< Salmos 33 >

1 Cantád justos en Jehová: a los rectos es hermosa la alabanza.
You righteous people should sing joyfully to Yahweh because that is what he deserves.
2 Celebrád a Jehová con arpa: con salterio y decacordio cantád a él.
Praise Yahweh as you play songs on the lyre/harp. Praise him as you play [other] instruments that have many strings.
3 Cantád a él canción nueva: hacéd bien tañendo con júbilo.
Sing a new song to him; Play those instruments well, and shout joyfully as you play them!
4 Porque derecha es la palabra de Jehová: y toda su obra con verdad.
Yahweh always does what he says that he will do; we can trust that everything that he does is right.
5 Él ama justicia y juicio: de la misericordia de Jehová está llena la tierra.
He loves everything that we do that is just and right. People all over the earth can know that Yahweh faithfully loves us.
6 Con la palabra de Jehová fueron hechos los cielos: y con el espíritu de su boca todo el ejército de ellos.
Yahweh created everything in the sky by commanding it. By what he said [MTY] he created all the stars.
7 El junta, como en un montón, las aguas de la mar: él pone por tesoros los abismos.
He gathered all the water into one huge mass like [someone scoops liquid] into a container.
8 Teman a Jehová toda la tierra: teman de él todos los habitadores del mundo.
Everyone on the earth should revere Yahweh [DOU].
9 Porque él dijo, y fue; él mandó y estuvo.
When he spoke, the world (was created/started to exist). Everything started to exist as a result of him commanding it.
10 Jehová hace anular el consejo de las gentes, y él hace anular las maquinaciones de los pueblos.
Yahweh frustrates the things that the [pagan] nations decide to do. He prevents them from doing the [evil] things that they plan to do.
11 El consejo de Jehová permanecerá para siempre; los pensamientos de su corazón, por generación y generación.
But what Yahweh decides to do will last forever. What he plans to do will never be changed.
12 Bienaventurada la gente a quien Jehová es su Dios: el pueblo a quien escogió por heredad para sí.
Yahweh blesses those nations who choose him to be their God; He is pleased with those whom he has chosen to receive what he has promised.
13 Desde los cielos miró Jehová; vio a todos los hijos de Adam.
Yahweh looks down from heaven and sees all us people;
14 Desde la morada de su asiento miró sobre todos los moradores de la tierra.
from where he rules [MTY], he looks down on all the people who live on the earth.
15 El formó el corazón de todos ellos; él entiende todas sus obras.
He formed our inner beings, and he sees everything that we do.
16 El rey no es salvo con la multitud del ejército; el valiente no escapa con la mucha fuerza.
It is not because a king has a great army that he is able to win [battles], and it is not because a soldier is very strong that he is able to defeat [his enemy].
17 Vanidad es el caballo para la salud; con la multitud de su fuerza no escapa.
It is foolish to trust that because horses are very strong that they will able to win a battle and save their riders.
18 He aquí, el ojo de Jehová sobre los que le temen; sobre los que esperan su misericordia;
Do not forget that Yahweh watches over those who revere him, those who confidently expect him to faithfully love them.
19 Para librar de la muerte a sus almas; y para darles vida en la hambre.
He saves them [SYN] from dying [before they should die] and preserves them when there is a famine.
20 Nuestra alma esperó a Jehová; nuestro ayudador y nuestro escudo es él.
We trust that Yahweh will help us; he protects us like a shield protects a soldier [MET].
21 Por tanto en él se alegrará nuestro corazón, porque en su santo nombre hemos confiado.
We rejoice because of what he [has done for us]; we trust in him because he [MTY] is holy.
22 Sea tu misericordia, o! Jehová, sobre nosotros, como te hemos esperado.
Yahweh, we pray that you will always faithfully love us while we confidently expect you [to do great things for us].

< Salmos 33 >