perfect in vs.
13 Tunajua kwamba twakaa ndani yake na yeye ndani yetu, kwa sababu ametupa sisi sehemu ya Roho wake.
Hereby know we, that we dwell in him, and he in vs: because he hath giuen vs of his Spirit.
14 Nasi tumeona na kushuhudia kwamba Baba amemtuma Mwanawe ili awe Mwokozi wa ulimwengu.
And we haue seene, and doe testifie, that the Father sent that Sonne to be ye Sauiour of the world.
15 Kila akiriye kwamba Yesu ni Mwana wa Mungu, basi Mungu hukaa ndani yake, naye ndani ya Mungu.
Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the Sone of God, in him dwelleth God, and he in God.
16 Hivyo nasi twajua na kulitumainia pendo la Mungu alilo nalo kwa ajili yetu. Mungu ni Upendo. Kila akaaye katika upendo hukaa ndani ya Mungu na Mungu hukaa ndani yake.
And we haue knowen, and beleeued ye loue that God hath in vs. God is loue, and he that dwelleth in loue, dwelleth in God, and God in him.
17 Kwa njia hii, pendo hukamilishwa miongoni mwetu ili tupate kuwa na ujasiri katika siku ya hukumu, kwa sababu kama alivyo ndivyo tulivyo sisi katika ulimwengu huu.
Herein is that loue perfect in vs, that we should haue boldnes in the day of iudgement: for as he is, euen so are we in this world.
18 Katika pendo hakuna hofu. Lakini pendo lililo kamili huitupa nje hofu, kwa sababu hofu inahusika na adhabu. Kila mwenye hofu hakukamilika katika pendo.
There is no feare in loue, but perfect loue casteth out feare: for feare hath painefulnesse: and he that feareth, is not perfect in loue.
19 Twampenda yeye kwa sababu yeye alitupenda kwanza.
We loue him, because he loued vs first.
20 Ikiwa mtu atasema, “Nampenda Mungu,” lakini anamchukia ndugu yake, yeye ni mwongo. Kwa maana kila mtu asiyempenda ndugu yake ambaye anamwona, atampendaje Mungu asiyemuona?
If any man say, I loue God, and hate his brother, he is a liar: for how can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath seene, loue God whom he hath not seene?
21 Naye ametupa amri hii: Yeyote anayempenda Mungu lazima pia ampende ndugu yake.
And this commandement haue we of him, that he that loueth God, should loue his brother also.

< 1 Yohana 4 >