< 1 Reyes 7 >

1 Salomón estuvo trece años construyendo una casa para sí mismo hasta que estuvo completa.
They also built a palace for Solomon, but it required 13 years to build it.
2 E hizo la casa del bosque del Líbano, que tenía cien codos de largo, cincuenta codos de ancho y treinta codos de alto, apoyada en cuatro líneas de pilares de madera de cedro con soportes de madera de cedro sobre los pilares.
One of the buildings they constructed was [a] large [ceremonial hall]. It was called the Hall of the Forest of Lebanon. It was 150 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. It was supported/held up by four rows of pillars of [wood from] cedar [trees]. There were 15 pillars in each row. There were cedar beams across each row.
3 Y se cubrió con cedro sobre los cuarenta y cinco soportes que estaban en los pilares, quince en una línea.
[To support the roof] there were cedar beams that connected the rows of pillars.
4 Había tres líneas de marcos de ventanas, ventana que daba a la ventana en cada línea.
On each of the two side walls there were three rows of windows.
5 Y todas las puertas y ventanas tenían marcos cuadrados, con las ventanas enfrentadas en tres líneas.
All the windows and doorways had rectangular frames. The windows along the long wall on one side faced the windows on the other side.
6 E hizo un pórtico de columnas, de cincuenta codos de largo y treinta codos de ancho, y otro pórtico con columnas y techo delante de él.
They also built another building called the Hall of Pillars. It was 75 feet long and 45 feet wide. It had a covered porch [whose roof was] supported by pillars.
7 Luego hizo un pórtico para su trono donde había de juzgar; este era el pórtico del juicio; Estaba cubierto con madera de cedro desde el suelo hasta el techo.
Then they made a building called the Hall of the Throne. It was also called the Hall of Judgment. That was where Solomon decided/judged concerning people’s disputes. The walls were covered with cedar boards, from the floor to the rafters.
8 Y la casa para su morada, tenía otro atrio abierto en el pórtico en la parte de atrás, se hizo de la misma manera. Y luego hizo una casa como esta para la hija de Faraón, a quien Salomón había tomado como su esposa.
In the courtyard behind the Hall of Judgment they built a house for Solomon to live in that was made like the other buildings. They also built the same kind of house for his wife, who was the daughter of the king of Egypt.
9 Todos estos edificios se hicieron, por dentro y por fuera, desde la base hasta las vigas, con piedras cortadas y desde el exterior hasta el gran atrio, de piedras costosas, cortadas a la medida.
All of those buildings and the walls around the palace courtyard were made from costly blocks of stone, from the foundations up to the eaves. The stones were cut [at the quarry], according to the sizes that were needed, and the sides of the stones were shaped by cutting/smoothing them with saws.
10 Y la base era de piedras grandes, muy costosas, unos diez codos y unos ocho codos cuadrados.
The foundations were also made from huge blocks of stone [that were prepared at the quarry]. Some of them were twelve feet long and some were fifteen feet long.
11 Sobre su cabeza había piedras de alto precio cortadas a medida y madera de cedro.
On top of the foundation stones were other blocks of stone that were cut according to the sizes they needed, and cedar beams.
12 La gran plaza exterior de todo era amurallada con tres líneas de piedras cuadradas y una línea de tablas de madera de cedro, alrededor de la plaza abierta dentro de la casa del Señor y la habitación cubierta de la casa del rey.
The palace courtyard, the inner courtyard in front of the temple, and the entrance room of the temple had walls made by putting down three layers of cut stones between each layer of cedar beams.
13 Entonces el rey Salomón hizo venir a Hiram de Tiro.
There was a man who lived in Tyre [city] whose name was Huram. He knew how to make very nice things from bronze. His father had also lived in Tyre and had also been very skilled at making things from bronze, but Huram’s father was no longer living. His mother was from the tribe of Naphtali. Huram was very wise and intelligent and was very skilled at making things from bronze. Solomon invited him to come [to Jerusalem and supervise] all the work of making things from bronze, and Huram agreed.
14 Era hijo de una viuda de la tribu de Neftalí, y su padre era un hombre de Tiro, obrero de bronce. Estaba lleno de sabiduría y conocimiento y un trabajador experto en bronce. Vino al rey Salomón e hizo toda su obra por él.
15 El fue quien hizo las dos columnas de bronce; el primer pilar tenía dieciocho codos de altura, y una línea de doce codos la rodeaba; Y el segundo fue el mismo.
He made two bronze pillars. Each one was 27 feet tall and 18 feet around. Each was hollow, and the walls of the pillars were 3 in./7.4 cm. thick.
16 E hizo las dos coronas para que fueran colocadas en la parte superior de los pilares, en forma de trenza y cadena de bronce fundido en el fuego; las coronas tenían cinco codos de alto.
He also made two bronze caps to be put on top of the pillars. Each cap was 7-1/2 feet tall.
17 Hizo dos rejas para las coronas en la parte superior de los pilares, una reja para cada capitel; siete para cada capitel.
Then he made bronze wreaths of chains to decorate the top part of each pillar.
18 E hizo ornamentos de granadas; y dos líneas de granadas alrededor de la reja, que cubren las coronas de los pilares, las dos coronas de la misma manera.
He also made bronze [figures that resembled] pomegranates. He put two rows of pomegranates over the top parts of each pillar.
19 Las coronas en la parte superior de los pilares estaban adornadas con un diseño de lirios, y tenían cuatro codos de ancho.
The top part over each pillar was shaped like a lily. Each [lily leaf] was six feet tall.
20 Y había coronas en los dos pilares cerca de la parte redonda por reja, y había doscientas granadas en líneas alrededor de cada corona.
These top parts were placed on a bowl-shaped section around which was draped the wreaths of chains. He made 200 [figures that represented] pomegranates and put them in two rows around the top/head of each pillar.
21 Puso los pilares en la entrada del Templo, nombrando el de la derecha Jaquin, y el de la izquierda Boaz.
His [helpers] set up the pillars in front of the entrance of the temple. The pillar on the south side was named Jakin, and the pillar on the north side was named Boaz.
22 Las copas de los pilares tenían un diseño de lirios; y el trabajo de los pilares fue completo.
The bronze top parts that were shaped like lilies were placed on top of the pillars. So Huram and his helpers finished making the bronze pillars.
23 E hizo un gran recipiente redondo metálico de agua de diez codos de borde a borde, cinco codos de alto y treinta codos.
Huram also constructed a very large round bronze tank that was made of metal and cast [in a clay mold]. It was 7-1/2 ft./2.3 meters high, 30 feet/9 meters across/wide, and 45 feet/13.5 meters around it.
24 Y debajo del borde, rodeando todo alrededor de diez codos, había dos líneas de capullos de flores, hechas con metal fundido.
Around the outer edge of the rim of the tank were two rows of gourds that were made of bronze. [But] the gourds [were not cast separately; they] were cast in the same mold as the rest of the tank. For each foot of length around the rim of the tank there were six [figures of] gourds.
25 Se apoyaba en doce bueyes, con sus partes traseras giradas hacia el centro, tres de ellos mirando hacia el norte, tres hacia el oeste, tres hacia el sur y tres hacia el este.
Huram [also cast] twelve [bronze statues of] oxen. He placed them to face outward. He placed three of them to face north, three to face west, three to face south, and three to face east. His helpers put the bronze tank on the backs of [the statues of] the oxen.
26 Era tan gruesa como la mano abierta de un hombre, y estaba curvada como el borde de una taza, como la flor de un lirio; tenía capacidad para 2000 batos, (medida hebreo).
The sides [of the tank] were 3 in./8 cm. thick. The rim was like the rim of a cup. It [curved outward, ] like the petals of a lily. [When the tank was full, ] it held about 10,000 gallons [of water].
27 E hizo diez bases de bronce con ruedas; cada uno de cuatro codos de largo, cuatro codos de ancho y tres codos de alto.
Huram also made ten bronze carts. Each was six feet long and six feet wide and 4-1/2 feet tall.
28 Y las bases fueron hechas de esta manera; Sus lados eran cuadrados, fijados en un marco;
[On the sides of the carts] there were panels which were set in frames.
29 Y en los lados cuadrados entre los marcos estaban los leones, los bueyes y los seres alados; y lo mismo en el marco; y sobre y debajo de los leones y los bueyes y los seres alados, había añadiduras de bajo relieve.
On those panels were [bronze figures of] lions, bulls, and winged creatures. Below and above the lions and bulls there were decorations of bronze wreaths.
30 Cada base tenía cuatro ruedas de bronce, girando sobre varillas de bronce, y sus cuatro ángulos tenían placas de ángulo debajo de ellas; Las placas angulares debajo de la base eran de bronce, y había adornos de guirnaldas al lado de cada uno.
Each cart had four bronze wheels and two axles made of bronze. At the top corners of each cart were bronze supports to hold up a basin. On these supports were also decorations of bronze wreaths.
31 Su boca dentro de la placa angular tenía un codo de diámetro; era redonda como un pilar, de un codo y medio de ancho; tenía diseños recortados en ella; Los lados eran cuadrados.
On top of each cart, [under each basin, ] was a frame [that resembled] a circular collar. The top of each circular frame was 18 inches above the top of the cart, and the bottom of it was nine inches below the top of the cart. There were also decorations of bronze wreaths on the frame engraved within square panels.
32 Las cuatro ruedas estaban debajo de los marcos, y las barras sobre las cuales estaban fijas estaban en la base; Las ruedas tenían un codo y medio de altura.
The wheels were 27 inches high. They were below the panels. The wheels were connected to axles that had been cast in the same mold as the rest of the cart.
33 Las ruedas estaban hechas como ruedas de carro, las barras sobre las cuales estaban fijas, las partes que formaban sus bordes, sus barras y los puntos centrales de las mismas, todas estaban hechas de bronce.
The wheels of the carts were like the wheels of chariots. The axles, the rims, the spokes, and the hubs were all cast [from bronze].
34 Y había cuatro placas angulares en los cuatro ángulos de cada base, formando parte de la estructura de la base.
At the top corners of each cart there were handles. These were cast in the same mold as the rest of the cart.
35 Y en la parte superior de la base había un recipiente redondo, de medio codo de altura;
There was a nine-inch bronze band around the top of each cart. There were braces attached to the corners of each cart. The bands and the braces were cast in the same mold as the rest of the cart.
36 En los espacios de los lados planos y en los marcos de ellos, hizo diseños de seres alados, leones y palmeras, con bordes de guirnalda alrededor.
The braces and the panels [on the sides of the carts] were also decorated with [figures of] winged creatures, lions, and palm trees, whenever there was space for them, and there were bronze wreaths all around them.
37 Todas las diez bases se hicieron de esta manera, después del mismo diseño, del mismo tamaño y forma.
That is how Huram made the ten carts. They [were all cast in the same mold, so they] were all alike: They all were the same size and had the same shape.
38 E hizo diez lavaderos de bronce, todos tomando cuarenta baños y midiendo cuatro codos; Se colocó un recipiente en cada una de las diez bases.
Huram also made ten bronze basins, one for each cart. Each basin was six feet across and held 200 gallons [of water].
39 Y puso las bases junto a la casa, cinco en el lado derecho y cinco en el izquierdo; y puso el gran recipiente de agua en el lado derecho de la casa, hacia el este, mirando hacia el sur.
Huram placed five of the carts on the south side of the temple and five on the north side. He put the big tank at the southeast corner.
40 E Hiram hizo las ollas, las espadas y los tazones. Entonces Hiram llegó al final de todo el trabajo que hizo para el rey Salomón en la casa del Señor:
Huram also made pots, shovels [for carrying ashes], and bowls [for carrying the blood of the animals that would be sacrificed]. He completed all the work that King Solomon requested him to do for the temple. [This is a list of the bronze things he made]:
41 Los dos pilares y las dos copas de las coronas que estaban en la parte superior de los dos pilares; y la reja que cubre las dos copas de las coronas en la parte superior de los pilares,
the two pillars; the two top parts to be put over the pillars; the two wreaths of chains to decorate the tops of the pillars;
42 Y las cuatrocientas granadas para la reja, dos líneas de granadas para cada reja, cubriendo las dos copas de las coronas sobre los pilares;
the 400 [figures of] pomegranates, in two rows, with 100 in each row, that were placed over the top parts of the pillars;
43 Y las diez bases, con los diez recipientes de lavado sobre ellos;
the ten carts; the ten basins;
44 Y la gran vasija de agua, con los doce bueyes debajo de ella;
the big tank; the twelve [statues of] oxen on whose backs the tank was placed;
45 Y las ollas y las palas y los tazones; Todas las vasijas que Hiram hizo para el rey Salomón, para la casa del Señor, eran de bronce pulido.
the pots, shovels [for the ashes of the altar], and bowls. Huram [and his workers] made all these things for King Solomon and put them outside the temple. They were all made of polished bronze.
46 Los hizo de bronce fundido en las tierras bajas de Jordania, en moldes de barro, en el camino al otro lado del río, en Adama, entre Sucot y Saretan.
They made them by pouring melted bronze into the clay molds that Huram had set up near the Jordan [River] Valley, between [the cities of] Succoth and Zarethan.
47 No se midió el peso de todos estos vasos, porque había tantos; No fue posible conseguir el peso del bronce.
Solomon did not [tell his workers to] weigh those bronze objects, because there were many items. So no one ever knew what they weighed.
48 Y Salomón mandó hacer todos los vasos que habían en la casa del Señor: el altar de oro y la mesa de oro sobre la cual se colocó el pan santo;
Solomon’s [workers] also made all the gold items for the temple: the altar; the table on which the priests put the sacred bread placed before God;
49 Y los candelabros para las luces, cinco en el lado derecho y cinco en el izquierdo enfrente del lugar santísimo, de oro puro; y las flores y las luces y todos los instrumentos de oro;
the ten lampstands [that were put] in front of the Very Holy Place, five on the south side and five on the north side; the [decorations that resembled] flowers; the lamps; the tongs [to grasp the hot coals];
50 Y las copas y las tijeras y los platos y las cucharas y los incensarios, todas de oro; y las clavijas sobre las que giraban las puertas, las puertas de la casa interior, el lugar más sagrado, y las puertas del Templo, todas de oro.
the cups, the gold lamp wick snuffers, the small lamp bowls, the dishes for incense, the pans [for carrying the hot coals], and the hinges for the doors at the entrance to the Very Holy Place and for the doors at the entrance [to the main room] of the temple. Those things were all made of gold.
51 Así, toda la obra que el rey Salomón había hecho en la casa del Señor estaba completa. Entonces Salomón tomó las cosas santas que David su padre había dado, la plata y el oro y todas las vasijas, y las puso en los almacenes de la casa del Señor.
So Solomon’s [workers] finished all the work for the temple. Then they placed in the temple storerooms all the things that his father David had dedicated to Yahweh—all the silver and gold, and the other valuable items.

< 1 Reyes 7 >