< Génesis 50 >

1 Y José postró su cabeza sobre el rostro de su padre, llorando y besándolo.
Joseph leaned close to his father’s face and cried over him and kissed him.
2 Y José ordenó a sus siervos que tenían el conocimiento necesario, que prepararan el cuerpo de su padre, y lo envolvieron en lienzos con especias, y así lo hicieron.
Joseph commanded his servants who were morticians to (embalm his father’s body/put spices on his father’s body) to (preserve it/keep it from decaying), and then wrap it with strips of cloth.
3 Y pasaron los cuarenta días necesarios para preparar el cuerpo; y lloraron por él entre los egipcios por setenta días.
So the morticians did that. It took 40 days to embalm Jacob’s body, because that is the amount of time that was always required for them to embalm a body. And the people of Egypt mourned for 70 days because of Jacob’s death.
4 Y cuando hubieron pasado los días de lamento por él, José dijo a los siervos de Faraón: Si ahora me amas, di estas palabras a Faraón:
When the time of mourning was finished, Joseph said to the king’s officials, “If you are pleased with me, please take this message to the king:
5 Mi padre me hizo jurar, diciendo: Cuando yo haya muerto, ponme en el lugar que he preparado para mí en la tierra de Canaán. Así que ahora déjame ir y poner a mi padre en su último lugar de descanso, y volveré.
‘When my father was about to die, he told me to solemnly promise that I would bury his body in Canaan, in the tomb that he himself had prepared. So please let me go up to Canaan and bury my father’s body. Then I will return.’”
6 Y Faraón dijo: Sube, y pon a tu padre a descansar, como tú le hiciste el juramento.
After they gave the king the message, he replied, “Tell Joseph, ‘Go up and bury your father’s body, as you (swore/solemnly promised) that you would do.’”
7 Entonces José subió para poner a su padre en su último lugar de descanso; y con él fueron todos los siervos de Faraón, y los principales de su casa, y todos los jefes de la tierra de Egipto.
So Joseph went [up to Canaan] to bury his father’s body. All of the king’s officials, all the king’s advisors, and all the elders in Egypt went with him.
8 Y toda la familia de José, y sus hermanos, y el pueblo de su padre; lo trajeron de la tierra de Gosén con sus niños, sus rebaños, y sus vacas.
His own family’s small children and their sheep and goats and their cattle stayed in the Goshen region. But all the rest of Joseph’s family and his [older] brothers [and younger brother] and his father’s family went with him.
9 Y subieron carros con él y con jinetes, un gran ejército.
Men riding in chariots [MTY] and on horses also went along. It was a huge group.
10 Y vinieron al campo de cereal de Atad, al otro lado del Jordán, y allí dieron los últimos honores a Jacob, con grande y amarga tristeza, llorando por su padre por siete días.
They went to the east side of the Jordan [River] and arrived at Atad. There was a place there where people (threshed/beat the grain to separate the wheat from the chaff.) There they mourned loudly for Jacob for a long time. Joseph performed mourning ceremonies for his father for seven days.
11 Y cuando el pueblo de la tierra, los hijos de Canaán, en el sembrado de Atad, vieron su dolor, dijeron: ¡Grande es la angustia de los egipcios! Y el lugar se llamaba Abel-mizraim, en al otro lado de Jordania.
When the Canaan people-group who lived there saw them mourning like that, they said, “This is a sad mourning place for the people of Egypt!” So they named the place Abel-Mizraim, [which sounds like the Hebrew words that mean ‘mourning of the Egyptians].’
12 Entonces sus hijos hicieron como les había ordenado:
Then Jacob’s sons did for him what their father had commanded.
13 Porque lo llevaron a la tierra de Canaán y lo sepultaron en la roca hueca en el campo de Macpela, que Abraham obtuvo junto con el campo, como lugar de descanso, de Efrón el hitita en Mamre.
They [crossed the Jordan River and] carried Jacob’s body to Canaan. They buried it in the cave in the field at Machpelah, east of Mamre [town]. That was the field that Abraham had bought from Ephron, who was one of the Heth people-group, to use as a burial place.
14 Y cuando su padre fue sepultado, José, y sus hermanos, y todos los que habían ido con él, volvieron a Egipto.
After he had buried his father, Joseph and his [older] brothers [and younger brother] and all the others who had gone up to Canaan with him for the funeral returned to Egypt.
15 Y después de la muerte de su padre, los hermanos de José se dijeron a sí mismos: Es posible que el corazón de José se vuelva contra nosotros, y él nos castigará por todo el mal que le hicimos.
After Jacob died, Joseph’s brothers became worried. They realized what might happen. They said, “Suppose Joseph hates us and tries to get revenge for all the evil things that we did to him many years ago?”
16 Entonces mandaron decir a José, diciendo: Tu padre, antes de morir, nos dio órdenes, diciendo:
So they sent someone to tell this to Joseph for them: “Before our father died, he told us this:
17 Debes decirle a José: “Que se pasen por alto las maldades de tus hermanos, y el mal que te hicieron; ahora, si es tu placer, que el pecado de los siervos del Dios de tu padre tenga perdón”. Y ante estas palabras, José se sintió abrumado por el llanto.
‘Say to Joseph, “Please forgive your [older] brothers for the evil thing that they did to you, for their terrible sin against you, because what they did to you was very wrong.”’ So now we, who are servants of your father’s God, ask you, please forgive us for what we did to you.” But Joseph just cried when he received their message.
18 Entonces fueron sus hermanos, y postrándose a sus pies, dijeron: En verdad, somos tus siervos.
Then his [older] brothers themselves came and threw themselves on the ground in front of Joseph, and one of them said, “Please listen. We will just be your servants.”
19 Y dijo José: No temas: ¿estoy yo en el lugar de Dios?
But Joseph replied to them, “Do not be afraid! [God is the one who punishes people]; (am I God?/I am not God!) [RHQ]
20 En cuanto a ti, estaba en tu mente hacerme mal, pero Dios ha dado un resultado feliz, la salvación de un número de personas, como ves hoy.
As for you, yes, you wanted to do something very evil to me. But God caused something good to come from it! He wanted to save many people from dying of hunger, and that is what happened! Today they are alive!
21 Así que ahora, no temas, porque yo cuidaré de ti y de tus pequeños. Entonces les dio consuelo con palabras amables.
So I say [again], do not be afraid! I will make sure that you and your children have enough to eat.” In that way he reassured them and made made them feel much better.
22 Y José y toda la familia de su padre vivían en Egipto; y los años de la vida de José fueron ciento diez.
Joseph lived with his father’s family in Egypt until he was 110 years old.
23 Y vio José los hijos de Efraín de la tercera generación; y los hijos de Maquir, hijo de Manasés, nacieron en las rodillas de José.
He lived long enough to see Ephraim’s children and grandchildren. The children of Joseph’s grandson Machir, who was Manasseh’s son, were born before Joseph died, and were adopted by Joseph to be his own children [IDM].
24 Entonces José dijo a sus hermanos: El tiempo de mi muerte ha llegado; pero Dios los mantendrá en mente y los sacará de esta tierra a la tierra que les dio por medio de su juramento a Abraham, Isaac y Jacob.
One day Joseph said to his [older] brothers, “I am about to die. But God will certainly (help/take care of) you. And [some day] he will lead your [descendants] up out of this land and take them to Canaan, the land that he solemnly promised to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”
25 Entonces José hizo que los hijos de Israel hicieran un juramento, diciendo: Dios ciertamente dará efecto a su palabra, y tú me quitarás mis huesos de aquí.
Then Joseph said, “When God enables you to do that, you must take my body back to Canaan.” He made his older brothers solemnly promise to do that.
26 Y murió José, que tenía ciento diez años; y preparó su cuerpo, y lo pusieron en un arca en Egipto.
So Joseph died in Egypt when he was 110 years old. His body was embalmed and put in a coffin there.

< Génesis 50 >