< Zacarías 10 >

1 PEDID á Jehová lluvia en la sazón tardía: Jehová hará relámpagos, y os dará lluvia abundante, y hierba en el campo á cada uno.
They asked of YHWH rain In a time of spring rain, YHWH is making lightnings, And He gives to them rain [in] showers. To each—the herb in the field.
2 Porque las imágenes han hablado vanidad, y los adivinos han visto mentira, y han hablado sueños vanos, en vano consuelan: por lo cual se fueron ellos como ovejas, fueron humillados porque no [tuvieron] pastor.
Because the teraphim spoke iniquity, And the diviners have seen a falsehood, And dreams of the vanity they speak, [With] vanity they give comfort, Therefore they have journeyed as a flock, They are afflicted, for there is no shepherd.
3 Contra los pastores se ha encendido mi enojo, y castigaré los machos de cabrío: mas Jehová de los ejércitos visitará su rebaño, la casa de Judá, y tornarálos como su caballo de honor en la guerra.
“My anger burned against the shepherds, And I lay a charge against the male goats, For YHWH of Hosts has inspected His flock, the house of Judah, And set them as His splendid horse in battle.
4 De él saldrá el ángulo, de él la clavija, de él el arco de la guerra, de él también todo apremiador.
From him [is] a cornerstone, From him a nail, from him a battle-bow, From him goes forth every exactor together.
5 Y serán como valientes, que en la batalla pisan [al enemigo] en el lodo de las calles; y pelearán, porque Jehová [será] con ellos; y los que cabalgan en caballos serán avergonzados.
And they have been as heroes, Treading in mire of out-places in battle, And they have fought, for YHWH [is] with them, And have put to shame riders of horses.
6 Porque yo fortificaré la casa de Judá, y guardaré la casa de José; y harélos volver, porque de ellos tendré piedad; y serán como si no los hubiera desechado; porque yo soy Jehová su Dios, que los oiré.
And I have made the house of Judah mighty, And I save the house of Joseph, And I have caused them to dwell, for I have loved them, And they have been as [if] I had not cast them off, For I [am] their God YHWH, And I answer them.
7 Y será Ephraim como valiente, y alegraráse su corazón como de vino: sus hijos también verán y se alegrarán; su corazón se gozará en Jehová.
And Ephraim has been as a hero, And their heart has rejoiced as wine, And their sons see, and they have rejoiced, Their heart rejoices in YHWH.
8 Yo les silbaré y los juntaré, porque los he redimido; y serán multiplicados como fueron multiplicados.
I hiss for them, and I gather them, For I have redeemed them, And they have multiplied as they multiplied.
9 Bien que los sembraré entre los pueblos, aun en lejanos países se acordarán de mí; y vivirán con sus hijos, y tornarán.
And I sow them among peoples, And in far-off places they remember Me, And they have lived with their sons, And they have turned back.
10 Porque yo los tornaré de la tierra de Egipto, y los recogeré de la Asiria; y traerélos á la tierra de Galaad y del Líbano, y no les bastará.
And I have brought them back from the land of Egypt, And I gather them from Asshur, And I bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon, And [space] is not found for them there.
11 Y la tribulación pasará por la mar, y en la mar herirá las ondas, y se secarán todas las honduras del río: y la soberbia del Assur será derribada, y se perderá el cetro de Egipto.
And He has passed over through the sea, And has pressed and struck billows in the sea, And all depths of a flood have been dried up, And the excellence of Asshur has been brought down, And the rod of Egypt turns aside.
12 Y yo los fortificaré en Jehová, y caminarán en su nombre, dice Jehová.
And I have made them mighty in YHWH, And in His Name they walk up and down,” A declaration of YHWH!

< Zacarías 10 >