< Salmos 3 >
1 Jehová, ¡cuánto se han multiplicado mis enemigos! muchos se levantan contra mí.
Yahweh, I have many enemies [DOU]! There are many people who oppose/rebel against me.
2 Muchos dicen de mi alma: No hay para él salud en Dios. (Selah)
Many people are saying about me, “God will [certainly] not help him!”
3 Mas tú, Jehová, eres escudo por mí: mi gloria, y el que ensalza mi cabeza.
But Yahweh, you are like a shield [that protects me] [MET]. You greatly honor me, and you encourage me (OR, enable me to triumph over my enemies) [IDM].
4 Con mi voz clamé a Jehová, y él me respondió desde el monte de su santidad. (Selah)
I cry out to you, Yahweh, and you answer me from [Zion], your sacred hill.
5 Yo me acosté, y dormí, y desperté: porque Jehová me sustentaba.
[At night] I lie down and sleep, and I awake [in the morning feeling good/refreshed] because you, Yahweh, (take care of/protect) me [all during the night].
6 No temeré de diez millares de pueblo, que pusieren cerco sobre mí.
There may be thousands of [enemy] soldiers who surround me, but I am not afraid.
7 Levántate, Jehová; sálvame, Dios mío: porque tú heriste a todos mis enemigos en la quijada: los dientes de los malos quebrantaste.
Yahweh, arise! My God, [come and] rescue me [again]! You [insult] my enemies by slapping them on their cheeks; [when you strike them], you break their teeth, [with the result that they cannot hurt anyone] [MET].
8 De Jehová es la salud: sobre tu pueblo será tu bendición. (Selah)
Yahweh, you are the one who saves your people [from their enemies]. Yahweh, bless your people!