< Sofonías 1 >

1 La palabra del Señor que vino a Sofonías, hijo de Cusi, hijo de Gedalías, hijo de Amarías, hijo de Ezequías, en los días de Josías, hijo de Amón, rey de Judá.
[I am] Zephaniah, the son of Cushi, the grandson of Gedaliah, and the great-grandson of Amariah, whose father was [King] Hezekiah. Yahweh gave this message to me during the time when [King] Amon’s son Josiah was the King of Judah.
2 Destruiré todo de la faz de la tierra, dice el Señor.
Yahweh says, “I will (sweep away/destroy) everything [HYP] that is on the earth.
3 Destruiré al hombre y la bestia; destruiré las aves del cielo y los peces del mar; causando la caída de los malhechores, y destruiré al hombre de la faz de la tierra, dice el Señor.
I will sweep away people and animals. I will sweep away birds and fish. I will get rid of wicked people; there will be no more [wicked] [HYP] people on the earth.”
4 Y mi mano se extenderá sobre Judá y sobre todo el pueblo de Jerusalén, destruiré el nombre del Baal de este lugar, y el nombre de los falsos sacerdotes,
“[These are some of the things that I will do]: I will punish the people who live in Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah. I will destroy everything that has been used in the worship of Baal. I will cause [people] to no longer remember the names of the pagan priests or the [other] priests [who have turned away from me].
5 Y los que se suben a las azoteas para adorar a los astros, a los que se postran y juran, y los adoradores del Señor que juraron por Milcom,
[I will get rid of] those who go up on the roofs [of their houses] and worship the sun and moon and stars, those who claim that they worship me but [also] worship [their god] Molech.
6 Y aquellos que se han apartado de mi, y aquellos que no han hecho oración al Señor ni han recibido instrucciones de él.
I will get rid of all those who previously worshiped me but no longer do, those who no [longer] seek my [help or ask me to tell them what they should do.”]
7 Que no haya sonido delante del Señor Dios: porque el día del Señor está cerca; porque el Señor ha preparado una ofrenda, ha santificado a sus invitados.
Be silent in front of Yahweh the Lord, because it will soon be the time/day when Yahweh [will judge and punish people]. Yahweh has prepared to get rid of [the people of Judah]; they will be like [MET] animals that are slaughtered for sacrifices, and he has chosen [their enemies] to be the ones who will get rid of them.
8 Y sucederá el día de la ofrenda del Señor, que enviaré castigo a los gobernantes y a los hijos del rey y a todos los que estén vestidos con túnicas de tierras extranjeras.
Yahweh says, “On that day when I will get rid of [the people of Judah], [I will punish] their officials and the king’s sons, and [I will punish] all those who worship foreign gods [MTY].
9 Y en ese día enviaré castigo a todos los que salten por los umbrales y llenen la casa de su amo con conducta violenta y engaño.
I will punish those who [show that they revere their god Dagan] by avoiding stepping on the threshold [of his temple], and those who do violent things and tell lies in the temples of their gods.”
10 Y en ese día, dice el Señor, se oirá un grito desde La puerta del Pez, y un clamor desde la segunda, y un grito de quebrantamiento de los collados.
Yahweh [also] says, “On that day, people will cry [out] at the Fish Gate [of Jerusalem]. People will wail in the newer part of the city, and [people will hear] a loud crash [of buildings collapsing] in the hills.
11 Giman habitantes del mortero. Debido a la caída de todo el pueblo de Canaán; todos los que traían plata fueron destruidos.
[So, all you] people who live in the market area [of Jerusalem] should wail, because all those who sell goods and weigh out silver will be slaughtered.
12 Y sucederá en ese tiempo, que iré a buscar a través de Jerusalén con lámparas; y enviaré castigo a los hombres que reposan como vino en su sedimento, que se dicen a sí mismos: El Señor no hará el bien ni hará el mal.
[It will be as though] I will light lanterns to search in [dark places in] Jerusalem for those who have become very satisfied with their behavior and complacent [about their sins]. They think that [I], Yahweh, will do nothing to them, neither good things nor bad things.
13 Y sus riquezas serán quitadas violentamente, y sus casas serán destruidas. Seguirán construyendo casas y nunca vivirán en ellas, y plantarán viñas pero no beberán vino de ellas.
[But I say that] their valuable possessions will be plundered/stolen [by their enemies], and their houses will be destroyed. They will build [new] homes, but they will not live in them; they will plant vineyards, but they will never drink [any] wine [made from grapes that grow there].”
14 El gran día del Señor está cerca, está cerca y viene muy rápido; Se acerca el amargo día del Señor, amargamente gritará el guerrero.
It will soon be the day/time when Yahweh [will punish people]. It will be here quickly. It will be a time [when people cry] bitterly, a time when [even] brave soldiers will cry loudly.
15 Ese día es un día de ira, un día de angustia y tristeza, un día de ruina y destrucción, un día de noche oscura y sombra profunda, un día de nubes y oscuridad espesa.
It will be a time when [God shows that he is] very angry, a time when [people experience much] distress/suffering and trouble. [It will be] a time [when many things are] ruined and destroyed [DOU]. It will be a time when it is very gloomy and dark [DOU], when the clouds are very black.
16 Un día de trompeta y el grito de guerra contra las ciudades amuralladas y las altas torres.
It will be a time when [soldiers] will blow trumpets [to call other soldiers] to battle. [Your enemies] will tear down the walls around your cities and the high towers [at the corners of those walls].
17 Y enviaré angustias a los hombres para que anden como ciegos, porque han hecho lo malo contra el Señor; y su sangre será escurrida como polvo, y su carne como estiércol.
Because you sinned against Yahweh, he will cause you to experience great distress; you will walk [around groping] like [SIM] blind people do. Your blood will flow [from your bodies] like [SIM] water, and your corpses will lie on the ground and rot [SIM].
18 Incluso su plata y su oro no podrán mantenerlos a salvo en el día de la ira del Señor; pero toda la tierra se quemará en el fuego de su ira amarga; porque él pondrá fin, incluso de repente, a todos los que viven en la tierra.
At the time that [Yahweh shows that he] is very angry [with you], you will not be able to save yourselves by [giving] silver or gold [to your enemies]. Because Yahweh (is very jealous/does not want people to worship any other god), he will send a fire to burn up the entire world, and he will suddenly get rid of all the [wicked] people who live on the earth.

< Sofonías 1 >