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1 PERO hubo también falsos profetas en el pueblo, como habrá entre vosotros falsos doctores, que introducirán encubiertamente herejías de perdición, y negarán al Señor que los rescató, atrayendo sobre sí mismos perdición acelerada.
Just like there were false prophets among the [Israeli] people [long ago], so there will also be teachers who teach false [things] among you. They will enter [your congregations] without you realizing [what/who they are], and they will [spiritually] injure some people by what they teach. Specifically, these teachers will even deny [that] the Lord [Jesus died to] pay [for the guilt of our sins]. As a result, they will soon destroy themselves [spiritually, and God will also punish them].
2 Y muchos seguirán sus disoluciones, por los cuales el camino de la verdad será blasfemado;
And many [people] will behave in an extremely immoral manner, imitating the extremely immoral way [these teachers who teach false things] behave. As a result, [unbelievers] will (discredit the true message/say the true message is false).
3 Y por avaricia harán mercadería de vosotros con palabras fingidas; sobre los cuales la condenación ya de largo tiempo no se tarda, y su perdición no se duerme.
Because [the teachers of false teaching] want a lot of things that other people have, [they think that] by telling you stories that they themselves have (made up/invented), they will get money from you. [God decided] long ago [that he would] punish them, and he has not fallen asleep [LIT]! [He will certainly destroy them]!
4 Porque si Dios no perdonó á los ángeles que habían pecado, sino que habiéndolos despeñado en el infierno con cadenas de oscuridad, los entregó para ser reservados al juicio; (Tartaroō )
God destroyed [LIT] the angels who sinned. He threw them into the worst place in hell and imprisoned them [there] in darkness in order to keep them there until he judges [and punishes them]. (Tartaroō )
5 Y [si] no perdonó al mundo viejo, mas guardó á Noé, pregonero de justicia, con otras siete personas, trayendo el diluvio sobre el mundo de malvados;
He also got rid of [LIT] [the people who lived in] [MTY] the world long ago. He saved [only] eight of them, including Noah, who was a righteous preacher. God saved them when he destroyed in a flood [all] (the ungodly people/the people whose lives were not pleasing to him) [who were living then].
6 Y [si] condenó por destrucción las ciudades de Sodoma y de Gomorra, tornándolas en ceniza, y poniéndolas por ejemplo á los que habían de vivir sin temor y reverencia de Dios;
He also condemned Sodom and Gomorrah [cities]; that is, he destroyed them by burning them completely to ashes. [By doing that] he gave a warning to those who afterwards would live in (an ungodly way/a way that is displeasing to him).
7 Y libró al justo Lot, acosado por la nefanda conducta de los malvados;
But he rescued [Abraham’s nephew], Lot, who was a righteous [man. Lot] was (greatly distressed/very sad) because the people [in Sodom] were doing very immoral things.
8 (Porque este justo, con ver y oir, morando entre ellos, afligía cada día su alma justa con los hechos de aquellos injustos; )
That righteous [man’s] soul (was tormented/suffered great agony) day after day because he saw and heard those wicked people behave in a very lawless/wicked [manner when he was] living among them.
9 Sabe el Señor librar de tentación á los píos, y reservar á los injustos para ser atormentados en el día del juicio;
And since the Lord God [rescued Lot, you can be sure that] he knows how to rescue (other godly people/people whose lives please him) from their sufferings, and [he is able] to preserve (ungodly [people/people whose lives do not please him]), [whom he has started to] punish even now, until the time when he will [finish judging them and punish] them.
10 Y principalmente á aquellos que, siguiendo la carne, andan en concupiscencia é inmundicia, y desprecian la potestad; atrevidos, contumaces, que no temen decir mal de las potestades superiores:
[He will punish especially severely] those [ungodly teachers who teach false things] who do the things that their self-directed nature desires, things that (defile them/cause them to be completely impure). Those [teachers of false teachings] despise [all beings who] rule [over them]. 2 Peter 2:10d-16 Because [those teachers of false doctrines are] extremely arrogant/proud [DOU], they (are not afraid to insult/boldly speak evil about) glorious beings [in heaven] (OR, glorious/wonderful beings [who rule over people]).
11 Como quiera que los mismos ángeles, que son mayores en fuerza y en potencia, no pronuncian juicio de maldición contra ellas delante del Señor.
In contrast, angels do not insult [those teachers] when those teachers accuse the angels [of blasphemy] while the Lord God is watching, even though the angels are much more powerful [DOU] [than the teachers of false doctrines].
12 Mas éstos, diciendo mal de las cosas que no entienden, como bestias brutas, que naturalmente son hechas para presa y destrucción, perecerán en su perdición,
Because those [teachers of false doctrines are] like animals that cannot think [as humans do] [DOU], they say evil things about [spiritual] things which they know nothing about. [As a result], God will destroy them like [people] destroy [animals], [animals] that are born only in order to be hunted and killed {in order that [people] should hunt and kill them}.
13 Recibiendo el galardón de su injusticia, [ya] que reputan por delicia poder gozar de deleites cada día. Estos [son] suciedades y manchas, los cuales comiendo con vosotros, juntamente se recrean en sus errores;
God will punish [those teachers] in return for the unrighteous actions/things that they have done. They even like (to carouse/to drink and revel noisily) in the daytime [as well as at night]. And as they indulge/enjoy themselves just like they want to while they are feasting with you, they cause you to become impure, [as] [MET] stains and blotches [DOU] [ruin a clean garment].
14 Teniendo los ojos llenos de adulterio, y no saben cesar de pecar; cebando las almas inconstantes; teniendo el corazón ejercitado en codicias, siendo hijos de maldición;
They [want to commit] [MTY] adultery [with every woman] whom they look at. They never stop seeking opportunities to sin. They entice/persuade those who are [spiritually] unstable [to join them in doing the sinful things that they do]. [Because of] their ever-increasing (greed/desire to have more and more things), they are doomed [to eternal punishment].
15 Que han dejado el camino derecho, y se han extraviado, siguiendo el camino de Balaam, [hijo] de Bosor, el cual amó el premio de la maldad.
They have (rejected good moral standards/quit doing what everyone knows is right). They have imitated [what the prophet] Balaam, the son of Bosor, [did long ago]. He, [acting very] unrighteously, wanted [the enemies of the Jews] to pay him if he [asked God] ([to curse/to do bad thing to]) [the Jews].
16 Y fué reprendido por su iniquidad: una muda bestia de carga, hablando en voz de hombre, refrenó la locura del profeta.
But God rebuked him for having done that which was wrong [and for] behaving very foolishly. And even though donkeys do not speak, [God used] a donkey to hinder Balaam [by enabling it to] speak to him with a human voice.
17 Estos son fuentes sin agua, y nubes traídas de torbellino de viento: para los cuales está guardada la oscuridad de las tinieblas para siempre. ()
These [teachers who each false things mislead/deceive people by promising what they cannot do], as [MET] dried-up springs [mislead/deceive people by causing them to expect to get water from them]. They [mislead/deceive people] [MET] just like clouds that are blown along by strong winds [mislead/deceive people by causing them to expect rain, but no rain falls. Therefore], God has reserved the darkness of hell [for those teachers of false doctrines]. ()
18 Porque hablando arrogantes palabras de vanidad, ceban con las concupiscencias de la carne en disoluciones á los que verdaderamente habían huído de los que conversan en error;
By boasting proudly as they make speeches that are worthless, they entice people who have recently [become believers and] have stopped doing the things that wicked people do. Urged on by their self-directed nature, they entice them [into sin] by encouraging them to [do] evil things.
19 Prometiéndoles libertad, siendo ellos mismos siervos de corrupción. Porque el que es de alguno vencido, es sujeto á la servidumbre del que lo venció.
[The false teachers] tell people that they are free [to do whatever they want to do, even though] they themselves are [like] slaves [MET] [because their own self-directed nature forces them to do] sinful things. [Think about these well-known words: “Whenever a person is controlled by something] {[something controls a person]}, [it is as though] that person has become a slave of what controls him.”
20 Ciertamente, si habiéndose ellos apartado de las contaminaciones del mundo, por el conocimiento del Señor y Salvador Jesucristo, y otra vez envolviéndose en ellas, son vencidos, sus postrimerías les son hechas peores que los principios.
Those [who teach false truths] learned about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As a result, they stopped doing those things that (defile [people/cause people to become impure]) [spiritually]. Since they have begun to do [those evil things again], with the result that they are unable to stop doing them, they are in a worse condition than [they were in before they knew Jesus Christ].
21 Porque mejor les hubiera sido no haber conocido el camino de la justicia, que después de haberlo conocido, tornarse atrás del santo mandamiento que les fué dado.
[Because God will severely punish them], it would have been better for them if they had never known what it means to live in a righteous way. It is too bad that although they knew [how to live in a righteous way], they stopped doing the things that God commanded people to do, the things that [were] taught to them ([by us apostles/by Christ]) {that ([we apostles/Christ]) taught to them}.
22 Pero les ha acontecido lo del verdadero proverbio: El perro se volvió á su vómito, y la puerca lavada á revolcarse en el cieno.
[The way they are behaving again] is just like (the proverbs/what people often say): [They are like] dogs that return to [eat] their vomit, and [they are like] pigs that have been washed and then roll [again] in the mud.