< Proverbios 19 >
1 MEJOR es el pobre que camina en su sencillez, que el de perversos labios y fatuo.
[is] good A poor [person] [who] walks in integrity his more than [the] [person] perverse of lips his and he [is] a fool.
2 El alma sin ciencia no es buena; y el presuroso de pies peca.
Also with not knowledge a person not [is] good and [one who] hastens with feet [is] missing.
3 La insensatez del hombre tuerce su camino; y contra Jehová se aira su corazón.
[the] folly of A person it subverts way his and towards Yahweh it rages heart his.
4 Las riquezas allegan muchos amigos: mas el pobre, de su amigo es apartado.
Wealth it adds friends many and a poor [person] from friend his he is separated.
5 El testigo falso no quedará sin castigo; y el que habla mentiras no escapará.
A witness of lies not he will go unpunished and he may breathe out lies not he will escape.
6 Muchos rogarán al príncipe: mas cada uno es amigo del hombre que da.
Many [people] they entreat [the] face of a noble [person] and everyone [is] the friend of a person of gift.
7 Todos los hermanos del pobre le aborrecen: ¡cuánto más sus amigos se alejarán de él! buscará la palabra y no la hallará.
All [the] brothers of a poor [person] - they hate him indeed? for friend[s] his they are distant from him [one who] pursues words (to him *Q(K)*) they.
8 El que posee entendimiento, ama su alma: el que guarda la inteligencia, hallará el bien.
[one who] acquires Heart [is] loving own self his [one who] keeps understanding [is] to find good.
9 El testigo falso no quedará sin castigo; y el que habla mentiras, perecerá.
A witness of lies not he will go unpunished and he may breathe out lies he will perish.
10 No conviene al necio el deleite: ¡cuánto menos al siervo ser señor de los príncipes!
Not [is] suitable for a fool luxury indeed? for for a slave - to rule over princes.
11 La cordura del hombre detiene su furor; y su honra es disimular la ofensa.
[the] prudence of A person it makes long anger his and glory his [is] to pass over transgression.
12 Como el bramido del cachorro de león es la ira del rey; y su favor como el rocío sobre la hierba.
[is] a roaring Like young lion [the] rage of a king and [is] like dew on grass favor his.
13 Dolor es para su padre el hijo necio; y gotera continua las contiendas de la mujer.
[is] destruction To father his a son a fool and [are] a dripping continuous [the] contentions of a wife.
14 La casa y las riquezas herencia son de los padres: mas de Jehová la mujer prudente.
House and wealth [are] an inheritance of fathers and [is] from Yahweh a wife prudent.
15 La pereza hace caer en sueño; y el alma negligente hambreará.
Laziness it makes fall deep sleep and a person of idleness he will be hungry.
16 El que guarda el mandamiento, guarda su alma: mas el que menospreciare sus caminos, morirá.
[one who] keeps A commandment [is] guarding life his [the] [one who] despises ways his (he will die. *Q(K)*)
17 A Jehová empresta el que da al pobre, y él le dará su paga.
[is] lending to Yahweh [one who] shows favor to a poor [person] and recompense his he will repay to him.
18 Castiga á tu hijo en tanto que hay esperanza; mas no se excite tu alma para destruirlo.
Discipline son your for there [is] hope and to putting to death him may not you lift up desire your.
19 El de grande ira llevará la pena: y si usa de violencias, añadirá [nuevos males].
(A [person] great of *Q(K)*) rage [is] bearing [the] penalty that except you will rescue and again you will repeat.
20 Escucha el consejo, y recibe la corrección, para que seas sabio en tu vejez.
Listen to counsel and accept correction so that you may become wise in end your.
21 Muchos pensamientos hay en el corazón del hombre; mas el consejo de Jehová permanecerá.
Many plans [are] in [the] heart of a person and [the] purpose of Yahweh it it will stand.
22 Contentamiento es á los hombres hacer misericordia: pero mejor es el pobre que el mentiroso.
[is the] desire of A person loyalty his and [is] good a poor [person] more than a person of falsehood.
23 El temor de Jehová [es] para vida; y [con él] vivirá el [hombre], lleno de reposo; no será visitado de mal.
[the] fear of Yahweh [is] to life and satisfied someone will pass [the] night not he will be visited trouble.
24 El perezoso esconde su mano en el seno: aun á su boca no la llevará.
He hides a sluggard hand his in the dish also to mouth his not he brings back it.
25 Hiere al escarnecedor, y el simple se hará avisado; y corrigiendo al entendido, entenderá ciencia.
A mocker you will strike and a naive person he will become prudent and to reprove a discerning [person] he will understand knowledge.
26 El que roba á su padre y ahuyenta á su madre, hijo es avergonzador y deshonrador.
[one who] assaults A father he drives away a mother [is] a son [who] brings shame and [who] causes shame.
27 Cesa, hijo mío, de oir la enseñanza [que induce] á divagar de las razones de sabiduría.
Cease O son my to listen to correction to stray from words of knowledge.
28 El testigo perverso se burlará del juicio; y la boca de los impíos encubrirá la iniquidad.
A witness of worthlessness he mocks justice and [the] mouth of wicked [people] it swallows up wickedness.
29 Aparejados están juicios para los escarnecedores, y azotes para los cuerpos de los insensatos.
They are prepared for mockers judgments and blows for [the] back of fools.