< 2 Timoteo 4 >
1 REQUIERO yo pues delante de Dios, y del Señor Jesucristo, que ha de juzgar á los vivos y los muertos en su manifestación y en su reino,
to testify solemnly (therefore/then *K*) (I/we *k*) before the/this/who God and (the/this/who lord: God *K*) Christ Jesus the/this/who to ensue to judge to live and dead (and *N(K)O*) the/this/who appearing it/s/he and the/this/who kingdom it/s/he
2 Que prediques la palabra; que instes á tiempo y fuera de tiempo; redarguye, reprende, exhorta con toda paciencia y doctrina.
to preach the/this/who word to approach well timed unseasonably to rebuke to rebuke to plead/comfort in/on/among all patience and teaching
3 Porque vendrá tiempo cuando no sufrirán la sana doctrina; antes, teniendo comezón de oir, se amontonarán maestros conforme á sus concupiscencias,
to be for time/right time when the/this/who be healthy teaching no to endure but according to the/this/who one's own/private (the/this/who *k*) desire themself to accumulate teacher to itch the/this/who hearing
4 Y apartarán de la verdad el oído, y se volverán á las fábulas.
and away from on the other hand the/this/who truth the/this/who hearing to turn away upon/to/against then the/this/who myth to turn/wander away
5 Pero tú vela en todo, soporta las aflicciones, haz la obra de evangelista, cumple tu ministerio.
you then be sober in/on/among all to endure work to do/make: do evangelist the/this/who service you to fulfill
6 Porque yo ya estoy para ser ofrecido, y el tiempo de mi partida está cercano.
I/we for already to pour a libation and the/this/who time/right time the/this/who departure (me *N(k)O*) to approach
7 He peleado la buena batalla, he acabado la carrera, he guardado la fe.
the/this/who good (the/this/who *k*) fight to struggle the/this/who racecourse to finish the/this/who faith to keep: observe
8 Por lo demás, me está guardada la corona de justicia, la cual me dará el Señor, juez justo, en aquel día; y no sólo á mí, sino también á todos los que aman su venida.
henceforth to lay up me the/this/who the/this/who righteousness crown which to pay me the/this/who lord: God in/on/among that the/this/who day the/this/who just judge no alone then I/we but and all the/this/who to love the/this/who appearing it/s/he
9 Procura venir presto á mí:
be eager to come/go to/with me soon
10 Porque Demas me ha desamparado, amando este siglo, y se ha ido á Tesalónica; Crescente á Galacia, Tito á Dalmacia. (aiōn )
Demas for me (to leave behind *NK(o)*) to love the/this/who now an age: age and to travel toward Thessalonica Crescens toward Galatia Titus toward Dalmatia (aiōn )
11 Lucas solo está conmigo. Toma á Marcos, y tráele contigo; porque me es útil para el ministerio.
Luke to be alone with/after I/we Mark to take up to bring with/after you to be for me helpful toward service
12 A Tychîco envié á Efeso.
Tychicus then to send toward Ephesus
13 Trae, cuando vinieres, el capote que dejé en Troas en casa de Carpo: y los libros, mayormente los pergaminos.
the/this/who cloak which (to leave *NK(o)*) in/on/among Troas from/with/beside Carpus to come/go to bear/lead and the/this/who scroll especially the/this/who parchment
14 Alejandro el calderero me ha causado muchos males: el Señor le pague conforme á sus hechos.
Alexander the/this/who coppersmith much me evil/harm: harm to show (to pay *N(k)O*) it/s/he the/this/who lord: God according to the/this/who work it/s/he
15 Guárdate tú también de él; que en grande manera ha resistido á nuestras palabras.
which and you to keep/guard: protect greatly for (to oppose *N(k)O*) the/this/who I/we word
16 En mi primera defensa ninguno me ayudó, antes me desampararon todos: no les sea imputado.
in/on/among the/this/who first me defence none me (to come *N(k)O*) but all me (to leave behind *NK(o)*) not it/s/he to count
17 Mas el Señor me ayudó, y me esforzó para que por mí fuese cumplida la predicación, y todos los Gentiles oyesen; y fuí librado de la boca del león.
the/this/who then lord: God me to stand by and to strengthen me in order that/to through/because of I/we the/this/who preaching to fulfill and (to hear *N(k)O*) all the/this/who Gentiles and to rescue out from mouth lion
18 Y el Señor me librará de toda obra mala, y me preservará para su reino celestial: al cual [sea] gloria por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. (aiōn )
(and *k*) to rescue me the/this/who lord: God away from all work evil/bad and to save toward the/this/who kingdom it/s/he the/this/who heavenly which the/this/who glory toward the/this/who an age: eternity the/this/who an age: eternity amen (aiōn )
19 Saluda á Prisca y á Aquila, y á la casa de Onesíforo.
to pay respects to Prisca and Aquila and the/this/who Onesiphorus house: household
20 Erasto se quedó en Corinto; y á Trófimo dejé en Mileto enfermo.
Erastus to stay in/on/among Corinth Trophimus then (to leave *NK(o)*) in/on/among Miletus be weak: ill
21 Procura venir antes del invierno. Eubulo te saluda, y Pudente, y Lino, y Claudia, y todos los hermanos.
be eager before winter to come/go to pay respects to you Eubulus and Pudens and Linus and Claudia and the/this/who brother all
22 El Señor Jesucristo sea con tu espíritu. La gracia sea con vosotros. Amén. La segunda [epístola] á Timoteo, el cual fué el primer obispo ordenado en Efeso, fué escrita de Roma, cuando Pablo fué presentado la segunda vez á César Nerón.
the/this/who lord: God (Jesus Christ *K*) with/after the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit you the/this/who grace with/after you (amen *KO*) (to/with Timothy secondly the/this/who Ephesian assembly first overseer to appoint to write away from Rome when out from secondly to stand by Paul the/this/who Caesar Nero *K*)