< Isaías 49 >
1 Oídme, islas, y escuchad, pueblos lejanos. El SEÑOR me llamó desde el vientre; desde las entrañas de mi madre tuvo mi nombre en memoria.
Give ear, O sea-lands, to me; and take note, you peoples from far: I have been marked out by the Lord from the first; when I was still in my mother's body, he had my name in mind:
2 Y puso mi boca como espada aguda, con la sombra de su mano me cubrió; y me puso por saeta limpia, me guardó en su aljaba.
And he has made my mouth like a sharp sword, in the shade of his hand he has kept me; and he has made me like a polished arrow, keeping me in his secret place;
3 Y me dijo: Mi siervo eres, oh Israel, que en ti me gloriaré.
And he said to me, You are my servant, Israel, in whom my glory will be seen;
4 Pero yo dije: Por demás he trabajado; en vano y sin provecho, he consumido mi fortaleza; mas mi juicio está delante del SEÑOR, y mi recompensa con mi Dios.
And I said, I have undergone weariness for nothing, I have given my strength for no purpose or profit: but still the Lord will take up my cause, and my God will give me my reward.
5 Ahora pues, dice el SEÑOR, el que me formó desde el vientre para ser su siervo, para que se convierta a él a Jacob. Mas si Israel no se juntara, con todo, yo sin embargo estimado seré en los ojos del SEÑOR, y el Dios mío será mi fortaleza.
And now, says the Lord, who made me his servant when I was still in my mother's body, so that I might make Jacob come back to him, and so that Israel might come together to him: and I was honoured in the eyes of the Lord, and my God became my strength.
6 Y dijo: Poco es que tú me seas siervo para despertar las tribus de Jacob, y para que restituyas los asolamientos de Israel; también te di por luz de los gentiles, para que seas mi salud hasta lo postrero de la tierra.
It is not enough for one who is my servant to put the tribes of Jacob again in their place, and to get back those of Israel who have been sent away: my purpose is to give you as a light to the nations, so that you may be my salvation to the end of the earth.
7 Así dijo el SEÑOR, Redentor de Israel, Santo suyo, al menospreciado de alma, al abominado de los gentiles, al siervo de los tiranos: Verán reyes, y se levantarán príncipes, y adorarán por el SEÑOR, porque fiel es el Santo de Israel, el cual te escogió.
The Lord who takes up Israel's cause, even his Holy One, says to him whom men make sport of, who is hated by the nations, a servant of rulers: Kings will see and get up from their places, and chiefs will give worship: because of the Lord who keeps faith; even the Holy One of Israel who has taken you for himself.
8 Así dijo el SEÑOR: En hora de contentamiento te oí, y en el día de salud te ayudé; y te guardaré, y te daré por alianza de pueblo, para que despiertes la tierra, para que heredes asoladas heredades.
This is the word of the Lord: I have given ear to you at a good time, and I have been your helper in a day of salvation: and I will keep you safe, and will make you a glory for the people, putting the land in order, and giving them the heritages which now are waste;
9 Para que digas a los presos: Salid; y a los que están en tinieblas: Manifestaos. Sobre los caminos serán apacentados, y en todas las cumbres serán sus pastos.
Saying to those who are in chains, Go free; to those who are in the dark, Come out into the light. They will get food by the way wherever they go, and have grass-lands on all the dry mountain-tops.
10 Nunca tendrán hambre, ni sed; ni el calor los afligirá, ni el sol; porque el que tiene de ellos misericordia, los guiará, y en manaderos de aguas los pastoreará.
They will not be in need of food or drink, or be troubled by the heat or the sun: for he who has mercy on them will be their guide, taking them by the springs of water.
11 Y tornaré en camino todos mis montes; y mis calzadas serán levantadas.
And I will make all my mountains a way, and my highways will be lifted up.
12 He aquí, éstos vendrán de lejos; y he aquí, éstos del norte y del occidente; y éstos de la tierra del mediodía.
See, these are coming from far; and these from the north and the west; and these from the land of Sinim.
13 Cantad alabanzas, oh cielos, y alégrate tierra; y prorrumpid en alabanzas, oh montes; porque el SEÑOR ha consolado su pueblo, y de sus pobres tendrá misericordia.
Let your voice be loud in song, O heavens; and be glad, O earth; make sounds of joy, O mountains, for the Lord has given comfort to his people, and will have mercy on his crushed ones.
14 Mas Sion dijo: Me dejó el SEÑOR, y el Señor se olvidó de mí.
But Zion said, The Lord has given me up, I have gone from his memory.
15 ¿Se olvidará la mujer de lo que dio a luz, para dejar de compadecerse del hijo de su vientre? Aunque se olviden ellas, yo no me olvidaré de ti.
Will a woman give up the child at her breast, will she be without pity for the fruit of her body? yes, these may, but I will not let you go out of my memory.
16 He aquí que en las palmas te tengo esculpida; delante de mí están siempre tus muros.
See, your name is marked on my hands; your walls are ever before me.
17 Tus edificadores vendrán aprisa; tus destruidores, y tus asoladores saldrán de ti.
Your builders are coming quickly; your haters and those who made you waste will go out of you.
18 Alza tus ojos alrededor, y mira: todos éstos se han ayuntado, han venido a ti. Vivo yo, dice el SEÑOR, que de todos, como de vestidura de honra, serás vestida; y de ellos serás ceñida como novia.
Let your eyes be lifted up round about, and see: they are all coming together to you. By my life, says the Lord, truly you will put them all on you as an ornament, and be clothed with them like a bride.
19 Porque tus asolamientos, y tus destrucciones, y tu tierra desierta, ahora será angosta por la multitud de los moradores; y tus destruidores serán apartados lejos.
For though the waste places of your land have been given to destruction, now you will not be wide enough for your people, and those who made you waste will be far away.
20 Aun los hijos de tu orfandad dirán a tus oídos: Angosto es para mí este lugar; apártate por amor de mí, a otra parte para que yo more.
The children to whom you gave birth in other lands will say in your ears, The place is not wide enough for me: make room for me to have a resting-place.
21 Y dirás en tu corazón: ¿Quién me engendró éstos? Porque yo deshijada, y sola, peregrina y desterrada era; ¿quién pues crió éstos? He aquí yo estaba dejada sola, ¿éstos de dónde vinieron?
Then you will say in your heart, Who has given me all these children? when my children had been taken from me, and I was no longer able to have others, who took care of these? when I was by myself, where then were these?
22 Así dijo el Señor DIOS: He aquí, que yo alzaré mi mano a los gentiles, y a los pueblos levantaré mi bandera; y traerán en brazos tus hijos, y tus hijas serán traídas sobre hombros.
This is the word of the Lord God: See, I will make a sign with my hand to the nations, and put up my flag for the peoples; and they will take up your sons on their beasts, and your daughters on their backs.
23 Y reyes serán tus ayos; y sus reinas, tus amas de leche; el rostro inclinado a tierra te adorarán, y lamerán el polvo de tus pies; y conocerás que yo soy el SEÑOR, que no se avergonzarán los que me esperan.
And kings will take care of you, and queens will give you their milk: they will go down on their faces before you, kissing the dust of your feet; and you will be certain that I am the Lord, and that those who put their hope in me will not be shamed.
24 ¿Quitarán la presa al valiente? o ¿la cautividad justa será dada por libre?
Will the goods of war be taken from the strong man, or the prisoners of the cruel one be let go?
25 Así pues dice el SEÑOR: Ciertamente, la cautividad será quitada al valiente; y la presa será dada por libre; y tu pleito yo lo pleitearé, y a tus hijos yo los salvaré.
But the Lord says, Even the prisoners of the strong will be taken from him, and the cruel made to let go his goods: for I will take up your cause against your haters, and I will keep your children safe.
26 Y a los que te despojaron, haré comer sus propias carnes, y con su sangre serán embriagados como con mosto; y toda carne conocerá que yo soy el SEÑOR, Salvador tuyo, y Redentor tuyo, el Fuerte de Jacob.
And the flesh of your attackers will be taken by themselves for food; and they will take their blood for drink, as if it was sweet wine: and all men will see that I the Lord am your saviour, even he who takes up your cause, the Strong One of Jacob.