< Tito 1 >

1 Pablo, siervo de Dios, y apóstol de Jesu Cristo según la fe de los escogidos de Dios, y el conocimiento de la verdad, que es según la piedad;
This letter comes from Paul, servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ. I'm sent to build up the trust of God's chosen people and to share the knowledge of the truth that leads to lives lived for God.
2 Para la esperanza de la vida eterna, la cual prometió Dios que no sabe mentir, antes de los tiempos de los siglos; (aiōnios g166)
This gives them the hope of eternal life that God (who cannot lie) promised ages ago, (aiōnios g166)
3 Y manifestó a sus tiempos su palabra por la predicación, que me es a mí encomendada por mandamiento de Dios nuestro Salvador:
but which at the proper time he revealed through his word in the message which I was entrusted to give, following the command of God our Savior.
4 A Tito, mi verdadero hijo en la común fe: Gracia, misericordia, y paz de Dios Padre, y del Señor Jesu Cristo Salvador nuestro.
This letter is sent to Titus, my true son through the trust in God we share in common. May you have grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.
5 Por esta causa te dejé en Creta, es a saber, para que corrigieses lo que falta, y pusieses ancianos en cada ciudad, así como yo te mandé:
The reason I left you in Crete was for you to organize what was still needed and to appoint elders in every town, as I told you.
6 El que fuere sin crímen, marido de una mujer, que tenga hijos fieles, que no puedan ser acusados de disolución, o que sean contumaces.
An elder must have a good reputation, the husband of one wife, and have children who believe and who are not accused of being wild or disobedient.
7 Porque es menester que el obispo sea sin crímen, como el dispensador de Dios; no soberbio, no iracundo, no amador del vino, no heridor, no codicioso de torpe ganancia:
As a leader for God, a head elder must have a good reputation and not be arrogant. He should not have a quick temper nor get drunk; he shouldn't be violent or greedy for money.
8 Mas hospedador, amador de los hombres buenos, prudente, justo, santo, templado;
He should be hospitable, someone who loves what's good and does what's right. He should be living a life for God, self-controlled,
9 Reteniendo firmemente la fiel palabra que es conforme a la doctrina; para que pueda exhortar con sana doctrina, y también convencer a los que contradijeren.
and must be devoted to the trustworthy message as it's taught. In this way he can encourage others through correct teaching, and be able to convince those who disagree.
10 Porque hay muchos contumaces, y habladores de vanidades, y engañadores de las almas, mayormente los que son de la circuncisión:
For there are many rebels around who talk a lot of deceptive nonsense, especially from the circumcision group.
11 A los cuales conviene tapar la boca: que trastornan casas enteras, enseñando lo que no conviene por torpe ganancia.
Their talking must stop, these people who throw whole families into turmoil, teaching things that aren't right for the sake of making money.
12 Dijo uno de ellos, propio profeta de ellos: Los Cretenses, siempre son mentirosos, malas bestias, vientres perezosos.
As someone of their own people, a prophet, has stated, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts who are lazy, greedy people.”
13 Este testimonio es verdadero; por tanto repréndelos duramente, para que sean sanos en la fe;
This is a true statement! Consequently give them a good telling-off so that they can have a healthy trust in God,
14 No escuchando a fábulas Judáicas, y a mandamientos de hombres, que desvían de la verdad.
not paying attention to Jewish myths and human commandments from those who deviate from the truth.
15 Para los puros ciertamente todas las cosas son puras; mas para los contaminados e incrédulos nada es puro; antes su mismo entendimiento y también su conciencia son contaminados.
To those who have clean minds everything is clean, but to those who are corrupt and refuse to trust in God, nothing is clean—both their minds and their consciences are corrupt.
16 Profésanse conocer a Dios, mas con los hechos le niegan; siendo abominables y rebeldes, y reprobados para toda buena obra.
They claim to know God, but they prove this is false by what they do. They are detestable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good.

< Tito 1 >