< 2 Corintios 3 >
1 COMENZAMOS otra vez á alabarnos á nosotros mismos? ¿ó tenemos necesidad, como algunos, de letras de recomendacion para vosotros, ó de recomendacion de vosotros?
Are we starting to speak well of ourselves again? Or do we need to have some letter of recommendation for you, or from you, as some people do?
2 Nuestras letras sois vosotros, escritas en nuestros corazones, sabidas y leidas de todos los hombres;
You are our letter, written in our experience with you, that everybody reads and knows about.
3 Siendo manifiesto que sois letra de Cristo administrada de nosotros, y escrita no con tinta, mas con el Espíritu de Dios vivo; no en tablas de piedra, sino en tablas de carne del corazon.
You demonstrate that you are a letter from Christ, delivered by us; not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God; not written on stone slabs but in our living experience as human beings.
4 Y tal confianza tenemos por Cristo para con Dios:
We have total confidence before God through Christ.
5 No que seamos suficientes de nosotros mismos para pensar algo como de nosotros mismos, sino que nuestra suficiencia [es] de Dios;
Not that we would consider ourselves able to do this on our own—it's God who gives us this capacity!
6 El cual asimismo nos hizo [que fuésemos] ministros suficientes del nuevo pacto: no de la letra, mas del espíritu; porque la letra mata, mas el espíritu vivifica.
He also gave us the ability to be ministers of a new agreement, based not on the letter of the law, but on the spirit. The letter of the law kills, but the spirit gives life.
7 Y si el ministerio de muerte en la letra grabado en piedras, fué con gloria, tanto que los hijos de Israel no pudiesen poner los ojos en la faz de Moisés, á causa de la gloria de su rostro, la cual habia de perecer,
However, the old way of relating to God, written in letters carved in stone, ended in death, even though it came with God's glory—so much so that the Israelites couldn't even bear to look at Moses' face because it shone so brightly, even though the glory was fading.
8 ¿Cómo no será más bien con gloria el ministerio del Espíritu?
If that was so, shouldn't the new way of relating to God in the Spirit come with even greater glory?
9 Porque si el ministerio de condenacion fué [con] gloria, mucho mas abundará en gloria el ministerio de justicia.
If the old way that condemns us has glory, the new way that makes us right with God has so much more glory!
10 Porque aun lo que fué [tan] glorioso, no es glorioso en esta parte, en comparacion de la excelente gloria.
For the old that was once glorious has no glory at all in comparison with the incredible glory of the new.
11 Porque si lo que perece [tuvo] gloria, mucho más [será] en gloria lo que permanece.
If the old that is fading away had glory, the new that continues has so much more glory.
12 Así que teniendo tal esperanza, hablamos con mucha confianza.
Since we have such a confident hope, we are truly bold!
13 Y no como Moisés, [que] ponia un velo sobre su faz, para que los hijos de Israel no pusiesen los ojos en el fin de lo que habia de ser abolido.
We don't have to be like Moses, who had to put on a veil to cover his face so the Israelites wouldn't be dazzled by the glory, even though it was fading away.
14 Empero los sentidos de ellos se embotaron; porque hasta el dia de hoy [les] queda el mismo velo no descubierto en la leccion del antiguo testamento, el cual por Cristo es quitado.
In spite of that, they had a hard, stubborn attitude. For right up until today when the old agreement is read, the same “veil” remains. Only through Christ can it be removed.
15 Y aun hasta el dia de hoy, cuando Moisés es leido, el velo está puesto sobre el corazon de ellos.
Even today, whenever the books of Moses are read, a veil covers their minds.
16 Mas cuando se convirtieren al Señor, el velo se quitará.
But when they turn and accept the Lord, the veil is removed.
17 Porque el Señor es el Espíritu: y donde [hay] aquel Espíritu del Señor, allí [hay] libertad.
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there's freedom.
18 Por tanto, nosotros todos, mirando á cara descubierta como en un espejo la gloria del Señor, somos transformados de gloria en gloria en la misma semejanza, como por el Espíritu del Señor.
So all of us, with our faces unveiled, see and reflect the glory of the Lord as in a mirror. We are being transformed into the same mirror image, whose glory grows brighter and brighter. This is what the Lord the Spirit does.