< Salmos 140 >

1 Al Músico principal: Salmo de David. LÍBRAME, oh Jehová, de hombre malo: guárdame de hombre violento;
For the music director. A psalm of David. Lord, please save me from those who do evil; protect me especially from those who are violent!
2 Los cuales maquinan males en el corazón, cada día urden contiendas.
Their minds are busy plotting evil things, stirring up trouble all day long.
3 Aguzaron su lengua como la serpiente; veneno de áspid hay debajo de sus labios. (Selah)
Their tongues are as sharp as those of snakes; viper's venom is on their lips. (Selah)
4 Guárdame, oh Jehová, de manos del impío, presérvame del hombre injurioso; que han pensado de trastornar mis pasos.
Lord, please keep me from falling into the hands of the wicked; protect me especially from those who are violent, who are plotting my downfall.
5 Hanme escondido lazo y cuerdas los soberbios; han tendido red junto á la senda; me han puesto lazos. (Selah)
Proud people have hidden a trap for me—they have strung out a net on the path, they have set snares to catch me. (Selah)
6 He dicho á Jehová: Dios mío eres tú; escucha, oh Jehová, la voz de mis ruegos.
I told the Lord, “You are my God! Lord, please listen to my cries for help!”
7 Jehová Señor, fortaleza de mi salud, tú pusiste á cubierto mi cabeza el día de las armas.
Lord God, my powerful Savior, you covered my head like a helmet on the day of battle.
8 No des, oh Jehová, al impío sus deseos; no saques adelante su pensamiento, [que no] se ensoberbezca. (Selah)
God, don't allow the wicked to get what they want—don't let them be successful in what they plan so they don't become proud. (Selah)
9 En cuanto á los que por todas partes me rodean, la maldad de sus propios labios cubrirá su cabeza.
May the harm spoken against me by those who surround me fall back on them,
10 Caerán sobre ellos brasas; [Dios] los hará caer en el fuego, en profundos hoyos de donde no salgan.
Let burning coals rain down on them! Let them be thrown into the fire, or into bottomless pits, never to rise again.
11 El hombre deslenguado no será firme en la tierra: el mal cazará al hombre injusto para derribarle.
Don't let people who slander others live in our land. May disaster strike down violent people.
12 Yo sé que hará Jehová el juicio del afligido, el juicio de los menesterosos.
Yet I know the Lord defends the rights of those who are persecuted, and gives justice to the poor.
13 Ciertamente los justos alabarán tu nombre; los rectos morarán en tu presencia.
Truly those who live right are thankful for the kind of person you are, and those who are honest will live in your presence.

< Salmos 140 >