< Salmos 132 >

1 Acuérdate, o! Jehová, de David, de toda su aflicción:
Yahweh, do not forget [King] David and all the hardships/troubles he endured!
2 Que juró a Jehová, prometió al fuerte de Jacob:
He made a solemn promise to you, the mighty God whom [our ancestor] Jacob [worshiped].
3 No entraré en la morada de mi casa: no subiré sobre el lecho de mi estrado:
He said, “I will not go home, I will not [rest] on my bed,
4 No daré sueño a mis ojos, ni a mis párpados adormecimiento,
I will not sleep at all
5 Hasta que halle lugar para Jehová, moradas para el fuerte de Jacob.
until I build a place for Yahweh, a home for the mighty God whom Jacob [worshiped].”
6 He aquí, en Efrata oímos de ella: hallámosla en los campos del bosque.
In Bethlehem we heard news about the sacred chest. We [went and] found it in the fields of Jearim [city, and we took it to Jerusalem].
7 Entraremos en sus tiendas: encorvarnos hemos al estrado de sus pies.
[Later we said], “Let’s go to the temple of Yahweh [in Jerusalem]; let’s worship [there] in front of the throne [where he sits].”
8 Levántate, o! Jehová, a tu reposo, tú, y el arca de tu fortaleza.
Yahweh, come to the place where you live eternally, to the place where your sacred chest is, to that place that shows that you are very powerful.
9 Tus sacerdotes vistan justicia; y tus piadosos se regocijen.
I want/desire that the righteous behavior of your priests [will always be evident], [just like the beautiful] robes that they wear [MET], and that your people will [always] shout joyfully.
10 Por amor de David tu siervo no vuelvas de tu ungido el rostro.
You chose David to serve you [as king of Israel]; do not reject/abandon him!
11 Juró Jehová verdad a David, no se apartará de ella: de fruto de tu vientre pondré sobre tu trono.
Yahweh, you made a solemn promise to David, a promise that you will not break. You said, “I will cause your descendants to rule [MTY] as kings like you.
12 Si tus hijos guardaren mi alianza, y mi testimonio que yo les enseñaré: sus hijos también se asentarán sobre tu trono para siempre.
If they keep my agreement with them and obey [all] the commands that I will give them, the line of kings descended from you will never end.”
13 Porque Jehová ha elegido a Sión: la codició por habitación para sí.
Yahweh has chosen Jerusalem; he has wanted to make that city his home;
14 Este será mi reposo para siempre: aquí habitaré, porque la he codiciado.
he said, “This is the city where I will live forever [DOU]; this is the place where I wanted to stay.
15 A su mantenimiento daré bendición: sus pobres hartaré de pan.
I will give to the people of Jerusalem all that they need; I will give [enough] food [even] to satisfy the poor people there.
16 Y a sus sacerdotes vestiré de salud; y sus piadosos exultarán de gozo.
I will cause the priests [to behave in a manner worthy of] being ones whom I have saved; [that will be as evident as the beautiful] robes that they wear [MET]; and all my people who live there will shout joyfully.
17 Allí haré reverdecer el cuerno de David: yo he aparejado lámpara a mi ungido.
There [in Jerusalem] I will cause one of David’s descendants [MET] to become a great king; he also will be my chosen king, and he will be [like a bright] lamp [MET] [that shines continually].
18 A sus enemigos vestiré de confusión; y sobre él florecerá su corona.
I will [defeat his] enemies and cause them to be very ashamed/disgraced; but the crown that my king wears will [always] shine.”

< Salmos 132 >