< Nahum 1 >
1 Carga de Nínive. Libro de la visión de Nahum de Elcesía.
[I am] Nahum, from Elkosh [village]. [This is] a message about Nineveh [city, the capital of Assyria that was given] to me in a vision [by Yahweh].
2 Dios celoso, y vengador Jehová, vengador Jehová, y Señor de ira. Jehová que se venga de sus adversarios, y que guarda su enojo a sus enemigos.
Yahweh our God (is jealous/does not want people to worship any other god). He is very angry [with those who worship other gods], and he gets revenge [DOU] [on all] those who oppose him [DOU].
3 Jehová luengo de iras, y grande en poder, y absolviendo no absolverá. Jehová, cuyo camino es en tempestad y turbión, y las nubes son el polvo de sus pies.
Yahweh does not quickly become angry; but he is very powerful, and he will certainly punish [LIT] those who have done evil things [MTY]. He shows his power by sending whirlwinds and storms, and clouds are [like] [MET] the dust [stirred up by] his feet.
4 Que amenaza a la mar, y la hace secar, y hace secar todos los ríos: Basán fue destruido, y el Carmelo, y la flor del Líbano fue destruida.
When he commands oceans and rivers to become dry, they dry up. [He causes the grass in the fields in] the Bashan [region] and [on the slopes of] Carmel [Mountain] to wither, [and causes] the flowers in Lebanon to fade.
5 Los montes tiemblan de él, y los collados se deslien: y la tierra se abrasa delante de su presencia, y el mundo, y todos los que en él habitan.
When he appears, [it is as though] the mountains shake and the hills melt; the earth quakes and [the people on] the earth tremble.
6 ¿Quién permanecerá delante de su ira? ¿y quién quedará en pie en el furor de su enojo? su ira se derrama como fuego, y las peñas se rompen por él.
There is no one [RHQ] who can resist him when he becomes extremely angry; there is no one [RHQ] who can survive when his anger is very hot. When he is very angry, [it is as though] his anger is like [SIM] a blazing fire, and [it is as though] mountains are shattered into pieces.
7 Bueno es Jehová para fortaleza en el día de la angustia; y que conoce a los que en él confían.
But he is good; he protects [us his people] when we experience troubles. He takes care of those who trust in him.
8 Y con inundación pasante hará consumación de su lugar; y tinieblas perseguirán sus enemigos.
But he will get rid of his enemies; he will be to them [like] [MET] a flood that destroys everything. He will chase his enemies into the darkness [of the place where the dead are].
9 ¿Qué pensáis contra Jehová? El hace consumación: no se levantará dos veces la tribulación.
[So], it is useless [RHQ] for you [people of Nineveh] to plot against Yahweh. He will not [need to] strike you two times to destroy you; he will destroy you [by striking you only once].
10 Porque como espinas entretejidas, cuando los borrachos se emborracharán, serán consumidos del fuego, como las estopas llenas de sequedad.
[It will be as though his enemies] are tangled in thorns, and they will stagger like people who have drunk a lot of wine. They will be burned up like [SIM] a fire completely burns up stubble/straw.
11 De ti salió el que pensó mal contra Jehová, consultor impío.
In Nineveh [city] there was a man who advised people to do very wicked things to Yahweh.
12 Así dijo Jehová: Aunque reposo tengan, y así muchos como son así serán talados, y pasará; y si te afligí, no te afligiré más.
But this is what Yahweh says [about you Israeli people]: “Although the people of Assyria have very many people and their army is very powerful, they will be destroyed and will disappear. [I say to my people in Judah, ] ‘have [already] punished you, but I will not punish you again.
13 Porque ahora quebraré su yugo de sobre ti, romperé tus coyundas.
Now I will cause the [people of Assyria] to no longer control/oppress you [MET]; [it will be as though] I will tear off the shackles/chains on your [hands and feet].”
14 Y mandará Jehová acerca de ti, que nunca más sea sembrado alguno de tu nombre: de la casa de tu dios talaré escultura, y vaciadizo: allí pondré tu sepulcro, porque fuiste vil.
[And this is what] Yahweh also declares about you people of Nineveh: “You will not have any descendants who will continue to have your family names. And I will destroy all the statues of your gods that were carved or formed in molds. I will cause you [to be killed and] sent to your graves, because you are vile/despicable!”
15 He aquí que sobre los montes están ya los pies del que trae las albricias, del que pregona la paz: celebra, o! Judá, tus fiestas, cumple tus votos; porque nunca más pasará por ti el impío: todo él fue talado.
[You people of Judah, ] look! A messenger will be coming across the mountains, and he [SYN] will be bringing good news [to you]. He will be declaring [that you will now have] peace [because Assyria will have been conquered]. [So, ] celebrate your festivals, and do what you solemnly promised to do [when your enemies were threatening to attack you], because your wicked [enemies] will not invade your country again, [because] they will be completely destroyed.