< Job 14 >

1 El hombre nacido de mujer, corto de días, y harto de sinsabores;
“We humans are very frail. We live only a short time, and we experience a lot of trouble.
2 que sale como una flor y es cortado; y huye como la sombra, y no permanece.
We disappear quickly, like flowers that grow from the ground quickly and then wither and die [SIM]. We are like shadows that disappear [when the sun stops shining].
3 ¿Y sobre éste abres tus ojos, y me traes a juicio contigo?
[Yahweh, ] why do you keep watching me [to see if I am doing something that is wrong] [RHQ]? Are you wanting to take me to court to judge me?
4 ¿Quién hará limpio de inmundo? Nadie.
People are sinners from the time when they are born; who can cause them to be sinless? No one [RHQ]!
5 Si sus días están determinados, y el número de sus meses está cerca de ti; tú le pusiste términos, de los cuales no pasará.
You have decided how long our lives will be. You have decided how many months we will live, and we cannot live more months than the (limit/number of months) that you have decided.
6 Si tú lo dejares, él dejará de ser; entre tanto deseará, como el jornalero, su día.
So please stop examining us, and allow us to be alone, until/while we finish our time [here on earth], like a man finishes his work [at the end of the day].
7 Porque si el árbol fuere cortado, aún queda de él esperanza; retoñecerá aún, y sus renuevos no faltarán.
If someone cuts a tree down, we hope that it will sprout again and grow new branches.
8 Si se envejeciere en la tierra su raíz, y su tronco fuere muerto en el polvo,
Its roots in the ground may be very old, and its stump may decay,
9 al olor del agua reverdecerá, y hará copa como nueva planta.
but if some water falls on it, it may bud/sprout and send up shoots like a young plant.
10 Mas cuando el hombre morirá, y será cortado; y perecerá el hombre, ¿adónde estará él?
But when we people lose all our strength and die, we stop breathing and then we are gone [forever].
11 Las aguas del mar se fueron, y se agotó el río, se secó.
Just like water evaporates from the ocean, or like a riverbed dries up,
12 Así el hombre yace, y no se tornará a levantar; hasta que no haya cielo no despertarán, ni recordarán de su sueño.
people [lie down and die and] do not get up again. Until the heavens disappear, people who die [EUP] do not wake up, and no one can wake them up.
13 ¡Oh quién me diera que me escondieses en la sepultura, que me encubrieras hasta apaciguarse tu ira, que me pusieses plazo, y de mí te acordaras! (Sheol h7585)
[“Yahweh, ] I wish that you would put me safely in the place of the dead and forget about me until you are no longer angry with me. I wish that you would decide how much time I would spend there, and then remember [that] I [am there]. (Sheol h7585)
14 Si el hombre muriere, ¿por ventura vivirá? Todos los días de mi edad esperaré, hasta que venga mi transformación.
When we humans die, we will certainly not live again [RHQ]. If [I knew that] we would live again, I would wait patiently, and I would wait for you to release me [from my sufferings].
15 Entonces llamarás, y yo te responderé, a la obra de tus manos desearás.
You would call me, and I would answer. You would be eager to see me, one of the creatures that you had made.
16 Pues ahora me cuentas los pasos, y no das dilación a mi pecado.
You would take care of [MET] me, instead of watching me to see if I would sin.
17 Tienes sellada en manojo mi prevaricación, y enmiendas a mi iniquidad.
[It is as though the record of] my sins would be sealed in a small bag, and you would cover them up.
18 Y ciertamente el monte que cae se deshace, y las peñas son traspasadas de su lugar;
“But, just like mountains crumble and rocks fall down from a cliff,
19 las piedras son quebrantadas con el agua impetuosa, que se lleva el polvo de la tierra, de tal manera haces perder al hombre la esperanza.
and just like water slowly wears away the stones, and just like floods wash away soil, [you eventually destroy us]; you do not allow us to continue to (hope/confidently expect) [that we will keep on living].
20 Para siempre serás más fuerte que él, y él se va; demudarás su rostro, y lo enviarás.
You always defeat us, and then we die [EUP]. You cause our faces to look ugly after we die, and you send us away.
21 Sus hijos serán honrados, y él no lo sabrá; o serán afligidos, y no entenderá de ellos.
[When we die] we do not know if our sons will grow up and [do things that will cause them to] be honored. And if they become disgraced, we do not see that, [either].
22 Mas mientras su carne estuviere sobre él se dolerá, y su alma se entristecerá en él.
We will feel our own pains; we will not feel anything else; we will be sorry for ourselves, not for anyone else.”

< Job 14 >