< Salmos 61 >
1 Al Vencedor; sobre Neginot: Salmo de David. Oye, oh Dios, mi clamor; a mi oración atiende.
For the end, amongst the Hymns of David. O God, listen to my petition; attend to my prayer.
2 Desde el cabo de la tierra clamaré a ti, cuando mi corazón desmayare; a la peña más alta que me conduzcas,
From the ends of the earth have I cried to you, when my heart was in trouble: you lifted me up on a rock you did guide me:
3 porque tú has sido mi refugio, mi torre de fortaleza delante del enemigo.
because you were my hope, a tower of strength from the face of the enemy.
4 Yo habitaré en tu tabernáculo para siempre; estaré seguro en el escondedero de tus alas.
I will dwell in your tabernacle for ever; I will shelter myself under the shadow of your wings. (Pause)
5 Porque tú, oh Dios, has oído mis votos, has dado heredad a los que temen tu Nombre.
For you, o God, have heard my prayers; you have given an inheritance to them that fear your name.
6 Días sobre días añadirás al Rey; sus años serán de generación a generación.
You shall add days to the days of the king; [you shall lengthen] his years to all generations.
7 El estará para siempre delante de Dios; misericordia y verdad apercibe que lo conserven.
He shall endure for ever before God: which of them will seek out his mercy and truth?
8 Así cantaré tu Nombre para siempre, pagando mis votos cada día.
So will I sing to your name for ever and ever, that I may daily perform my vows.