< San Mateo 14 >

1 En ese momento las noticias de Jesús llegaron a Herodes el rey;
At that [very] time heard Herod the tetrarch the news of Jesus
2 Y dijo a sus siervos: Este es Juan el Bautista; ha vuelto de entre los muertos, y por eso actúan esos poderes en él.
and he said to the servants of him; This is John the Baptist; he himself is risen from the dead, and because of this the miraculous powers are working in him.
3 Porque Herodes había arrestado a Juan y lo había puesto en la cárcel a causa de Herodías, la esposa de su hermano Felipe.
For Herod having seized John he bound him and in (*o*) prison (put [him] aside *N(k)O*) on account of Herodias the wife of Philip the brother of him.
4 Porque Juan le había dicho: No es correcto que la tengas.
Were saying for John to him; Not it is lawful for you to have her.
5 Y le hubiese dado muerte, pero por su temor al pueblo, porque en sus ojos Juan era un profeta.
Although wishing him to kill he feared the multitude because as a prophet him they were holding.
6 Pero cuando llegó el día de Herodes, la hija de Herodías estaba bailando delante de ellos, y Herodes estaba complacido con ella.
([The] birthday *N(k)O*) now (having happened *N(k)O*) of Herod danced the daughter of Herodias in the midst and pleased Herod;
7 Entonces él le dio su palabra con un juramento de dejarla tener todo lo que ella pidiera.
whereupon with oath he promised to her to give whatever (if *NK(o)*) she shall ask.
8 Y ella, por sugerencia de su madre, dijo: Dame aquí en un plato la cabeza de Juan el Bautista.
And having been urged on by the mother of her; do give to me she says here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.
9 Y el rey estaba triste; pero a causa de sus juramentos y de sus invitados, dio la orden para que se le dieran;
And (being grieved *N(k)O*) the king on account of (now *k*) the oaths and those reclining with [him] he commanded [it] to be given.
10 Y ordeno y le cortaron la cabeza a Juan en la prisión.
And he having sent beheaded John in the prison.
11 Y su cabeza fue puesta en un plato y dada a la niña; y ella se lo llevó a su madre.
And was brought the head of him on a platter and was given to the girl, and she brought [it] to the mother of her.
12 Entonces vinieron sus discípulos, y tomaron su cuerpo y lo enterraron; y fueron y le dieron a Jesús noticias de lo que había sucedido.
And having come the disciples of him took the (body *N(k)O*) and buried (it, *N(k)O*) and having come they told Jesus.
13 Cuando llegó a los oídos de Jesús, se fue de allí en una barca, a un lugar desolado por sí mismo; y el pueblo que lo supo, lo siguió a pie desde las ciudades.
(and *k*) Having heard (now *no*) Jesus withdrew from there by boat to a secluded place apart [on his] own. And having heard [of it] the crowds followed Him on foot from the towns.
14 Y saliendo, vio muchas personas, y tuvo misericordia de ellos, y sanó a los que estaban enfermos.
And having gone out (Jesus *k*) He saw great a crowd and was moved with compassion toward (them *N(k)O*) and healed the sick of them.
15 Cuando llegó la tarde, los discípulos se acercaron a él y le dijeron: Este es un desierto, y la hora de cenar ha pasado; envía a la gente lejos para que puedan ir a las ciudades y conseguir comida.
Evening now having come they came to Him the disciples (of him *k*) saying; Desolate is this place, and the time already is gone by; do dismiss the crowds that having gone into the villages they may buy for themselves food.
16 Pero Jesús les dijo: No es necesario que se vayan; ustedes denles de comer.
And Jesus said to them; No need they have to go away; do give to them you yourselves to eat.
17 Y le dicen: Aquí tenemos cinco panes y dos pescados.
And they say to Him; Not we have here only except five loaves and two fish.
18 Y él les dijo: Dámelos.
And He said; do bring to Me here them.
19 Y dio órdenes para que la gente se sentara sobre la hierba; y tomó los cinco panes y los dos pescados, y levantando los ojos al cielo, dijo palabras de bendición, e hizo la división del alimento, y se lo dio a los discípulos, y los discípulos se lo dieron a la gente.
And having commanded the crowds to sit down on (the grass, *N(k)O*) (and *k*) having taken the five loaves and the two fish, having looked up to heaven He spoke a blessing, and having broken He gave to the disciples the loaves, and the disciples to the crowds.
20 Y todos comieron de la comida y tuvieron suficiente; y recogieron doce canastas llenas de pedazos que sobró.
And ate all and were satisfied; and they took up that which is remaindering of the fragments, twelve hand-baskets full.
21 Y los que habían comido eran como cinco mil hombres, además de mujeres y niños.
Those then eating were men about five thousand besides women and children.
22 Y enseguida hizo que los discípulos subieran a la barca y fueran delante de él al otro lado, mientras que él despedía a la multitud.
And immediately He compelled (Jesus *k*) the disciples (of him *k*) to climb into the boat and to go before Him to the other side until that He may have dismissed the crowds.
23 Después de despedir al pueblo, subió al monte a solas para orar; y cuando llegó la noche, estuvo allí solo.
And having dismissed the crowds He went up on the mountain on [his] own to pray. Evening now having arrived alone He was there.
24 Pero la barca estaba ahora en medio del mar, y se turbó con las olas, porque el viento estaba contra ellos.
And the boat now (stadia many *NO*) (from *N(K)O*) of the (land was fully *N(K)O*) being tossed by the waves; was for contrary [was] the wind.
25 Y a la cuarta vigilia de la noche, vino a ellos, caminando sobre el mar.
In [the] fourth now watch of the night (he came *N(K)O*) to them (Jesus *k*) walking on (the sea. *N(k)O*)
26 Y cuando le vieron caminar sobre el mar, se turbaron, diciendo: Espíritu es; y ellos dieron gritos de miedo.
(and *N(k)O*) the disciples having seen Him on (the sea *N(k)O*) walking they were troubled saying that A ghost it is! And in fear they cried out.
27 Pero enseguida Jesús les dijo: todo está bien; soy yo, no tengan miedo!
Immediately now spoke Jesus to them saying; Take courage! I myself it is, not do fear.
28 Y Pedro, respondiendo, le dijo: Señor, si eres tú, dame la orden de venir a ti en el agua.
Answering now to Him Peter said: Lord, if You yourself [it] is, do command me to come to You upon the waters.
29 Y él dijo: Ven. Y Pedro bajó del bote, y caminando sobre el agua, fue hacia Jesús.
And He said; do come. And having descended from the boat Peter walked upon the water (and *no*) (came *N(k)O*) to Jesus.
30 Pero cuando vio el viento, tuvo miedo y, comenzando a descender, dio un grito, diciendo: Sálvame, Señor.
Seeing now the wind charging he was afraid, and having begun to sink he cried out saying; Lord, do save me!
31 Y luego, Jesús extendió su mano, y lo tomó, y le dijo: Hombre de poca fe, ¿por qué dudaste?
Immediately now Jesus having stretched out the hand took hold of him and He says to him; [You] of little faith, of why did you doubt?
32 Y cuando subieron al bote, el viento se vino abajo.
And (when were climbing *N(k)O*) they into the boat ceased the wind.
33 Y los que estaban en la barca lo adoraron, diciendo: Verdaderamente eres Hijo de Dios.
Those then in the boat (having come *ko*) worshiped Him saying; Truly of God Son You are!
34 Y cuando cruzaron, vinieron a la tierra en Genesaret.
And having crossed over they came (into *NK(o)*) the land (of *no*) Gennesaret.
35 Y cuando los hombres de aquel lugar tuvieron noticias de él, enviaron a todo el país alrededor, y le llevaron a todos los enfermos,
And having recognized Him the men of the place that one sent to all surrounding region that and brought to Him all those sick being
36 Y le rogaban que los dejare tocar el borde de su manto; todos los que lo hicieron quedaron sanos.
and they were begging Him that only they may touch the fringe of the garment of Him; and as many as touched were cured.

< San Mateo 14 >