< Salmos 141 >

1 Salmo de David. SEÑOR, a ti he llamado; apresúrate a mí; escucha mi voz, cuando te llamare.
A psalm of David. Lord, I'm calling out to you! Please hurry up and help me! Please listen to me when I cry out to you!
2 Sea enderezada mi oración delante de ti como incienso, el don de mis manos como el sacrificio de la tarde.
May my prayer be like incense before you, my uplifted hands like an evening offering.
3 Pon, oh SEÑOR, guarda a mi boca; guarda la puerta de mis labios.
Lord, make sure I don't say anything I shouldn't—keep a watch over my conversations.
4 No inclines mi corazón a cosa mala, a hacer obras con impiedad con los varones que obran iniquidad; y no coma yo de sus deleites.
Don't let me think about evil things or take part in doing anything wrong with wicked people. I won't join in eating fancy food at their feasts.
5 Que me hiera el justo con misericordia, y que me reprenda; y halago de príncipe inicuo no unte mi cabeza; porque aun mi oración será contra sus males.
Let a good person punish me in love—let them correct me. It will be like an anointing—I won't refuse it. But I still pray against those who do evil.
6 Serán derribados de lugares fuertes sus jueces, y oirán mis palabras, que son suaves.
They shall be thrown down by the power of the rock that judges them, and then they will recognize what I said was true!
7 Como quien hiende y rompe leños en tierra, son esparcidos nuestros huesos a la boca de la sepultura. (Sheol h7585)
Just as the earth is broken up by the plough, so shall their bones be scattered at the mouth of Sheol. (Sheol h7585)
8 Por tanto a ti, oh DIOS el Señor, miran mis ojos; en ti he confiado, no desampares mi alma.
But I'm looking to you, Lord God, for I find protection in you. Don't let me die!
9 Guárdame de las manos del lazo que me han tendido, y de los lazos de los que obran iniquidad.
Keep me safe from the traps they have set to catch me, from the snares of evil people.
10 Caigan los impíos a una en sus redes, mientras yo pasaré adelante para siempre.
Let them fall into their own traps while I pass by unharmed.

< Salmos 141 >