< Malaquías 2 >
1 Ahora pues, o! sacerdotes, a vosotros es este mandamiento.
You priests, I will say something to warn you.
2 Si no oyereis, y si no acordareis de dar gloria a mi nombre, dijo Jehová de los ejércitos, enviaré maldición sobre vosotros; y maldeciré vuestras bendiciones, y aun las he maldecido; porque no ponéis esto en vuestro corazón.
The Commander of the armies of angels says [this]: “Pay attention [to what I am saying], and [then] decide [IDM] to honor me [MTY]. If you do not do that, I will curse you, and I will curse [the things that I have given to you to] bless you. And I have already cursed them, because you have not honored [IDM] me.
3 He aquí que yo os corrompo la sementera, y esparciré el estiércol sobre vuestras haces, el estiércol de vuestras solemnidades, y él os traerá a sí.
I will punish your descendants [MET], and [it will be as though] I will splatter on your faces [some of] the material inside the stomachs of the animals that are brought to be sacrificed, and you will be thrown away with the rest of that material.
4 Y sabréis que yo os envié este mandamiento, haciendo mi concierto con Leví, dijo Jehová de los ejércitos.
When that happens, you will know that I warned you like this, in order that my agreement with [you priests who are descendants of] Levi will continue [to be obeyed]. [That is what I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, am saying [to you].
5 Mi concierto fue con él de vida y de paz, las cuales cosas yo le di por el temor; porque me temió, y delante de mi nombre estuvo humillado.
My agreement with [your ancestor] Levi was because I wanted the priests to live prosperously and peacefully. And that is what I have done for them. I required that they greatly respect me and revere [DOU] me.
6 La ley de verdad estuvo en su boca, e iniquidad nunca fue hallada en sus labios: en paz, y en justicia anduvo conmigo, y de la iniquidad hizo apartar a muchos.
They told the people that what I instructed them to do was right. And they did not tell [MTY] lies. They worked for me peacefully and loyally, and they helped many people to stop sinning.
7 Porque los labios del sacerdote guardarán la sabiduría, y de su boca buscarán la ley; porque mensajero es de Jehová de los ejércitos.
What priests say [MTY] should enable more people to know [about me], and people should go to them [MTY] to be taught [what I want them to know], because priests [should] be messengers from me, the Commander of the armies of angels.
8 Mas vosotros os habéis apartado del camino, habéis hecho tropezar a muchos en la ley: habéis corrompido el concierto de Leví, dijo Jehová de los ejércitos.
But, you priests have stopped doing what I wanted you to do. What you have taught people has caused many [of them] to sin. You have rejected the agreement [that I made] with [the descendants of] Levi [long ago].
9 Y yo también os torné viles y bajos a todo el pueblo, como vosotros no guardasteis mis caminos, y en la ley tenéis acepción de personas.
Therefore I have caused all the people to despise you, and I have caused you to be humiliated, because you have not obeyed me. When you teach [people] my commands, you do not treat all [people] equally.”
10 ¿No tenemos todos un mismo padre? ¿No nos crió un mismo Dios? ¿Por qué menospreciaremos cada uno a su hermano, quebrantando el concierto de nuestros padres?
[Now I will warn you about something else]. We all certainly [RHQ] have the same [heavenly] Father. We are certainly [RHQ] [all] created by the same God. So why are [RHQ] [some of] you disobeying/despising the agreement [that Yahweh made] with our ancestors, by not doing for each other what you said that you would do?
11 Prevaricó Judá, y en Israel, y en Jerusalem ha sido cometida abominación; porque Judá contaminó la santidad de Jehová, amando y casándose con hija de dios extraño.
[You people of] Judah have been unfaithful [to Yahweh]. You have done detestable things in Jerusalem and in [other places] in Israel. You Israeli men have defiled the temple that Yahweh loves. [You have done that by] marrying women who worship idols.
12 Jehová talará de las tiendas de Jacob al hombre que hiciere esto, al que vela, y al que responde, y al que ofrece presente a Jehová de los ejércitos.
I wish that Yahweh would expel from Israel every man who has done that, [even though] they [say that they are obeying] the Commander of the armies of angels by bringing offerings to him.
13 Y esta otra vez haréis cubrir el altar de Jehová de lágrimas, de llanto, y de clamor; porque yo no miraré más a presente, para tomar ofrenda voluntaria de vuestra mano.
This is another thing that you do: You cover Yahweh’s altar with your tears. You wail because he no longer pays attention to your offerings; but he is not pleased with them.
14 Y diréis: ¿Por qué? Porque Jehová ha contestado entre ti y la mujer de tu mocedad, contra la cual tú has sido desleal, siendo ella tu compañera, y la mujer de tu concierto.
You [cry out], saying, “Why does Yahweh not like our offerings?” The answer is that Yahweh heard what each of you men solemnly promised to your wives when you were young. But you men have not done what you promised your wives; you sent them away, the ones to whom you made that agreement.
15 ¿No hizo él uno, habiendo en él abundancia de espíritu? ¿Y por qué uno? Procurando simiente de Dios. Guardáos pues en vuestros espíritus, y contra la mujer de vuestra mocedad no seáis desleales.
It is certainly [RHQ] Yahweh who joined you together. Your spirits and your bodies belong to him. [So] what he wants [RHQ] from you are godly children. So make sure that each of you men remain (with/loyal to) the woman that you married when you were young.
16 Porque Jehová Dios de Israel ha dicho que él aborrece que sea enviada; y cubra la iniquidad con su vestido, dijo Jehová de los ejércitos. Guardáos pues en vuestros espíritus, y no seáis desleales.
Yahweh, the God to whom [we] Israelis belong, says, “I hate divorce!” [So] if you men divorce your wives, you are overwhelming them by being cruel to them. So be sure that you are (not disloyal/remain united) to your wives. [That is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says.
17 Habéis hecho cansar a Jehová con vuestras palabras. Y diréis: ¿En qué le hemos cansado? Cuándo decís: Cualquiera que mal hace, agrada a Jehová, y en los tales toma contentamiento: de otra manera, ¿dónde está el Dios de juicio?
Yahweh [also says], “What you have said has caused me to become disgusted.” You reply, “What have we said that caused him to become disgusted?” [The answer is that you have caused him to become disgusted] by saying that Yahweh is pleased with all those who do evil things. [You have caused him to become disgusted] by [constantly] asking, “Why does God not act fairly?”