< Proverbios 8 >
1 ¿No clama la sabiduría, y da su voz la inteligencia?
It is as if wisdom, with great understanding [of many things], is calling [PRS] out [to people].
2 En los altos cabezos, junto al camino, a las encrucijadas de las veredas se para;
Wisdom stands on hilltops and at crossroads.
3 en el lugar de las puertas, a la entrada de la ciudad, a la entrada de las puertas da voces:
[Wisdom also stands] at the city gates and shouts loudly,
4 Oh hombres, a vosotros clamo; y mi voz es a los hijos de los hombres.
“I am calling to everyone! I am shouting loudly to all people!
5 Entended, simples, la astucia; y vosotros, locos, tomad entendimiento.
You people who do not know how to do things that are smart to do, get sound judgment; you foolish people, get good understanding!
6 Oíd, porque hablaré cosas excelentes; y abriré mis labios para cosas rectas.
Listen to me, because I have some excellent/important things to say. What I say is what is fair/right.
7 Porque mi paladar hablará verdad, y mis labios abominan la impiedad.
I speak what is true; I detest speaking [MTY] what is false/deceptive.
8 En justicia son todas las razones de mi boca; no hay en ellas cosa perversa ni torcida.
Everything that I say is honest; there is nothing that I say that deceives [people].
9 Todas ellas son rectas al que entiende; rectas a los que han hallado sabiduría.
My words are clear to those who have good sense; those who are wise know that what I say is right.
10 Recibid mi castigo, y no plata; y ciencia más que el oro escogido.
[If someone offers you the kind of teaching I give] or offers you silver, choose my teaching. [If he offers to show you how to be wise] or offers you gold, choose to know how to be wise,
11 Porque mejor es la sabiduría que las piedras preciosas; y todas las cosas que se pueden desear, no son de comparar con ella.
because wisdom is more valuable than jewels. Nothing that you desire [is as valuable] as being wise.
12 Yo, la sabiduría, moré con la prudencia; y yo invento la ciencia de los consejos.
I, wisdom, and understanding of what is smart to do, cannot be separated. We are like two people who live in the same house. I know how to be wise and how to make smart decisions.
13 El temor del SEÑOR es aborrecer el mal; la soberbia, la arrogancia, el mal camino, y la boca perversa, aborrezco.
[All the people] who revere Yahweh hate evil. I, wisdom, hate [people who are] proud and [people] who think they are more important [than others]. I hate [people who] behave in an evil way and those who say things to deceive [others].
14 Conmigo está el consejo y el ser; yo soy la inteligencia; mía es la fortaleza.
I give [people] good advice and I enable them to do things that are wise. I understand how things really are, and I am strong.
15 Por mí reinan los reyes, y los príncipes determinan justicia.
When kings are wise, they rule [well]; and when rulers are wise, they make laws that are just/fair.
16 Por mí dominan los príncipes, y todos los gobernadores juzgan la tierra.
Rulers govern their people with the help of me, wisdom, and those who have authority decide things fairly/just with my help.
17 Yo amo a los que me aman; y los que me buscan me hallan.
I, [wisdom], love [all] those who love me, and [all] those who truly seek me [will] find me.
18 Las riquezas y la honra están conmigo; sólidas riquezas, y justicia.
I enable [people] to become rich and to be honored; [I enable them to have] wealth that will last and to be successful.
19 Mejor es mi fruto que el oro, y que la piedra preciosa; y mi rédito mejor que la plata escogida.
What I can give people is more valuable than fine/pure gold and the best silver.
20 Por vereda de justicia guiaré, por en medio de veredas de juicio;
I always do what is righteous and just/fair.
21 para hacer heredar a mis amigos el ser, y que yo llene sus tesoros.
I give wealth to those who love me; I fill their houses with valuable things.
22 El SEÑOR me poseyó en el principio de su camino, desde entonces, antes de sus obras.
Yahweh created me, [wisdom], when he began [to create the world]; he created me [to do my work] before he created anything else.
23 Eternalmente tuve el principado, desde el principio, antes de la tierra.
He appointed me long ago, before he created the earth.
24 Antes de los abismos fui engendrada; antes que fuesen las fuentes de las muchas aguas.
I was born before the oceans were [created], when there were no springs from which water flowed.
25 Antes que los montes fuesen fundados, antes de los collados, era yo engendrada;
I was born before the hills and mountains were formed;
26 no había aún hecho la tierra, ni las campiñas, ni el principio del polvo del mundo.
[I, wisdom], was born before Yahweh made the earth, before he made the fields and the soil on the earth.
27 Cuando componía los cielos, allí estaba yo; cuando señalaba por compás la sobrefaz del abismo;
I was there when Yahweh put the sky in place, when he marked the place [in the distance] where the sky and the oceans [seem to] come together.
28 cuando afirmaba los cielos arriba, cuando afirmaba las fuentes del abismo;
I was there when Yahweh put the clouds above [the earth] and when he caused the water that is inside the earth to be secure.
29 cuando ponía al mar su estatuto, y a las aguas, que no pasasen su mandamiento; cuando señalaba los fundamentos de la tierra;
I was there when he fixed a boundary for the seas, so that the water in the seas would not go past those boundaries, and when he put down the foundations which support the earth.
30 con él estaba yo ordenándolo todo; y fui su delicia todos los días, teniendo solaz delante de él en todo tiempo.
I was at the side of Yahweh, the master worker (OR, as though I was his child). I caused him to be happy every day, and I was always rejoicing when I was with him.
31 Tengo solaz en la redondez de su tierra; y mis solaces son con los hijos de los hombres.
I was delighted with the world that he created; I was happy with the people whom he created, too.
32 Ahora, pues, hijos, oídme; y bienaventurados los que guardaren mis caminos.
So, [you people who are like] my sons, listen to me. [I am] pleased with [all] those who obey my teachings.
33 Escuchad al castigo, y sed sabios; y no lo menospreciéis.
Listen [carefully] to what I teach you and become wise. Do not reject my teaching!
34 Bienaventurado el hombre que me oye, trasnochando a mis puertas cada día, guardando los umbrales de mis entradas.
[I am] pleased with those who listen to me, those who are outside my house every day, waiting [for me to come out].
35 Porque el que me hallare, hallará la vida; y alcanzará la voluntad del SEÑOR.
Those who find me will have [a long] life, and Yahweh [will] be pleased with them.
36 Mas el que peca contra mí, defrauda su alma; todos los que me aborrecen, aman la muerte.
But those who stray away from me [just] harm themselves. All those who hate me, [it is as though] [IRO] they are loving death.”