< Proverbios 2 >
1 Hijo mío, si tomares mis palabras, y mis mandamientos guardares dentro de ti,
My son, if you accept what I say and value my instructions,
2 haciendo estar atento tu oído a la sabiduría; si inclinares tu corazón a la prudencia;
if you pay attention to wisdom and really try to understand;
3 si clamares a la inteligencia, y a la prudencia dieres tu voz;
if you cry out for insight and call loudly for help in understanding;
4 si como a la plata la buscares, y la escudriñares como a tesoros;
if you look for it as if it were silver and search for it as if it were hidden treasure;
5 entonces entenderás el temor del SEÑOR, y hallarás el conocimiento de Dios.
then you will understand how to relate to the Lord and discover the truth about God.
6 Porque el SEÑOR da la sabiduría, y de su boca viene el conocimiento y la inteligencia.
The Lord is the source of wisdom; what he says provides knowledge that makes sense.
7 El guarda el ser a los rectos; es escudo a los que caminan perfectamente,
He gives good judgment to those who live right; he defends those who have good sense.
8 guardando las veredas del juicio, y el camino de sus misericordiosos.
He supports those who act fairly and protects those who trust in him.
9 Entonces entenderás justicia, juicio, y equidad, y todo buen camino.
Then you will be able to recognize what is right and just and fair, in fact all that is good in the way you should live.
10 Cuando la sabiduría entrare en tu corazón, y la ciencia fuere dulce a tu alma,
For wisdom will fill your mind, and knowledge will make you happy.
11 el consejo te guardará, te preservará la inteligencia,
Good decisions will keep you on track; thinking logically will keep you safe.
12 para librarte del mal camino, del hombre que habla perversidades;
Doing this will save you from the ways of evil, from men who tell twisted lies,
13 que dejan las veredas derechas, por andar por caminos tenebrosos;
who turn away from following what is right to walk down paths of darkness.
14 que se alegran haciendo mal, que se huelgan en malas perversidades;
They happily do wrong; they love how twisted evil is.
15 cuyas veredas son torcidas, y ellos torcidos en sus caminos.
They live crooked lives doing deceitful things.
16 Para librarte de la mujer extraña, de la ajena que halaga con sus palabras;
Doing this will also save you from a woman who acts immorally, from a woman who like a prostitute tries to seduce you with flattering words.
17 que desampara el príncipe de su juventud, y se olvida del pacto de su Dios.
Such a woman has left her husband she married when she was young, forgetting the promises she made before God.
18 Por lo cual su casa está inclinada a la muerte, y sus veredas van hacia los muertos.
What happens in her house leads to death; following her way leads to the grave.
19 Todos los que a ella entraren, no volverán, ni tomarán las veredas de la vida.
No one who goes to her comes back; they don't ever find the way back to life again.
20 Para que andes por el camino de los buenos, y guardes las veredas de los justos.
So you should follow the way of the good, and make sure you stay on the paths of those who do right.
21 Porque los rectos habitarán la tierra, y los perfectos permanecerán en ella;
For only people who live right will live in the land; only honest people will remain there.
22 mas los impíos serán cortados de la tierra, y los prevaricadores serán de ella desarraigados.
But the wicked will be thrown out of the land; those who are untrustworthy will be pulled out by the roots.