< Deuteronomio 33 >

1 Y ESTA es la bendición con la cual bendijo Moisés varón de Dios á los hijos de Israel, antes que muriese.
And this [is] the blessing which he blessed Moses [the] man of God [the] people of Israel before death his.
2 Y dijo: Jehová vino de Sinaí, y de Seir les esclareció; resplandeció del monte de Parán, y vino con diez mil santos: á su diestra la ley de fuego para ellos.
And he said Yahweh from Sinai he came and he dawned from Seir to them he shone forth from [the] mountain of Paran and he came from ten thousands of holy one[s] from right [hand] his (fire of law *Q(K)*) for them.
3 Aun amó los pueblos; todos sus santos en tu mano: ellos también se llegaron á tus pies: recibieron de tus dichos.
Also [he is] loving peoples all holy [ones] his [are] in hand your and they they were led to foot your he will take from words your.
4 Ley nos mandó Moisés, heredad á la congregación de Jacob.
A law he commanded to us Moses a possession [the] assembly of Jacob.
5 Y fué rey en Jeshurun, cuando se congregaron las cabezas del pueblo con las tribus de Israel.
And he was in Jeshurun king when gathered themselves [the] chiefs of [the] people together [the] tribes of Israel.
6 Viva Rubén, y no muera; y sean sus varones en número.
Let him live Reuben and may not he die and let it be men his number.
7 Y esta [bendición] para Judá. Dijo así: Oye, oh Jehová, la voz de Judá, y llévalo á su pueblo; sus manos le basten, y tú seas ayuda contra sus enemigos.
And this of Judah and he said hear O Yahweh [the] voice of Judah and to people his you will bring him own hands his he contended for himself and a help from foes his you will be.
8 Y á Leví dijo: Tu Thummim y tu Urim, con tu buen varón, al cual tentaste en Massa, y le hiciste reñir en las aguas de la rencilla;
And of Levi he said Thummim your and Urim your [belong] to a man faithful [one] your whom you put to [the] test him at Massah you contended with him at [the] waters of Meribah.
9 El que dijo á su padre y á su madre: Nunca los vi: ni conoció á sus hermanos, ni conoció á sus hijos: por lo cual ellos guardarán tus palabras, y observarán tu pacto.
Who said of father his and of mother his not I saw him and brothers his not he recognized and (children his *Q(K)*) not he acknowledged that they kept word your and covenant your they observed.
10 Ellos enseñarán tus juicios á Jacob, y tu ley á Israel; pondrán el perfume delante de ti, y el holocausto sobre tu altar.
They will teach judgments your to Jacob and law your to Israel they will put incense in nose your and [the] whole offering on altar your.
11 Bendice, oh Jehová, lo que hicieren, y recibe con agrado la obra de sus manos: hiere los lomos de sus enemigos, y de los que le aborrecieren; para que nunca se levanten.
Bless O Yahweh wealth his and [the] work of hands his you will be pleased with shatter loins [those who] rise against him and [those who] hate him from they will rise!
12 Y á Benjamín dijo: El amado de Jehová habitará confiado cerca de él; cubrirálo siempre, y entre sus hombros morará.
Of Benjamin he said [the] beloved [one] of Yahweh he dwells to security on him [who] covers over him all the day and between shoulders his he dwells.
13 Y á José dijo: Bendita de Jehová su tierra, por los regalos de los cielos, por el rocío, y por el abismo que abajo yace,
And of Joseph he said [be] blessed of Yahweh land his from [the] excellent gift of heaven from [the] dew and from [the] deep [which] lies beneath.
14 Y por los regalados frutos del sol, y por los regalos de las influencias de las lunas,
And from [the] excellent gift of [the] produce of [the] sun and from [the] excellent gift of [the] yield of [the] months.
15 Y por la cumbre de los montes antiguos, y por los regalos de los collados eternos,
And from [the] top of [the] mountains of ancient time and from [the] excellent gift of [the] hills of antiquity.
16 Y por los regalos de la tierra y su plenitud; y la gracia del que habitó en la zarza venga sobre la cabeza de José, y sobre la mollera del apartado de sus hermanos.
And from [the] excellent gift of [the] earth and what fills it and [the] favor of [the one who] dwelt [the] bush may it come! to [the] head of Joseph and to [the] scalp of [the] consecrated one of brothers his.
17 El es aventajado como el primogénito de su toro, y sus cuernos, cuernos de unicornio: con ellos acorneará los pueblos juntos [hasta] los fines de la tierra: y estos son los diez millares de Ephraim, y estos los millares de Manasés.
[the] firstborn of Ox his splendor [belongs] to him and [are the] horns of a wild ox horns his with them peoples he will gore together [the] ends of [the] earth and they [are] [the] ten thousands of Ephraim and they [are] [the] thousands of Manasseh.
18 Y á Zabulón dijo: Alégrate, Zabulón, cuando salieres: y [tú], Issachâr, en tus tiendas.
And of Zebulun he said rejoice O Zebulun when going out you and Issachar in tents your.
19 Llamarán los pueblos al monte; allí sacrificarán sacrificios de justicia: por lo cual chuparán la abundancia de los mares, y los tesoros escondidos de la arena.
Peoples a mountain they will summon there they will sacrifice sacrifices of righteousness for [the] abundance of [the] seas they will suck and hidden [things] of hidden [things] of sand.
20 Y á Gad dijo: Bendito el que hizo ensanchar á Gad: como león habitará, y arrebatará brazo y testa.
And of Gad he said [be] blessed [one who] enlarges Gad like a lion he dwells and he tears an arm also a scalp.
21 Y él se ha provisto de la parte primera, porque allí una porción del legislador fuéle reservada, y vino en la delantera del pueblo; la justicia de Jehová ejecutará, y sus juicios con Israel.
And he saw [the] choicest for himself for there [the] portion of a commander [was] reserved and he came [the] chiefs of [the] people [the] righteousness of Yahweh he executed and judgments his with Israel.
22 Y á Dan dijo: Dan, cachorro de león: saltará desde Basán.
And of Dan he said Dan [is] a cub of a lion he leaps forth from Bashan.
23 Y á Nephtalí dijo: Nephtalí, saciado de benevolencia, y lleno de la bendición de Jehová, posee el occidente y el mediodía.
And of Naphtali he said Naphtali [is] satisfied of favor and full [the] blessing of Yahweh [the] west and [the] south take possession of!
24 Y á Aser dijo: Bendito Aser en hijos: agradable será á sus hermanos, y mojará en aceite su pie.
And of Asher he said [be] blessed more than [the] sons Asher may he be [the] favored [one] of brothers his and [one who] dips in oil foot his.
25 Hierro y metal tu calzado, y como tus días tu fortaleza.
[will be] iron And bronze bolts your and [will be] like days your strength your.
26 No hay como el Dios de Jeshurun, montado sobre los cielos para tu ayuda, y sobre las nubes con su grandeza.
There not [is] like God O Jeshurun [who] rides heaven for help your and in majesty his clouds.
27 El eterno Dios es [tu] refugio, y acá abajo los brazos eternos; él echará de delante de ti al enemigo, y dirá: Destruye.
[is] a hiding place [the] God of Ancient time and [are] beneath arms of antiquity and he has driven out from before you [the] enemy and he has said destroy.
28 E Israel, fuente de Jacob, habitará confiado solo en tierra de grano y de vino: también sus cielos destilarán rocío.
And it has dwelt Israel security alone [the] spring of Jacob to a land of grain and new wine also heavens his they drop dew.
29 Bienaventurado tú, oh Israel, ¿quién como tú, pueblo salvo por Jehová, escudo de tu socorro, y espada de tu excelencia? Así que tus enemigos serán humillados, y tú hollarás sobre sus alturas.
How blessed [are]! you O Israel who? [is] like you a people [which] it has been saved by Yahweh [the] shield of help your and who [is] [the] sword of eminence your so they may cringe enemies your to you and you on high places their you will tread.

< Deuteronomio 33 >