< Salmos 39 >

1 Dije: Daré atención a mis caminos, para que mi lengua no haga nada malo; Mantendré mi boca bajo control, mientras que el pecador está delante de mí.
I said [to myself], “I will be careful not to sin by the things that I say [MTY]. I will not say anything [to complain] while wicked people are near to me [and can hear me].”
2 No hice ningún sonido, no dije palabra, ni siquiera de bien; pero se agravó mi dolor.
[So] I was completely silent [DOU], and I did not [even] talk about things that were good, but it was useless, because I began to suffer even more.
3 Mi corazón ardía en mi pecho; mientras estaba sumido en mis pensamientos, el fuego estaba encendido; entonces dije con mi lengua,
I became very anxious/worried [IDM]. As I thought [about my troubles], I became more worried. Then [finally] I said [MTY],
4 Señor, concédeme el conocimiento de mi fin y de la medida de mis días, para que pueda ver cuán débil soy.
“Yahweh, show/tell me how long I will live. Tell me when I will die. Tell me how many years I will live!
5 Has hecho que mis días no sean más que una medida de mano; y mis años no son nada en tus ojos; de verdad, cada hombre es solo un respiro. (Selah)
[It seems that] you have caused me to live only a short time; (my lifetime/all the time that I have lived) seems like nothing to you. The time that all we humans live is [as short as] [MET] a puff of wind.
6 En verdad, cada hombre es como una sombra; en vano se afana: hace una gran reserva de riqueza, y no tiene conocimiento de quién la obtendrá.
Then we disappear like a shadow does. It seems that all that we do is for nothing/useless. We [sometimes] get a lot of money, but we do not know who will get it [after we die].
7 Y ahora, Señor, ¿qué estoy esperando? mi esperanza está en ti.
So now, Yahweh, if I expect [RHQ] [to receive blessings from other people], I will be disappointed. You are the [only] one from whom I confidently expect [to receive blessings].
8 Hazme libre de todos mis pecados; no dejes que me avergüence el hombre necio.
Save me from [being punished for] all the sins that I have committed. And do not allow foolish people to make fun of me.
9 Estaba callado y mantuve la boca cerrada; porque tu hiciste.
I did not say anything [when you punished me], because [I knew that] you were the one who caused [me to suffer].
10 No permitas que tu mano sea dura conmigo; Estoy consumido por los golpes de tu mano.
But now, please stop punishing me! [If you do not do that], I am about to die because of the ways that you [SYN] have struck/afflicted me.
11 Reprendes y disciplinas él pecado del hombre, reduces a polvo lo más estimado por el; Verdaderamente, cada hombre no es más que un respiro. (Selah)
When you rebuke someone and punish him for the sin that he has committed, you destroy the things that (he loves/are precious to him), like moths’ [larva] destroy clothing. Our lives [disappear like] a puff of wind.
12 Oye mi oración en tus oídos, oh Señor, y presta atención a mi clamor, responde a mi llanto; porque mi tiempo aquí es corto para ti, como un ave de paso y dentro de poco me iré, como todos mis padres.
Yahweh, listen to me while I pray; pay attention to me while I cry out to you. Help me while I am crying. I am here on the earth for only a short time, like all my ancestors.
13 Deja de mirarme, para que yo sea consolado, antes que me vaya de aquí, y me convierta en nada.
[Now] please leave me alone, [and do not punish me any more] in order that I may smile and be happy for a while before I die. [EUP, DOU]”

< Salmos 39 >