< Salmos 107 >

1 ALABAD á Jehová, porque es bueno; porque para siempre [es] su misericordia.
Thank the Lord, for he is good! His trustworthy love continues forever!
2 Dígan[lo] los redimidos de Jehová, los que ha redimido del poder del enemigo,
Let those the Lord has saved say that they are saved; those he has rescued from the power of the enemy.
3 Y los ha congregado de las tierras, del oriente y del occidente, del aquilón y de la mar.
He has gathered them together from distant lands, from the east and the west, the north and the south.
4 Anduvieron perdidos por el desierto, por la soledad sin camino, no hallando ciudad de población.
They wandered in the desert wilderness, unable to find a way to a city where they could live.
5 Hambrientos y sedientos, su alma desfallecía en ellos.
Hungry and thirsty, they became very discouraged.
6 Habiendo empero clamado á Jehová en su angustia, librólos de sus aflicciones:
Then they cried out to the Lord to help them in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.
7 Y dirigiólos por camino derecho, para que viniesen á ciudad de población.
He led them along a straight way to a city where they could live.
8 Alaben la misericordia de Jehová, y sus maravillas para con los hijos de los hombres.
Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.
9 Porque sació al alma menesterosa, y llenó de bien al alma hambrienta.
For he gives drink to those who are thirsty, and food to those who are hungry.
10 Los que moraban en tinieblas y sombra de muerte, aprisionados en aflicción y en hierros;
Some sat in complete darkness, prisoners of misery and bound with iron chains,
11 Por cuanto fueron rebeldes á las palabras de Jehová, y aborrecieron el consejo del Altísimo,
for they had rebelled against what God had said; they had rejected the guidance of the Most High.
12 Por lo que quebrantó él con trabajo sus corazones, cayeron y no hubo quien [les] ayudase;
So he humbled their pride with the troubles of life; they tripped over and no one was there to stop them falling.
13 Luego que clamaron á Jehová en su angustia, librólos de sus aflicciones.
Then they called out to the Lord for help in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.
14 Sacólos de las tinieblas y de la sombra de muerte, y rompió sus prisiones.
He brought them out of complete darkness, he broke their chains to pieces.
15 Alaben la misericordia de Jehová, y sus maravillas para con los hijos de los hombres.
Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.
16 Porque quebrantó las puertas de bronce, y desmenuzó los cerrojos de hierro.
For he breaks down the bronze doors, and cuts through the iron bars.
17 Los insensatos, á causa del camino de su rebelión y á causa de sus maldades, fueron afligidos.
They were stupid because they rebelled; they suffered for their sins.
18 Su alma abominó toda vianda, y llegaron hasta las puertas de la muerte.
They didn't want to eat; they were at death's door.
19 Mas clamaron á Jehová en su angustia, y salvólos de sus aflicciones.
Then they called out to the Lord for help in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.
20 Envió su palabra, y curólos, y librólos de su ruina.
He gave the command and he healed them; he saved them from the grave.
21 Alaben la misericordia de Jehová, y sus maravillas para con los hijos de los hombres:
Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.
22 Y sacrifiquen sacrificios de alabanza, y publiquen sus obras con júbilo.
Let them present thank offerings and sing with joy about what he has done.
23 Los que descienden á la mar en navíos, y hacen negocio en las muchas aguas,
Those who set sail in ships, crossing the seas to earn their living,
24 Ellos han visto las obras de Jehová, y sus maravillas en el profundo.
they have seen the Lord's incredible power at work—the wonderful things he did in the deepest oceans.
25 El dijo, é hizo saltar el viento de la tempestad, que levanta sus ondas.
He only had to speak to cause a stormy wind that stirred up towering waves,
26 Suben á los cielos, descienden á los abismos: sus almas se derriten con el mal.
lifting the ships high in the air and then plunging them down. The sailors were so terrified that their courage melted away.
27 Tiemblan, y titubean como borrachos, y toda su ciencia es perdida.
They staggered around, falling from side to side like drunks—all their seamanship skills were useless.
28 Claman empero á Jehová en su angustia, y líbralos de sus aflicciones.
Then they cried out to the Lord to help them in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.
29 Hace parar la tempestad en sosiego, y se apaciguan sus ondas.
He calmed the storm, the waves were quiet.
30 Alégranse luego porque se reposaron; y él los guía al puerto que deseaban.
The sailors were so happy when it all calmed down, and he brought them to the harbor they wanted.
31 Alaben la misericordia de Jehová, y sus maravillas para con los hijos de los hombres.
Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.
32 Y ensálcenlo en la congregación del pueblo; y en consistorio de ancianos lo alaben.
Let them say how wonderful he is in front of the whole congregation and the elders.
33 El vuelve los ríos en desierto, y los manantiales de las aguas en secadales;
He dries up rivers and turns the land into a desert; the water springs stop flowing and the earth turns dry and dusty.
34 La tierra fructífera en salados, por la maldad de los que la habitan.
Fruitful ground becomes a salty wasteland because of the wickedness of those living there.
35 Vuelve el desierto en estanques de aguas, y la tierra seca en manantiales.
But he also turns around and makes pools of water in the desert, and makes water springs flow in a dry and dusty land.
36 Y allí aposenta á los hambrientos, y disponen ciudad para habitación;
He brings hungry people to live there—a place they can build their cities.
37 Y siembran campos, y plantan viñas, y rinden crecido fruto.
They sow their fields and plant their vineyards, producing a good harvest.
38 Y los bendice, y se multiplican en gran manera; y no disminuye sus bestias.
He takes care of them, and their numbers increase dramatically—their cattle too!
39 Y luego son menoscabados y abatidos á causa de tiranía, de males y congojas.
When they become few, brought low by oppression, misery, and sorrow,
40 El derrama menosprecio sobre los príncipes, y les hace andar errados, vagabundos, sin camino:
He pours out his contempt on their leaders, making them wander, lost in the wilderness.
41 Y levanta al pobre de la miseria, y hace [multiplicar] las familias como [rebaños de] ovejas.
But he lifts the poor out of their troubles, and makes their families as big as flocks.
42 Vean los rectos, y alégrense; y toda maldad cierre su boca.
Those who live right will observe what is happening and be glad, but the wicked will be silenced.
43 ¿Quién es sabio y guardará estas cosas, y entenderá las misericordias de Jehová?
Those who are wise will pay attention to all this, and thoughtfully reflect on the Lord's trustworthy love.

< Salmos 107 >