< Salmos 98 >
1 Salmo. CANTAD á Jehová canción nueva; porque ha hecho maravillas: su diestra lo ha salvado, y su santo brazo.
[A Psalm.] Sing to YHWH a new song, for he has done marvelous things. His right hand, and his holy arm, have worked salvation for him.
2 Jehová ha hecho notoria su salud: en ojos de las gentes ha descubierto su justicia.
YHWH has made known his salvation. He has openly shown his righteousness in the sight of the nations.
3 Hase acordado de su misericordia y de su verdad para con la casa de Israel: todos los términos de la tierra han visto la salud de nuestro Dios.
He has remembered his loving kindness and his faithfulness toward the house of Israel. Every part of the earth has seen the salvation of our God.
4 Cantad alegres á Jehová, toda la tierra; levantad la voz, y aplaudid, y salmead.
Make a joyful noise to YHWH, all the earth. Burst out and sing for joy, yes, sing praises.
5 Salmead á Jehová con arpa; con arpa y voz de cántico.
Sing praises to YHWH with the harp, with the harp and the voice of melody.
6 Aclamad con trompetas y sonidos de bocina delante del rey Jehová.
With trumpets and sound of the ram's horn, make a joyful noise before the King, YHWH.
7 Brame la mar y su plenitud; el mundo y los que en él habitan;
Let the sea roar with its fullness; the world, and those who dwell in it.
8 Los ríos batan las manos; los montes todos hagan regocijo,
Let the rivers clap their hands. Let the mountains sing for joy together.
9 Delante de Jehová; porque vino á juzgar la tierra: juzgará al mundo con justicia, y á los pueblos con rectitud.
Let them sing before YHWH, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity.