< Oseas 8 >
1 Pon a tu boca trompeta. Vendrá como águila contra la Casa del SEÑOR, porque traspasaron mi pacto, y se rebelaron contra mi ley.
Put a trumpet to your lips! An eagle swoops over the house of the Lord because they have broken my agreement and rebelled against my law.
2 A mí clamará Israel: Dios mío, te hemos conocido.
Israel calls out to me, “Our God, we know you!”
3 Israel desamparó el bien; el enemigo lo perseguirá.
But Israel has rejected what is good. An enemy will chase after them.
4 Ellos reinaron, mas no por mí; hicieron señorío, mas yo no lo supe; de su plata y de su oro hicieron ídolos para sí, para ser talados.
They appointed kings without my consent and chose princes without my knowledge. With their silver and gold they made idols for their own destruction.
5 Tu becerro, oh Samaria, te hizo alejar; se encendió mi enojo contra ellos, hasta que no pudieron ser absueltos.
Samaria, I reject this calf idol you have made! My anger burns against them! How long will you be incapable of being good?
6 Porque de Israel es, y artífice lo hizo; que no es Dios; porque en pedazos será deshecho el becerro de Samaria.
This idol is from Israel! A craftsman made it—it's not God! The calf of Samaria will be broken in pieces!
7 Porque sembraron viento, y torbellino segarán; no tendrán mies, ni el fruto hará harina; si la hiciere, extraños la tragarán.
Those who sow the wind will reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no head of grain; it will produce no flour. Even if it did produce grain, foreigners would swallow it all up.
8 Será tragado Israel; presto serán tenidos entre los gentiles como vaso en que no hay contentamiento.
Israel is swallowed up; among the nations they are like something nobody wants.
9 Porque ellos subieron a Assur, asno montés para sí solo; Efraín con salario alquiló amantes.
They have gone up to Assyria like a donkey wandering alone. Ephraim has hired lovers.
10 Aunque se alquilen a los gentiles, ahora los juntaré; y serán un poco afligidos por la carga del rey y de los príncipes.
Even though they have hired allies among the nations, I will gather them together. Then they will writhe under the burden of the great king.
11 Porque multiplicó Efraín altares para pecar, tuvo altares para pecar.
Though Ephraim built many altars to make sin offerings, they instead became altars of sin!
12 Le escribí las grandezas de mi ley, y fueron tenidas por cosas ajenas.
I wrote down for them the many aspects of my law, but they looked on them as foreign.
13 En los sacrificios de mis dones sacrificaron carne, y comieron; no los quiso el SEÑOR; ahora se acordará de su iniquidad, y visitará su pecado; ellos se tornarán a Egipto.
They present me with their sacrifices, and they eat the meat, but I the Lord do not accept them. Now he will remember their wickedness, and punish them for their sins. They will return to Egypt.
14 Olvidó, pues, Israel a su Hacedor, y edificó templos, y Judá multiplicó ciudades fuertes: mas yo meteré fuego en sus ciudades, el cual devorará sus palacios.
Israel has forgotten his maker, and built palaces; Judah has built many fortified cities. But I will rain fire down on their cities and burn up their fortresses.