< Job 18 >

1 Y respondió Baldad Sujita, y dijo:
Bildad the Shuhite answered and said:
2 ¿Cuándo pondréis fin a las palabras? Entendéd, y después hablemos.
How long ere ye make an end of words? Understand, and then we will speak!
3 ¿Por qué somos tenidos por bestias? ¿en vuestros ojos, somos viles?
Why are we accounted as brutes, And reputed vile in your sight?
4 Oh tú que despedazas tu alma con tu furor, ¿será dejada la tierra por tu causa, y serán traspasadas las peñas de su lugar?
Thou that tearest thyself in thine anger! Must the earth be deserted for thee, And the rock removed from its place?
5 Ciertamente la luz de los impíos será apagada, y la centella de su fuego no resplandecerá.
Behold, the light of the wicked shall be put out, And the flame of his fire shall not shine.
6 La luz se oscurecerá en su tienda, y su candil se apagará sobre él.
Light shall become darkness in his tent, And his lamp over him shall go out.
7 Los pasos de su potencia serán acortados, y su mismo consejo le echará a perder.
His strong steps shall be straitened, And his own plans shall cast him down.
8 Porque red será echada en sus pies, y sobre red andará.
He is brought into the net by his own feet, And he walketh upon snares.
9 Lazo prenderá su calcañar: esforzará contra él a los sedientos.
The trap layeth hold of him by the heel, And the snare holdeth him fast.
10 Su cuerda está escondida en la tierra, y su orzuelo sobre la senda.
A net is secretly laid for him on the ground, And a trap for him in the pathway.
11 De todas partes le asombrarán temores; y con sus mismos pies le ahuyentarán.
Terrors affright him on every side, And harass him at his heels.
12 Su fuerza será hambrienta, y a su costilla estará aparejado quebrantamiento.
His strength is wasted by hunger, And destruction is ready at his side.
13 Comerá los ramos de su cuero, y el primogénito de la muerte tragará sus miembros.
His limbs are consumed, Yea, his limbs are devoured by the first-born of death.
14 Su confianza será arrancada de su tienda, y le harán llevar al rey de los espantos.
He is torn from his tent, which was his confidence, And is borne away to the king of terrors.
15 En su misma tienda morará como si no fuese suya: piedrazufre será esparcida sobre su morada.
They who are none of his shall dwell in his tent; Brimstone shall be scattered upon his habitation.
16 Abajo se secarán sus raíces, y arriba serán cortados sus ramos.
His roots below shall be dried up, And his branches above shall be withered.
17 Su memoria perecerá de la tierra, y no tendrá nombre por las calles.
His memory perisheth from the earth, And no name hath he in the land.
18 De la luz será lanzado a las tinieblas, y será echado del mundo.
He shall be thrust from light into darkness, And driven out of the world.
19 No tendrá hijo ni nieto en su pueblo, ni sucesor en sus moradas.
He hath no son, nor kinsman among his people, Nor any survivor in his dwelling-place.
20 Sobre su día se espantarán los por venir, y a los antiguos tomarán pavor.
They that come after him shall be amazed at his fate, As they that were before them were struck with horror.
21 Ciertamente tales son las moradas del impío, y este es el lugar del que no conoció a Dios.
Yea, such is the dwelling of the unrighteous man; Such is the place of him who knoweth not God!

< Job 18 >